Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 553

At noon, Murong Xue's house, living room on the first floor.

Li Feng is playing chess with Murong hele. On one side, Murong Xue is brewing kungfu tea and serving tea and water for them.

Not far away, Luo Caiping whispers with her mother-in-law Yuan Zhen. Murong Yuzhi drinks tea with a newspaper and is at ease.

This scene is very warm, the family and harmonious, let people envy.

Just a good time is not long, a door bell rings, the good atmosphere of the living room will be completely broken.

Murong and music put down the pieces in their hands and said solemnly: "it's time to come or come."

"Since you can't hide, face it bravely." Li Feng pondered a smile, jump horse way: "general, old man, you lost again."

Murong and happy mouth corner a draw, after a long time smile scold way: "you this smelly boy, also don't know let me a little."

In the morning, he lost to Li Feng five times, and he was about to leave a psychological shadow.

Strange to say, the future son-in-law of other families will try to please his girlfriend's mother's family members as much as possible after they come to visit. Li Feng is a good man, and I don't know how to let him be a grandfather when he plays chess.

On the other side, Murong Xue couldn't help laughing. She was also very puzzled. Why didn't Li Feng let her grandfather? Was Li Feng too competitive, or after last night's communication, Li Feng broke the jar and didn't want to please her grandfather?

Where did they know that Li Feng had already seen that Murong hele was disappointed that he was left behind. In this case, why did he let Murong hele?

How many times can you beat Murong and LeLe in the face?

I think so, but I can't say that.

I saw Li Feng smile, while clearing the chessboard said: "is the old man deliberately let me."

"You boy ~" Murong and Le shook their heads and laughed, then got up and said, "go, let's go out to meet the sun family leader."

After a morning's deliberation, Murong hele has worked out the countermeasures. After meeting sun Xixiang, he will remain neutral and let Sun Zhishang compete with Li Feng. Whoever wins, he will betroth Xiaoxue to whoever wins.

In order to carry out this strategy smoothly, he specially told Murong Yuzhi and his wife that Luo Caiping would pull Xiao Xue to her side, while Murong Yuzhi would pull Li Feng to her side. In this way, they could separate them from each other, and sun Xixiang would not see the relationship between them.

It's really shameless to do so. Murong hele doesn't want to do it, but does he have any other choice?

If Li Feng loses and he still doesn't agree with Xiaoxue to marry sun Zhishang, what will happen to him and his family?

To blame, we can only blame his strength is not strong enough, to blame Li Feng has no strong family background!

Under the leadership of Murong hele, they went to the villa gate.

Murong Yuzhi's husband and wife did indeed live up to Murong hele's request. One by one, they pulled Li Feng and Murong Xue to their side.

After Murong and LeLe opened the door, Li Feng saw a group of people standing at the door. In addition to two strangers that he had never met, there were Murong and Feng yesun San.

"Third brother, why did you open the door so late?" Murong and wind some discontented asked.

"Big brother, I..." Murong and Le opened their mouths and didn't know what to say.

He is very confused in his mind now. How can elder brother come with sun Xixiang? What's the purpose of big brother's coming here? Big brother, will he directly point out the relationship between Li Feng and Murong Xue?

On the other side, sun Xixiang, dressed in a brown Tang suit, laughed and said, "well, brother Murong, it's just a little longer. Don't talk about my own family."

At the same time, sun Xixiang took a look at Li Feng beside Murong Yuzhi, frowned imperceptibly, and then quickly released it.

When he wants to come, Li Feng may be a guest of Murong's house

Murong and Feng quickly said with a smile, "what brother Sun said is."

Behind him, Murong Yuzhi and Murong Qing's father and son glanced at Li Feng and others with a look of interest, and the cold light flashed in their eyes.

Murong hele's face changed slightly, and he quickly clasped his fist and said, "if you can't meet me in time, I still hope that sun's master Haihan can be seen."

"What my parents said, you and your family came out to meet me, which gave me great honor. I can't be happy yet." Sun Xixiang hit a ha ha, then turned to sun Zhishang and said: "Zhishang, you have been shouting to see Xiaoxue. Now that you see it, why don't you speak?"

Sun Zhishang, dressed in a white suit, turned red. Then he stepped forward to Murong Xue. He took out a bunch of roses from his back and said, "Miss Murong Xue, I hope you like it when you meet for the first time."

"This..." Murong Xue was stunned. She never thought sun Zhishang would send her flowers on such an occasion. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

On the other side, Murong and Feng yesun look at Li Feng beside Murong Yuzhi, and their expressions are very interesting.

Along the way, they did not point out the existence of Li Feng, just to see how the Li summit chose without the sun family's knowledge.

Now sun Zhishang has made a move, Li Feng What are you going to do about it?On one side, Murong hele and other nervous palms are sweating, and their eyes are constantly swimming back and forth on Murong Xue, sun Zhishang and Li Feng.

Will Xiaoxue accept sun Zhishang's flowers? Will Li Feng stop him? If Li Feng stopped, what would sun Zhishang do? Would sun Xixiang be furious on the spot?

All kinds of questions in Murong and LeLe and other people's hearts are swirling, they are like ants on the hot pot!

At the same time, Li Feng stepped forward a few steps in front of Murong Xue and took the flowers: "the flowers are very beautiful, I thank you for my girlfriend."

Sun Zhishang:

It's not What did the young man say, thank me for his girlfriend? Who's his girlfriend, Murong Xue? So who is Laozi? Why did Laozi come here?

Sun Xixiang was also stunned. The feeling of this young man is not a guest of Murong family, but Murong Xue's boyfriend?

Murong and the wind Lord Sun San couldn't help laughing. Li Feng didn't let them down, but he was still so arrogant. There is a good show to watch next!

Murong hele only felt that it was dark in front of him, and almost closed his breath!

Depend on, Li Feng still made a move. Next, sun Xixiang must be angry. Will sun Xixiang vent his anger on them? Can Li Feng resist sun Xixiang's anger? What is the end result?

At this moment, Murong and le and others are in a panic!

Just as the atmosphere was about to freeze, sun Zhishang took a deep breath and asked, "Miss Murong Xue, what do you mean? Have you not been single all the time?"

Murong Xue's face changed several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sun, I was with Li Feng a month ago."

Sun's face changed.

On one side, sun Xixiang's face was livid, his fists clenched so tightly that his bones clattered. All these showed how angry he was!

"Zhishang..." Sun Xixiang took a deep breath and wanted to solve the matter.

However, sun Zhishang interrupted: "grandfather, I want to deal with this matter myself."

Sun Xixiang opened his mouth, and finally nodded: "OK, you can rest assured and bold to deal with everything. I have everything."

Sun Zhishang nodded, then looked at murongxue and said, "miss murongxue, as long as you break up with him now and announce your marriage to me in public, I can treat you as if you haven't been together, otherwise..."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "how?"

Sun Zhishang looked at Li Feng and said coldly, "I will kill you!"

Voice landing, a breath of extraordinary late from sun Zhishang rise!

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