Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 580

Li Feng didn't set up a real gas barrier. His conversation with Jiang Yunzhu was heard by Fujita Xiang. In order to protect his life, Teng Tianxiang suddenly called out.

This is also a mistake made by Li Feng. He intended to kill Teng Tianxiang after answering the phone, so there is no need to be on guard against a dead man. He never thought

"It seems that we can't hide the story of Huajian huilixiang. It's good to let the dragon soul know the existence of huilixiang in Huajian. We need to find a reasonable explanation for nuyin..."

Wei Bingqing is now a + and will be able to step into the S-level in a few days. But what about the flowers? It's still A-level.

Previously, Li Feng used the name of personal protection to let Huajian huilixiang stay with Wei Bingqing. Now Wei Bingqing's strength is higher than that of Huajian huilixiang. It is not appropriate to let Huajian huilixiang stay with Wei Bingqing.

If you don't let Huajian huilixiang stay by Wei Bingqing, where can she go? You can't let her stay by your side.

Although Li Feng has a little confidence in his own determination, Huajian huilixiang has no defense against him No, it's not only unprotected, it's always in the ditch leading to his oil mist.

In case the fire breaks out between them Cough.

Besides, he is also very busy. For a long time to come, he needs to help the girls improve their strength. It is always inconvenient to take Huajian lilixiang with him

It's better to semi actively expose the identity of Huajian huilixiang, and see what the dragon soul has arranged for her. If he wants to exchange her for several hostages, Li Feng can't agree. When the slave seal is released, he has no intention of killing Huajian huilixiang in the past few months.

The key is that the Japanese swordsman may have been informed that he has something to do with the disappearance of Huajian hulixiang. It is also a hidden danger that he will continue to stay with Huajian hulixiang.

Now the question is, will the system let him leave the flower room? It's a systematic idea to take in the fragrance of Huajian!

"Take a step and see a step..."

After pondering for a while, Li Feng said, "the people are here. Please send someone to take them away."

After the call, Li Feng looked at Teng Tianxiang: "don't think you can live if you go to the dragon soul. Even if you are exchanged back to Japan, I can go to Japan and kill you if you want to."

Rattan field Xiang eyebrow sharp pick, in the eye flash a touch of irony color.

If Li Feng is a person with a high level of supremacy, he will weigh this sentence carefully. However, Li Feng is only in the early stage of entering the holy land, and he will not care at all.

Although Japan is not as powerful as China, there are also some powerful people in Japan. If Li Feng really dares to go to Japan, he should plan to fall in Japan!

Of course, Fujita Xiang also just mocked Li Feng in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. Otherwise, Li Feng could not help but put out his hand to kill him, and he had no place to cry.

Li Feng can't guess Fujita's idea, but he doesn't care. Lions don't care what rabbits think.

Now he may not be able to go to Japan to kill people, but he can break through the territory quickly. Maybe after half a year, he will step into the supreme realm and become a strong man like Shen Zixuan, the purple dragon envoy.

At that time, cross-border killing is not impossible

"And you, Chen Yuanyuan and Teng Tianxiang, may be able to return to Japan as a bargaining chip, but your leading Party has no value in trading. You should reflect on yourself in prison for the rest of your life."

Li Feng looked at Chen Yuanyuan and said in a cold voice.

Chen Yuanyuan's greatest value is his status as a wealthy Chinese. If everyone knows that he is a traitor, then his value will not be much.

Chen Yuanyuan, of course, knew this. For a moment, his face was very pale. He kowtowed to Li Feng and begged for mercy: "Li Shao, you have a lot of adults. Just let me go this time. I'd like to take 10 Oh, no, 10 billion, in exchange for Li Shao's understanding! "

10 billion for a life, the cost is not small, if the general dragon soul members may be moved.

But this man is Li Feng, who is not short of money. Besides, Chen Yuanyuan had already made Li Feng moved to kill Wei Bingqing.

If Li Yunfeng could live, would he let Chen Yunfeng out of the villa? What a fuss!

Li Feng's bottom line is not to kill Chen Yuanyuan. How can Li Feng let Chen Yuanyuan pass for a mere 10 billion yuan?

"Li Shao..."

Chen Yuanyuan also wants to say something more. Li Feng cuts directly on his back neck. Chen Yuanyuan doesn't even have time to hum before he faints.

Rattan field Xiang eyebrow sharp pick, in the eye has the surprised color to flash by.

10 billion Chinese dollars is not a small amount. Even if Li Feng doesn't want to let Chen Yuanyuan go, he can also make up with Chen Yuanyuan. After the money is available, Chen Yuanyuan is an ordinary person, so it is not so easy to escape from China.

But Li Feng refused directly. Did he really regard money as dirt, or did he have other plans?

Just as tengtianxiang was meditating, Li Feng looked at him. Before he could react, Li Feng cut him down.


like Chen Yuanyuan, Fujita Xiang was knocked unconscious by Li Feng without any reaction.After finishing the two, Li Feng turned to look at Wei Bingqing: "Bingqing, didn't you scare you?"

"No, I know you're here. You didn't worry about your safety from the beginning." Wei Bingqing said earnestly.

"That's good." Li Feng held Wei Bingqing in his arms and comforted him for a while.

This makes the one side of the flower painting in Xiang's eyes hot: "if only the host can comfort me like this..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, rescue goddess Wei Bingqing (7) task completed, task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have 2500 experience points and 250000 system points reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, saving the goddess Huajian hulixiang (1) task completed, task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have 2500 experience points, 250000 system points and 20 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: SS level

experience value: 40500100000

System score: 8460000

conquest point: 429

skills: kunyuangong, Qiankun fist, fangcunjian, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang 36 moves, crazy storm, cloud Finder

Tasks to be completed: all kinds of wind and rain are used by me

after looking at the personal attributes, Li Feng quits the system.

"Li Feng, why are you called Li xianghuajian? What's the relationship between her and this Japanese?"

Wei Bingqing couldn't help asking.

"This..." Li Feng looked at Li Xiang and didn't know how to speak.

Li Xiang looks at Li Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes full of curiosity. Clearly, there is no Teng Tian Xiang in her memory. Why does Fujita call her younger martial sister?

If it's just Teng Tianxiang calling her like this, it's OK to hear the owner's meaning. There's really some relationship between her and Teng Tianxiang. What's the matter?

"It's nothing. Fujita has identified the wrong person."

Li Feng thought for a while, or decided to hide Huajian huilixiang's identity, at least in front of Huajian huilixiang's face.

"The wrong person?"

The two women's faces showed a strange look. Although they had doubts about this, Li Feng said so. They were not easy to ask, so they had to suppress their doubts temporarily.

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