Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 577

The figure that suddenly appeared in front of the two women was Li Feng.

Fujita is really a bit muddled.

He doesn't know Li Feng. He has neither seen Li Feng nor his photos, but he has heard other people's description.

Because of the intervention of the system, there is no picture of Li Feng in the outside world. But unless Li Feng asks the system to erase all people's memories of him, oral description of his appearance can still be achieved.

After Li Feng appeared, Fujita found that the man in front of him was consistent with Li Feng in terms of height, appearance, age and temperament.

What's more, Chen Yuanyuan also said that only Li Feng entered Wei Bingqing's house tonight. Who else could he be?

But it's not scientific. In intelligence, Li Feng is only in the middle of the master's career. Even if Li Feng has made a breakthrough in the past few months, it will be at most the later period of the grand master, which is remarkable and extraordinary.

But what's the situation now? The breath of a saint level strongman!

The level of master is higher than two levels!

If this person is really Li Feng, that Fujita really wants to find a piece of tofu to kill himself.

Maddy, it's a shame. Shame on him. Open the door to shame. Shame home!

Just now, he despised Li Feng in front of the two girls, saying that Li Feng was only in the middle of his master's life, and he was already in the early stage of transcendence.

As a result

It's foggy. After Li Feng jumps out, he finds that he is already a saint level strong man!

This is a slap in the face. It's popping. It's swollen!

"Li Feng..." Looking at the tall figure in front of her body, Wei Bingqing's beautiful eyes showed an inexplicable look.

She knew that Li Feng would not let herself down, she knew that no matter what danger, Li Feng would appear in time to save her!

Not only Wei Bingqing fell into a state of flower infatuation, but also Huajian hualixiang.

The host is very handsome, and the timing is just right. The posture is very handsome. If she is also the master's woman, it would be nice.

For a moment, the pretty faces of Huajian Huali Xiang were all red, just like a ripe red apple.

Li Feng didn't use mind reading technique to draw Li Xiang between flowers, otherwise she would be confused.

"You just said I was cowardly and disgusting?" Li Feng looked at Teng Tian Xiang and said in a cold voice.

By a higher level of the strong with breath lock, Fujita Xiang don't speak, can stand firm is already exhausted.

At the moment, Teng Tianxiang is not as proud as before. His face is pale, his legs are shaking, and his cold sweat drips down from his forehead. He can't be counselled any more.

On one side, Chen Yuanyuan's performance is not much better.

He is an ordinary person. This time he came here to make soy sauce and take advantage of Wei Bingqing.

The result is not only cheap did not take advantage of, but also specially kicked to the talar alloy plate!

Now he not only has the risk of breaking his leg, but also may die here, which is killing him!

"No, I have to find a way to deny the relationship with Fujita, or even if Li Feng doesn't kill me, I'll be in prison all my life!"

Chen Yuanyuan is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and his abacus crackles in his heart.

However, although Chen Yuanyuan was anxious, Li Feng did not look at him as if he had not seen him. He was like a mass of air, which was ignored by Li Feng.

"I can't even speak? Oh, the Japanese martial arts genius is just like this. "

Li Feng sneered and put his breath away.

He also asked Fujita some questions. If he didn't stop his breath, he couldn't even speak.

"Hoo" "Hoo" "Hoo"

As soon as the breath was removed, Teng Tianxiang breathed greedily.

Being locked by Li Feng's breath is like being pressed on his chest by a weight of ten thousand jin, which nearly killed him!

At least for ordinary people, the strength of Teng Xiang is more than ten thousand jin, but it is not more than ten thousand jin for ordinary people.

Although Li Feng dissipated his breath, Kato Tianxiang did not dare to make any rash moves. He believed that as long as he had any changes, Li Feng could kill him in an instant!

Seeing Teng Tian Xiang shrinking in place like a quail, Li Feng couldn't help but hiss: "I don't even have the courage to fight with me. It's really disgusting."

Fujita's face suddenly flushed.

A minute ago, he said this to Li Feng, and now he has been returned intact by Li Feng. This face slapped Hold back!

Li Feng shook his head and laughed. He went to Wei Bingqing and sat down. He poured himself a cup of tea and moistened his throat. Then he said, "are you a Japanese shadow man?"

At the same time, he read his mind to Fujita.

Fujita's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Li Feng to guess his identity."No words are acquiescence." Li Feng's eyes flashed, and then asked, "who is your master? It sounds like a cow."

Fujita couldn't help but sneer: "hum, you don't have the qualification to know who my master is."

Although Teng Tian Xiang is arrogant, he does not lack of brain. He knows that it is better for him to keep silent at this time.

As long as Li Feng wants to get useful information out of his mouth, he is safe. If he tells Li Feng what he wants to know, he will lose the use value.

"You have a hard mouth." Li Feng shook his head and laughed, "do you think I can't guess whose disciple you are if you don't say it?"

Although Fujita didn't speak, the sarcastic expression on his face showed that he didn't believe Li Feng could guess who his master was.

At this time, Li Feng took a sip of his tea cup and said, "it is said that there are many talented disciples under the Japanese swordsman..."

Under the exploration of mind reading technique, Fujita has no place to hide any thoughts in his mind.

When Li Feng asked who the master was, the word "Japanese swordsman" appeared in his mind.

However, in order to cover up his mind reading skills, Li Feng made a detour and did not directly conclude that Fujita's master was a Japanese swordsman.

Teng Tian Xiang was shocked in his heart, but on the surface, he said quietly: "coincidence, it must be coincidence. Li Feng just mentioned it casually. It is impossible to guess who my teacher is."

"Well, it seems that you are the disciple of the Japanese swordsman." Li Feng shook his head with a smile and sighed, "if you have your disciple, you must have your master. If you are so stupid, you can't be wise enough to be a master. It seems that the world-famous Japanese swordsman is just a fool with a false name."

Of course, Li Feng doesn't know who the Japanese swordsman is, but from his name and the disciple who trained Teng Tianxiang, an extraordinary early strong man, we can see that the Japanese swordsman must be very powerful.

It's certainly true to say that the Japanese swordsman is a world-famous strongman.

As soon as he said this, Fujita finally couldn't hold back: "presumptuous, you dare to disrespect my master. Are you tired of living?"

Teng Tianxiang is prepared to keep silent all the time, but Li Feng has been deceiving others too much. It's just enough to humiliate him, and humiliate his master. Who can bear it!

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