Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 574

Wei Bingqing was not able to let go of the fragrance in the painting.

After a long time

"I've broken through, and I'm going to help you step into transcendence in the next few days."

After an exchange of feelings, the two came to the living room. As soon as they sat down, Li Feng said.

"Oh, really." Wei Bingqing covered her mouth and exclaimed, her face full of surprise.

With Li Feng's help, she has entered the later stage of her master's career. Although she doesn't have all kinds of powerful martial arts skills like Li Feng, Wei Bingqing is still infatuated with the changes in her strength.

Now heard that he can step into a higher realm, Lengyan president how not happy?

"Of course it is. How have I ever lied to you?" Li Feng scraped Wei Bingqing's Qiong nose and said with a smile, "are you a little impatient?"

Wei Bingqing is a Leng at first, then pretty face blushes red way: "what, other people how have this kind of meaning."

If she is at home, she doesn't mind practicing with Li Feng now, but Li Xiang is also here. She doesn't mean it!

What's more There are guests coming over tonight. How can she practice with Li Feng now?

"I have." Li Feng gave a bad smile and said, "your strength is still too low. I'm not at your side and I'm always worried. So I'll help you break through to the extraordinary situation as soon as possible."

Li Feng leads Wei Bingqing to the bedroom on the second floor.

Calculating the time, he has not met with Lengyan president for a long time. He misses him very much. If he doesn't seize the time to practice the "reciprocal magic skill", when will he wait?

"Wait a minute." Wei Bingqing, with a coquettish look on her face, said: "Chen Yuanyuan, from the remote group, is going to visit us at night. Let's practice after he leaves Is that all right? "

"Well?" Li Feng frowns slightly, and Chen Yuanyuan also comes She didn't say that when she called Lengyan president before.

"Don't look at me like this. When you call me, Chen Yuanyuan hasn't called me yet. When he calls me and I call you again, you are already on the plane."

For fear of Li Feng's misunderstanding, Wei Bingqing quickly explained.

On hearing this, Li Feng understood: "what does he come for? Is he also your pursuer?"

Having said that, he probably guessed the purpose of Chen Yuanyuan's coming here - to paint the fragrance between flowers!

It's just that Lengyan president doesn't know about it, and Li Feng hasn't decided whether to tell Lengyan president about Huajian huilixiang's identity. He can only pretend that he doesn't know what Chen Yuanyuan's purpose is.

"Feel the pressure?" Wei Bingqing joked.

"Cut, a Chen Yuanyuan is not worth to let me feel the pressure." Li Feng looked scornful.

Chen Yuanyuan is a middle-aged uncle. His wealth, appearance, development potential and personal strength are not comparable to him. What pressure can he have?

"Narcissism ~" Wei Bingqing rolled her eyes and was very happy in her heart.

Li Feng can say this, one is self-confidence, and is confident in her, such emotional state will not be a problem.

"If you don't love yourself, you can catch up with the first beauty in Pearl City?" At the same time, Li Feng praised Lengyan president.

Wei Bingqing is naturally extremely helpful, but she said on her mouth: "you are not afraid to let sister Wanjun and Su Tong hear, and then angry with you?"

"Cough, tie first." Li Feng's face turned red and shifted the topic: "you haven't said what's going on here if Chen Yuanfang comes here."

Chen Yuanyuan certainly won't say frankly that he came here for the sake of the fragrance between flowers. He must find an excuse.

So Li Feng is very curious about what kind of excuse can make Lengyan president promise him to come home as a guest.

Wei Bingqing glanced back and forth and confirmed that Li Xiang was not eavesdropping. Then she attached it to Li Feng's ear and said, "well, his secretary Fang Xiang thinks Li Xiang is good and wants to get in touch with her more, so..."

"So Chen Yuanyuan asked you to help with the connection?" Li Feng's face is very strange, he did not expect Chen Yuanyuan to come up with such a ridiculous excuse!

I met you today, and then I fell in love with Li Xiang? Is fate so sudden?!

The human skin mask worn by hulixiang in Huajian is very common, and it won't let people take a look at it when thrown into the crowd. Of course, Li Xiang's figure can't be covered in any way

Do not rule out that some men only look at the body, not the face, such words Li Xiang's attraction is really great.

"You are so clever." Wei Bingqing gave Li Feng a look of appreciation, and then whispered, "I know Li Xiang is your colleague, so I told Li Xiang about it."

"She agreed?" Li Feng was even more surprised.

I'll go. Ever since I used the female seal on Hua Jian's painting Li Xiang, she only feels close to him as a man, and strongly repels other men.

So it's hard for Li Feng to imagine that Huajian huilixiang would "make a blind date" with each other!

Wei Bingqing shook her head: "she certainly does not agree, but I can't directly refuse Chen Yuanyuan, so I discussed with Li Xiang."

"Let the two of them come here tonight, and then let Li Xiang refuse Fang Xiang face to face. In this way, it will not affect the cooperation between the future group and the remote group, nor bring trouble to Li Xiang."Li Feng nodded: "your idea is very good, I support it."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he supports or not at the moment. It's a done deal. He can't object to it any more. Isn't that hurting Lengyan's heart?

What's more, he also wants to see each other. It's the best to see each other tonight, so as to take the opportunity to find out the identity and purpose of the other party, so as to save a long dream.

At the moment, a blue phantom is speeding 10 kilometers away from Xinghui community.

"Teng Tian Jun, received the latest news, osville's boss Li Feng just arrived at Villa 6, Xinghui district."

On the co pilot, Chen Yuanyuan hung up the phone and said strangely.

"Oh?" Driving rattan field Xiang eyebrow tip a pick, deep voice way: "in addition to him, there are other people into the Xinghui community?"

"No Chen Yuanyuan said definitely: "our people have been staring around, only to see Li Feng go in alone."

"Well If only he went back alone, it would not be a big problem. " Fujita nodded and pondered: "five months ago, Li Feng was only A-level strong man. Now it is a + level. I can knock him out with one hand."

More than five months ago, Li Feng awed Wei Yang and Huang Bin, as well as the three brothers of Murong mountain, in the Wei family's old house.

Let those who take the opportunity to tear a piece of meat from the Wei family dare not act rashly.

From that time on, people in the Pearl society knew that Li Feng was not only oswelli's boss, but also a master in the middle of the strong.

Not only that, Li Feng is a member of the dragon soul, but also a member of Wang sun's family.

Since then, no one dares to make Wei family's idea again!

Obviously, Fujita knew Li Feng's strength because of this.

Speaking, Fujita looked back at an instrument in the back row of his eyes and said in a cold voice: "with this Jun level signal shield, it can completely shield villa 6, so that they can't make a call for help."

A evil light flashed in Chen Yuanyuan's eyes: "at that time, they are turtles in a jar and can only be manipulated by us! At that time, I hope Mr. Fujida can keep his word and let me... "

Fujita Xiang's eyes flashed and he said with a wicked smile: "don't worry, as long as you can rescue my younger martial sister, Wei Bingqing will let you handle it!"

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