Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 551

In Murong Xue's wild thoughts, Li Feng then said: "once upon a time, I had to listen to your song every night to fall asleep."

Before getting the system, Li Feng was under great mental pressure and had insomnia all night.

By chance, Li Feng heard Murong Xue's debut song and was attracted by her ethereal voice.

Since then, Li Feng has been relying on Murong Xue's singing to put himself to sleep.

Murong Xue is more shy. Li Feng's words are so straightforward and warm that her heart is pounding and her face is boiling hot.

"He has said so much, and he should confess to me, too? Or if he promised me Promise him? "

Murong snow kneaded the corner of his clothes, shyly thought.

What Murong Xue doesn't know is that Li Feng has used mind reading skills for her, and her inner thoughts have been read by Li Feng.

"It seems that Murong Xue has already made a secret promise to me Should I seize this opportunity and take Murong Xue down? " Li Feng thought to himself for a little while, and finally laughed bitterly to himself.

Take it? How to get it? He hasn't told murongxue that he has many girlfriends.

Although Li Feng's principle is to all, but he can not use the means of entrapment, ah, must be in the other party's knowledge, make their own choice.

Of course, before this, he can try to make murongxue feel good about himself, or else he will not have any good feeling. Then people will know that he is a flower radish, which is not a way to die!

On the other side, Murong Xue and so on didn't wait to come. Li Feng confessed to himself. He was a little anxious for a moment, didn't he Li Feng just likes her singing, not like her?

Just then, Li Feng suddenly asked, "that Xiaoxue, you are so excellent, there should be many boys chasing you? "

Murong Xue has not been gossip since she was first on the road, and through today's observation, Li Feng feels that Murong Xue is not like a man with a boyfriend.

If Murong snow has a boyfriend, it is impossible not to look at the mobile phone several times a day.

Murong Xue blushed again and bowed his head and said, "yes, there is no one I like..."

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, pretended to be curious: "is your vision too high ah."

"No, it's not fate." Murong Xue kneaded the corner of her dress, looking very shy.

Fate can't be seen or touched, but it's the most suitable thing to carry the pot. If a woman wants to refuse a man, she can say something by fate. What fate has no fate? What fate has not yet arrived

If a woman likes a man, she can also say things by fate, what "so coincidentally, I met you again, we really have fate."

Actually? For this "chance encounter", some people have done a lot of preparatory work.

"Oh Fate is really a wonderful thing. " Li Feng said with emotion.

When he was in the most down-to-earth time, fate never found him. When he got the system, he could meet fate wherever he went

"Mr. Li, then you You... " Murong Xue looks up at Li Feng and stops talking.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Feng guessed what Murong Xue wanted to ask, but he couldn't say it directly. It was interesting to be reserved.

"It is You Do you have a girlfriend

Murong snow used a lot of strength to say this sentence. After that, she lowered her head shyly and continued to knead the corner of her clothes.

"Yes, more than one." Li Feng said in a relaxed tone.

"Ah!" Murong Xue was forced directly on the spot.

After a long time, Murong Xue said with an unnatural smile: "Mr. Li, you must be joking with me?"

Li Feng's tone of voice just now sounds like a joke, which is the last hope of Murong Xue.

"I'm not kidding. I really have more than one girlfriend, and they all know each other."

Li Feng spread his hands and said in a complicated tone.

Murong Xue still couldn't believe it: "so How many girlfriends do you have

"Nine..." Li Feng said with a red face.

If Xiao Ling Fei is included, he really has nine women.

Murong Xue:

It's not There are nine girlfriends. They all know each other's existence. Are they living in ancient times?

At this moment, Murong Xue, like being struck by lightning, is buzzing in her mind. Her consciousness is detached from her body and she almost loses her ability to think.

At this time, Li Feng said, "you must think our behavior is ridiculous?"

Murong snow subconsciously nodded, which is more than ridiculous, it is simply wild Y!

Now it's monogamous. Li Feng has nine girlfriends at the same time. It's ridiculous and shameless!

"But I don't think my behavior is ridiculous. On the contrary, I think my behavior is very bold." Li Feng continued.Murong Xue looks confused!

What? It's not ridiculous to find nine girlfriends. On the contrary, it's bold?

Murong snow see the gold on his face in the past, never seen so gold on his face!

At the moment, Murong Xue is angry, funny, and a little sad. How could she have a good feeling for Li Feng, a big flower radish, and almost fell in?

Even now, she still has fantasies about Li Feng? She must be crazy!

After a long time, Murong Xue took a deep breath and asked, "why do you think your behavior is bold?"

She would like to hear how Li Feng defended his behavior!

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "because I didn't cheat them. Before I established a relationship with each of them, I would tell them about my girlfriend and let them make their own choice."

"Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm so good that they can't like other men except me. They can only choose to be with me."

"And I have made a promise to them that I will marry them all at the right time. I believe this goal will be achieved in a short time."

After listening to Li Feng's story, Murong Xue's mouth opened slightly.

I have to say, Li Feng seems to have some truth?

If you change to another man, will you tell me about his other girlfriend before establishing a relationship? It's very likely that you will establish a relationship first and then find an opportunity to say it out, or even hide it all the time?

And promised to marry all my girlfriends home Although this promise sounds ridiculous, it is not impossible. After all, there are polygamous countries in the world.

As for Li Feng's saying that he is so excellent Mu Rongxue deeply agrees.

Just like now, she has been attracted to Li Feng, so other men are not easy to get into her eye.

It's like you've had a glorious life, and then you're going to lower your quality of life. You certainly don't like it.

Now the problem is, excavators Ah, no, how should she face Li Feng?

Is it to cut off the relationship between her and Li Feng, or Like Li Feng's girlfriends, accept each other's existence?

For a while, Murong Xue fell into a huge tangle

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