Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 575

At 7 p.m., a blue Rolls Royce phantom slowly drove to the door of villa No. 6.

After the door of the villa opened slowly, the blue phantom drove into the front yard of the villa. Wei Bingqing and Huajian huilixiang had already come to the door to wait.

After Chen Yuanyuan and Teng Tianxiang get off the bus, the two women greet them.

"Well?" Fujida's pupils shrunk and whispered to himself, "how come they are alone? Where has Li Feng gone?"

Chen Yuanyuan also found the problem and surmised: "did he hide in it and didn't come out? Don't you want people to know he's here? "

"General manager Chen, Secretary Fang, welcome."

Wei Bingqing came to them while they were meditating.

After some greetings, the four people went into the living room. Huajian painted Lixiang poured the tea into the cup and brought it to the two people.

"Thank you, Miss Li."

Fujita Xiang has been staring at Huajian Huili Xiang since he entered the door. He looks like he really takes a fancy to her.

Huajian Huili Xiang was very upset when she was seen. She couldn't help but turn her eyes to Teng Tian Xiang.

That is to say, she must give the master's woman a face, otherwise she would have slapped Fang's name in the face. How dare she make her idea? It's really a dead end!

Fujita looks the same, but he murmurs in his heart.

In Teng Tian Xiang's opinion, Huajian hulixiang was poisoned or threatened, so he didn't dare to recognize him. How could he think that Huajian hulixiang had been hit by a woman and imprinted, and did not know him at all?

So Fujita tried his best to think about what Huajian painted incense rolling his eyes in the end implied what he was.

On one side, Chen Yuanyuan is chatting with Wei Bingqing, secretly surveying the surrounding environment.

Li Feng didn't come out to meet them, which made Chen Yuanyuan feel confused. However, he could observe that there was no hiding place in the living room, so Li Feng could not hide in the living room to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The biggest possibility is that Li Feng hid in the bedroom on the second floor, but why did he hide it? The relationship between him and Wei Bingqing is not a secret!

"Hum, how about hiding? With Mr. Fujita there, Li Feng can't turn up any waves! When the time comes, I will take Wei Bingqing in front of Li Feng. I will have a different taste! "

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan conveniently takes back his eyes and stares at Wei Bingqing.

As early as Wei Fu was in charge of the future group, he had many cooperation with Chen Yuanyuan, so Chen Yuanyuan was an old friend of the Wei family.

When Wei Bingqing was still in high school, Chen Yuanyuan met her. At that time, he was inclined to Miss Wei Bingqing. However, for various reasons, he never found a chance to fight Wei Bingqing.

When she returned to the Pearl after graduating from University, Wei Bingqing was called the first beauty of the Pearl. Now, through the love of Zirun, her charm has increased a lot, and her beauty is more and more incomparable.

So Chen Yuanyuan is more and more eager to see

What Chen Yuanyuan didn't know was that Li Feng, who was hiding in the bedroom on the second floor in his imagination, was standing on the side of the room with a face full of contemplation, observing him and Fujita.

When Chen Yuanyuan's eyes showed evil light, Li Feng's eyes also flashed a cold light!

Chen Yuanyuan talked to Wei Bingqing again for a while. Seeing that Teng Tianxiang was just staring at Li Xiang, he didn't speak. He couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Fang Xiang, didn't you always want to see Miss Li Xiang again? Now that you do, why don't you talk?"

They didn't come here to make a blind date. What do you mean by Fujida sitting there without talking or doing anything? He is still waiting to do something to Wei Bingqing!

Fujita Xiang took a cup of tea and sipped it. Then he said, "I'm observing."

Speaking at the same time, Fujita's temperament also changes. Before he played the role of secretary very well, now he looks more like the boss than Chen Yuanyuan.

Not only that, Fujita also exudes a dangerous smell, just like a wild animal that wants to choose people!

Suddenly, Wei Bingqing felt this dangerous breath from Fujita Xiang's body, and her pretty face changed slightly.

Huajian Huili Xiang's face changed slightly. She stopped Wei Bingqing when she moved her feet. She looked at Teng Tianxiang with an alert face: "what do you want to do?"

Teng Tian Xiang's body was stagnant, and his face showed a color of disbelief: "Huajian sauce, I'm here to save you. Why should you be on guard against me and protect this Chinese woman?"

Fujita speaks Japanese. Wei Bingqing has never learned Japanese, so she doesn't know what Fujita wants to express. However, she reads something out of Fujita's expression.

So Fang Xiang is from Japan, and he knows Li Xiang?

Among the flowers, the willow eyebrows of the fragrant flowers rose upside down, and coldly hummed: "full of nonsense, I don't know you at all!"

Wei Bingqing's face changed again. Although Huajian huilixiang spoke Chinese, her ability to give an answer showed that she understood Japanese.

However, Wei Bingqing turns to think that Huajian huilixiang is a member of the dragon soul, and it is common sense to know more than one language.

Fujita's face changed several times. Finally, he shook his head and laughed: "I wear a human skin mask. Naturally, you don't know me, but you can't hear my voice!""Huajian sauce, don't be afraid. I have observed here in advance. There are only you, Wei Bingqing and Li Feng here. Moreover, I have brought a Jun grade signal shielding device. Nothing that happens here can be transmitted."

The voice fell to the ground, Fujita raised his hand and gently twisted his face. A human skin mask was removed by him, revealing a handsome face.

"Ah, the human skin mask?" For the first time, Wei Bingqing was surprised to see someone using a human skin mask.

Fujita looked at Wei Bingqing complacently, then said to Huajian Huili Xiang: "Huajian sauce, now you should know me?"

Huajian Huili Xiang stares at Teng Tian Xiang for a while, and finally frowns: "I don't know. I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are. You'd better leave here, don't force me to do it."

Huajian huilixiang is not a fierce and mindless woman. She realizes that Teng Tianxiang is very dangerous and worried that she is not Teng Tianxiang's opponent. Therefore, she dare not take the initiative to fight Teng Tianxiang, but only dare to use language to motivate the other party to leave.

Hearing this, Fujita frowned again.

He made his words so clear and clear that the mask of human skin was removed. Huajian huilixiang still said that he didn't know him. Was it because Li Feng was here?

No, it's not right. Huajian huilixiang knows his strength, and a mere Li Feng will not let him in his eyes.

In that case, she must have been banned by highly toxic drugs. In order to protect herself, she had to say so.

But he can also understand that people do not kill for themselves. If they have no choice, who will make fun of their own lives?

"Huajian sauce, are you poisonous, so you have words of suffering? It doesn't matter. As long as you go back to Japan, with the teacher's ability, you can definitely suppress the toxin and spend some more time. You can't get the antidote. "

Leave this word, Fujita Xiang also no longer go to persuade the flower to paint the fragrance.

In any case, this time, we should save Huajian huilixiang back to Japan, whether she agrees or not!

Teng Tian Xiang looked at Wei Bingqing again: "Wei Bingqing, hand over the source code of the future cloud, I can spare you a life, otherwise Chen Yuanyuan is going to take you down. "

Hearing this, Wei Bingqing's face changed dramatically!

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