Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 578


Li Feng raised his hand and slapped Teng Tianxiang's face. Teng Tianxiang's head quickly turned to one side, and his cheek suddenly turned red, which soon swelled into steamed bread.

For a moment, Fujita's anger broke out in his heart, and he wanted to peel off Li Feng's skin and bone.

Hit people but not in the face.

In this life, he was only slapped by two people, one is his father, the other is his master.

Since he entered the master's realm, even his master never beat him again.

Now he was slapped in the face by a Chinese. This humiliation made him almost explode!

On the other side, Chen was afraid of the atmosphere from afar.

Although he is not a strong man in martial arts, he is a billionaire. If Li Feng gives him the same thing later, he will not die of depression?

"Very angry, would you like to eat my meat and drink my blood?"

Looking at rattan Tian Xiang, whose face is red, Li Feng asked in derision.

Fujita kept his mouth closed and said nothing.

I am a fish for a knife and a prey. To be a hero at this time can only make the other party humiliate him more wantonly.

If Li Feng had not just insulted his master, Fujita would not have said anything.

"Disciple of the Japanese swordsman, tut Tut, it should be a great achievement to hand you over to the organization."

Li Feng patted Teng Tian Xiang's cheek and said playfully.

Just now Teng Tianxiang said that Huajian hulixiang was his younger martial sister. That is to say, Huajian hulixiang is also a disciple of the Japanese swordsman?

What level is the Japanese swordsman? If two disciples of the Japanese swordsman were planted in his hands, would it cause revenge from the Japanese swordsman?

"The soldiers will block the water and cover up the earth. If you really meet the Japanese swordsman, you can still run away."

Li Feng comforted himself in his heart.

If he doesn't think so, he can't send Teng Tian Xiang and Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang back to Japan intact for fear of revenge from the Japanese swordsman? That's too seedless.

Besides, he is a systematic man. Once the invincible aura is opened, and then the space transmission runs away, even the most powerful can not leave him.

Of course, the premise is that he can find out the other party's attack in time and not be killed by seconds, otherwise, even if he has more cards, it will be useless to use them.

Li Feng said casually, but Teng Tianxiang was very proud to say: "hum, it's worth saying that I'm a talented disciple under the throne of the sword master. The dragon soul people dream to capture me alive."

Li Feng, Wei Bingqing, Huajian huilixiang and Chen Yuanyuan are all stunned.

It's not Don't Teng Tian Xiang force Li Feng to hand him over to the dragon soul? Is there a hole in his mind?!

However, after a second thought, they guessed the purpose of Fujita. He was afraid that Li Feng would kill him in a rage, so he deliberately stated his own value and saved his life for the time being.

As for Li Feng's fate after handing him over to the dragon soul, it's all about the future. If Li Feng died in Li Feng's hands now, what else would he talk about?

How could Li Feng not guess Teng Tian Xiang's intention: "do you want me to spare your life? Well, as long as you tell me how you know Huajian is here, I'll give you to the organization. "

In fact, he not only guessed Teng Tian Xiang's intention, but also got to know Fujita's follow-up plans with mind reading.

Shadow also captured some dragon soul members. As long as he sent tengtianxiang to longying, Teng Tianxiang could use his identity to exchange with the captured dragon soul members.

This is not Teng Tian Xiang's wishful thinking. He is a talented disciple under the throne of Japanese swordsman. He is also very noble in the shadow and is qualified to replace several important dragon soul members.

Key Fujita did not do evil in China, nor did he fight with dragon soul members internationally. Dragon soul did not need to kill him.

However, if Teng Tianxiang's abacus rings again, Li Feng must cooperate with him. If Li Feng really kills him here, can the organization still blame him? No way!

Now Li Feng is wondering how Fujita found Huajian huilixiang. Was it that he was seen by someone who wanted to go to the hotel together with Huajian erixiang?

As for Fujita to get the hotel monitoring, Li Feng didn't even think about it. In order to ensure that no trace was exposed, Li Feng deliberately erased the monitoring with the system.

Wei Bingqing's face changed slightly. How could Li Feng be called Li Xiang Hua Jian? Is Li Xiang really from Japan?

Oh my God, Japanese people can become dragon soul members? Li Feng is joking!

Huajian Huili Xiang also shows her eyebrows slightly wrinkled. She is more profound than Wei Bingqing thinks. Listen to the master's meaning, she really knows Teng Tianxiang? Then why doesn't she have any impression?

Fujita couldn't help but feel proud: "unless she is not in the world, it is very easy for us to find her in the shadow..."


Li Feng raised his hand and slapped Teng Tianxiang's face: "speak to others!"

Rely on, Fujita even his defeated generals are not counted, dare to pretend 13 in front of him, tired of living?Fujita felt his anger burning and his chest heaved.

After a few seconds, Fujita still gave up trying hard with Li Feng and said in a cold voice, "it's very simple. Master knows that little sister Huajian came to Mingzhu to avenge you. She hasn't come back for a long time, so she sent me to investigate Mingzhu."

"After some investigation, I found that the younger martial sister once appeared in the Feng family, and then went to the hotel with you, and then she disappeared from the world."

"After the younger martial sister disappeared, Wei Bingqing had an assistant named Li Xiang."

"At the beginning, I didn't connect Li Xiang with Hua Jian junior sister, but after some searching, I didn't have any clue, so I asked Chen Yuanyuan to accompany me to the future group to find Wei Bingqing."

"After seeing Li Xiang with my own eyes, I knew she was a little younger martial sister in Huajian."

After listening to Teng Tian Xiang's story, I just think it's ridiculous?

She is the mistress of the master, and ah, how can she revenge her master?

It's just that Fujita doesn't really look like a liar, and she doesn't have any impression of it

What's going on here?

Wei Bingqing's expression also became strange.

Feeling Li Feng and Li Xiang also went to the hotel to open a room? Will they have been?

She always thinks that Li Xiang's feeling for Li Feng is not as simple as that of her colleagues. Now it seems that her intuition is right.

But What is Li Xiang's revenge on Li Feng? Aren't they colleagues?

Ah, headache, I can't think of it!

"I see..." Li Feng's eyes flashed, and then he turned to Chen Yuanyuan: "you are a Chinese entrepreneur. Why do you collude with Japanese people?"

Li Feng also knows that some people in China have been bribed by institutions of some countries to become the leading Party. But who is Chen Yuanyuan? Who can buy a rich man with tens of billions? How much does it cost to buy him off?

Chen Yuan changed color several times, and finally said with a wry smile, "Li Shao, if I said I was coerced by Fujita Xiang, would you believe it?"

Li Feng looked at him for a while, then sneered and said, "I don't believe it."

Want to peel off the relationship with Fujita Xiang, this Chen Yuanyuan bad drop is very!

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