Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 576

The last sentence Teng Tianxiang said was in Chinese, which shocked Wei Bingqing, who was already full of doubts.

Is Fang Xiang coming for the source code of the future cloud? And Chen Yuanyuan, he He's trying to do something to her?!

Although she was frightened, Wei Bingqing did not feel afraid. She was also a strong master in her later period, although she did not have any powerful martial arts skills Li Xiang, a member of the dragon spirit, protects him.

The most important thing is Li Feng is here. As long as Li Feng is there, she has nothing to be afraid of!

On one side, Li Feng, who is in the invisible state, is full of murderous spirit!

How dare to threaten his woman? This Japanese is really ignorant!

However, Li Feng is very concerned about one thing. This Japanese man is actually the elder martial brother of Huajian Huajian. What's more, his master is still a great man?

Li Feng wanted to know who their master was. It was a pity that she had lost most of her memory. Otherwise, she could have known this information directly from her mouth.

However, Li Feng is not discouraged. As long as Teng Tianxiang is captured alive, some information can still be read by mind reading skills.

It's just Isn't the system supposed to release a task at this time, but the system doesn't respond at all?

When Li Feng couldn't help showing up, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

"Check it out!"

"Mission: save the goddess Wei Bingqing (7)"

"mission objective: to protect Wei Bingqing from the damage of Teng Tianxiang and Chen Yuanyuan. If the mission fails, the host's 500000 system points will be deducted as punishment."

"Task reward: 2500 experience points, 250000 system points."

"Task: save the goddess Huajian hulixiang (1)"

"task objective: to protect the goddess Huajian lilixiang from being brought back to Japan by Fujita. If the mission fails, the host will be deducted 500000 system points as punishment."

"Task reward: 2500 experience points, 250000 system points and 20 service points."

"I wipe, a surname released two tasks, the reward added up to be able to withstand the reward of a task, this is not superfluous?"

Li Feng saw the task and make complaints about it.

Guess with his toes, Li Feng also knows that the system divides the reward of a task into two parts, as the reward of two tasks.

Either to save Wei Bingqing or to save Huajian hulixiang, they all need to kill or repel Teng Tian Xiang and Chen Yuanyuan, so making one is no different from doing two. However, because both goddesses are present, the system is divided into two tasks.

However, Li Feng has completely subdued Wei Bingqing, so the system of rescuing her does not give Zhengfu points. However, there is no progress between him and Huajian hulixiang, so he can give 20 Zhengfu points after completing the task.

Thinking of this, Li Feng quit the system.

As soon as Fujita's voice fell to the ground, Hua Jian painted Li Xiang blocked Wei Bingqing's body and released her own breath.

All of a sudden, a sense of belonging to the early days of the grand master stirred up in the living room!

This breath of the moment, Fujita Xiang not surprised but happy!

If he was only 80% sure that Li Xiang was Huajian huilixiang before, he was 100% confident now!

Appearance can change, voice can change, body taste can change, but martial arts breath will not change!

This breath is the fragrance of flowers, there can be no mistake!

However, Hua Jian's painting Li Xiang even made a gesture to fight with him. Is she really crazy? Or She is acting for Li Feng in the dark?

Thinking of this possibility, Teng Tian Xiang's eyes flashed and said in a cold voice, "Huajian sauce, I didn't expect that you really turned to the Chinese people. You really let me down!"

"But do you think you can stop me with your strength? immature! Don't forget that I started 10 years earlier than you. My strength is not comparable to you at all! "

At the moment of the voice landing, a breath of extraordinary initial stage was emitted from Fujita!

The color of Huajian hualixiang changes dramatically!

She is just a master in the early days. Facing Fujita, who is higher than her, she has no room to resist!

It's just an instant, and the fragrance in Huajian's painting calms down. The master is still here. What about an extraordinary early strong man? It's just a slap in the face of the master.

After Huajian huilixiang's death, Wei Bingqing is also indifferent. It is obvious that she also fully trusts Li Feng.

However, the two women are so calm that Fujita has a misunderstanding.

"Why don't you talk? Are you scared?" Fujita laughs.

In addition to Wei Bingqing was scared silly, Fujita Xiang can not think of other possibilities.

But it's not much fun to be a woman

Thinking of this, Fujita looked at the second floor and said, "Li Feng, I know you are upstairs. When do you want to hide before you come out? Or You're too scared to come out? "Just now he pointed out that he knew Li Feng was here. As a result, Wei Bingqing was calm, and Li Feng was very calm and did not show up.

Now he's going to start. Li Feng doesn't come out yet. Is he really scared?

Teng Tianxiang waited for a while, but he still didn't see Li Feng show up. At the moment, he sneered: "people say that the dragon soul Li Feng is a martial arts genius. At the age of 23, he stepped into the middle stage of the master's career. In my opinion, it's just like this."

"I am 25 years old, and I have entered the early stage of transcendence. I am better than you in terms of martial arts and Taoism!"

"In terms of courage, I'm even better than you. I dare to risk my life to come to China alone to look for little sister Huajian. But you don't even have the courage to fight with me. It's really disgusting!"

Japanese shadow, like Chinese dragon soul, is a special department with a strong ability to collect information.

After Li Feng established his prestige in the Wei family's old house, the news was sent back to China by shadow members and reached the ears of some young talents in the shadow, including Teng Tianxiang.

At that time, Fujita was very disdainful of Li Feng's martial arts genius. He thought that if he met Li Feng, he would let him know what a genius was.

Never thought that they really met, Fujita naturally took the opportunity to humiliate Li Feng once.

Opposite, Wei Bingqing's expression is a little strange.

The Japanese thought that Li Feng was afraid of him, and that the strong man at Saint level was afraid of the extraordinary level? Funny!

She wants to see how Fujita will react after Li Feng comes out.

But then again, at this time, how can Li Feng not come out? He is not afraid that she is controlled by Teng Tianxiang?

"Do you think Li Feng is as timid as a mouse?"

Seeing Wei Bingqing's expression changing, Teng Tianxiang has a misunderstanding again.

Wei Bingqing snorted coldly and said contemptuously, "hum, you are not qualified to evaluate Li Feng, and you have no idea how powerful Li Feng is."

"I'm not qualified to evaluate Li Feng?" Teng Tian Xiang directly pulled out the high tone and said with disbelief: "I am a super strong man, Li Feng is just a master..."


before Fujida's Xianghua was finished, a figure appeared in front of the two girls. At the same time, a breath of a strong person at the saint level broke out from this figure!

"How can it be possible to be a saint level strongman?"

Fujita Xiangmu gapes!

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