Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 552

In the end, Murong Xue didn't think about how to do it. In the end, she had to take a look at it step by step and keep a good relationship with Li Feng

There was no word all night.

The next morning, they got up and washed and came to the restaurant on the first floor.

During the meal, Yuan Zhen and Luo Caiping kept on scanning the two people with their searching eyes.

Li Feng, as an old driver, can not move like a pine under such gaze, but Murong Xue can't. She is still a big girl with yellow flowers.

In short, Murong Xue was quite uncomfortable with a meal, just like there were many ants crawling all over her body.

After breakfast, Murong and music's mobile phone rings suddenly.

Murong and music took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Then he changed his face and said, "it's sun Xixiang calling!"

"What?" Murong Yuzhi's face changed dramatically, and he could hardly hold the water cup.

Yuan Zhen and Luo Caiping also had different expression changes.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Murong Xue. Murong Xue said in a low voice, "Sun Xixiang is the master of the sun family and the grandfather of sun Zhishang. It is said that he is a strong man in the middle period of entering the holy land."

Li Feng suddenly nodded. No wonder their mood changed so much. It turns out that sun Xixiang is the master of the sun family. Is he afraid that sun Xixiang will call to set up a teacher and make a crime?

Under the gaze of the crowd, Murong hele connected the phone, put on a smiling face and asked, "Master Sun, why did you call me Ah, do you know that Xiaoxue has gone home? Did my elder brother tell you

"What, you want to bring Zhishang here today Convenience is convenience That is Well, I'll get ready

With that, Murong and Le hung up the phone.

"Dad, sun Xixiang is coming to our house this afternoon?" Murong Yuzhi asked nervously.

Can he not be nervous? Sun Xixiang came to light snow and Li Feng on the exposure of the matter, sun Xixiang must not be angry?

"Well." Murong hele's face was gloomy and almost dripped out of the water.

Murong Yuzhi body a shock, turned to look at Li Feng, and then asked astringent voice: "is Uncle Li Feng's thing told him?"

Murong and Le also looked at Li Feng, then shook his head and said: "should not, sun Xixiang's tone on the phone doesn't look like he's going to start a teacher's inquisition."

On the phone, sun Xixiang's tone is very peaceful, and he will laugh a few times from time to time. If he knew what happened yesterday, how could he be so peaceful?

But elder brother clearly told sun Xixiang about Xiaoxue's return home. Why not tell Li Feng's story together?

"Does uncle sun want sun Xixiang to find out the relationship between Xiao Li and Murong Xue, so he only talks about Xiao Xue's going home?" Murong Yuzhi couldn't help guessing.

"Maybe." Murong and Le nodded, followed Murong Yuzhi's guess and continued to say: "just he didn't expect sun Xixiang to call me in advance?"

Since Murong Hefeng wants sun Xixiang to find out about Xiaoxue and Li Feng himself, it is natural that a sudden attack is necessary to achieve the best effect. If he calls in advance, he will leave them time for preparation?

"I have a guess." Murong Yuzhi's eyes lit up and thought of some possibility.

Murong and Le have the same eyes: "you mean..."

"Yes Murong Yuzhi nodded.

Murong Xue:

Luo Caiping:

Yuan Zhen:

It's not When is it? Are you two still playing charades here to show us what father and son are together?

If you say something, you'll be very anxious!

At this time, Li Feng also joined in: "grandfather Murong, uncle Murong, do you think Murong and Feng are giving us multiple choice questions, let's choose one of them?"

Murong and Le nodded and said with a bitter smile, "did you guess that too?"

Mu Rongxue's third daughter:.... "

Choose one from two? What did you guess? Can you say it out loud! If it goes on like this, it will look like the three of us are idiots!

"A little guess." Li Feng nodded and said with a smile, "Murong and Feng should have known that I was an orphan, and there was no strong support behind me, so he called sun Xixiang."

"However, Murong and Feng should not want to have a direct conflict with me, so he deliberately concealed the matter between me and Xiaoxue. At the same time, he also deliberately left us room for compromise."

"What Xiao Li said coincided with what I thought." Murong Yuzhi nodded and said in a deep voice, "Murong and wind are worthy of being an old fox who has become a fine one."

At this time, Murong Yuzhi didn't even bother to call his uncle, which shows how dissatisfied he is with Murong and wind.

Murong Xue finally couldn't help it: "Dad, Li Feng, what are you talking about? I can't understand."

Murong Yuzhi and Li Feng looked at each other and said with a wry smile, "Xiao Li, you'd better say it."

Li Feng nodded, looked at Murong snow and said: "Murong and wind is to let me back."Murong Xue's face changed slightly: "you mean Murong Hefeng wants to scare you with sun Xixiang and let you take the initiative to leave me? But you already know the existence of the sun family. If you were afraid, you would not go home with me. "

"Not the same." Li Feng shook his head, playing flavor: "know is one thing, to face is another."

"What's more, Murong Hefeng's method is really brilliant. He deliberately left me time to think about it, so as to let the fear brew and intensify, so as to achieve the goal of knocking me down."

As soon as Li Feng explained, Murong Xue understood.

For example, when we go to school, we all know that there is a final exam, but at the beginning of the new semester, we still should play, we should skip classes and skip classes. Those who should go to the Internet cafes to pay for accommodation are lawless.

When the final exam is about to take place, the underachievers are flustered, especially in the days before the final exam starts. They want to stay up all night to study every day. They are flustered one by one.

Some things, until the moment they really have to face, don't know how terrible it is.

"Elder brother's skill is really brilliant. I feel inferior to myself!" Murong and Le sighed and then looked at Li Feng: "since you have guessed my big brother's intention, what are your plans?"

Yuan Zhen, Luo Caiping, Murong Yuzhi and Murong Xue also look at Li Feng, and they want to know how to choose the Li summit.

In fact, for Murong and Lele, they hoped that Li Feng could not bear the pressure and retreat, so that they did not have to confront the sun family.

On the contrary, if Li Feng chooses to stay, if they are not the opponents of the sun family, will they not be implicated?

It's just that they must be embarrassed to say such words. They can only let Li Feng choose

Under the public's gaze, Li Feng took Murong Xue's hand, tightly grasped it, and said, "of course, it's to stay, advance and retreat with Xiaoxue."

The strong in the middle of entering the holy land? Li Feng is really not afraid of it. With all the cards open, he has the ability to win in the middle of the holy season!

Murong and the music father and son sighed, and were disappointed.

In contrast, Murong Xue's body trembled and her eyes began to blur

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