Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1049

Did Li Feng initiate a date? Alice has a play!

"Well, Alice, didn't you just say you wanted to visit Q city the other day?"

Edward Coffey hinted wildly at Alice.

"Er I... " Alice was tongue tied for a moment.

"Alice, I think you can't go to Q city without wearing the dress you just bought yesterday. Wait a minute."

After that, Jennifer ran to the bedroom on the second floor and came out with a white dress: "Mr. Li, what do you think of this dress?"

"Er..." Li Feng mouth slightly open, after a while nodded: "very good."

This is even Alice to Q city to wear which clothes are arranged, understand? She was eager for her daughter to go to Q city with him!

Thinking of this, Li Feng looked at Alice strangely.

Alice spread out her hands and said with helpless eyes, "don't look at me like that. I don't think I'm their own..."

"Well I think Alice can change her style Edward's eyes brightened and he suggested, "Alice, don't you have some professional suits for your new job? Put it on, it suits your temperament

"Jennifer, you're about the size of Alice. You can take out the stockings you bought before."

Jennifer nodded. "Edward, that's a good idea."

And then she was going to get the stockings.

"Wait a minute!" Edward suddenly stopped her, turned to look at Li Feng and said, "Mr. Li, what color of silk stockings do you think Alice looks good on? Flesh, black or white, purple? "

Li Feng:

God? I think? Why should I think? If you want to make it so obvious, just tell me you want Alice to seduce me with cesium!

"Daddy!" Alice couldn't listen any more. She pulled Edward with a red face and turned her head in anger.

"Daughter, you don't understand. In fact, men know better than women what clothes women wear." Edward blinked and said with great significance.

Climbing is also very popular in the West.

There was a story about a man who wanted his son to be the son-in-law of the richest man in the world. He first went to find the richest man in the world and told him that the vice president of the world bank wanted to marry his daughter.

After the world's richest man agreed, the man went to the world bank and found the president. He said that the son-in-law of the world's richest man wanted to be vice president here. The president agreed very quickly.

Then the man's son not only married the daughter of the world's richest man, but also became a vice president of the world bank.

Although this is only a paragraph, but the information revealed in it is still a bit deep.

In Edward's class, he couldn't find a better son-in-law than Li Feng. Since Li Feng showed the pursuit of Alice, he would naturally seize the opportunity.

How to grasp it? Of course, let Alice make full use of her capital!

And the right dress is the best way to improve capital!

Edward himself, every time he was with a beautiful secretary in professional clothes, he was in a trance

"Mr. Edward is right. Men really know what to wear better than women." Li Feng deeply looked at Edward and said with a smile, "flesh color."

"Jennifer, meat colored stockings." Edward winked at Jennifer.

"All right, Alice. Come with me." Despite Alice's objection, Jennifer took her and went to the second floor bedroom.

While Alice was dressing up, Edward poured Li Feng a glass of whiskey, and they sat opposite each other and chatted.

The two talked about a wide range of topics, from football to investment to LT group. Even Edward also asked about the specific relationship between Li Feng and the Gullit family.

Li Feng is not a young man at the beginning of his life. He answers like a stream and hardly reveals any useful information.

Half an hour later, the door of a bedroom on the second floor opened and Alice, dressed, walked out with Jennifer.

Change into a 7 / 4-sleeve white shirt, black Baotun skirt, meat colored silk stockings, and black pointed high-heeled Alice, her temperament has undergone a great change of 180 degrees.

If the former Alice is like a pure angel, then Alice at the moment is like a magic spirit, which can bring back the most deeply forgotten charm in men's heart.

Most men have little resistance to women with good legs and stockings, not to mention Alice.

"Wow, come and have a look. Who's the little princess? She's like a bright star. She's so dazzling."

Edward stood up and stretched out his hands.

"Daddy ~!" Alice bowed her head in shame and whispered, "Mr. Li is still here, and you are not afraid of Mr. Li's teasing."

"Oh, look, my little princess is shy." Edward laughed, then turned to ask, "Mr. Li, will you make fun of us for what I said before?""No, of course not. In fact, Mr. Edward's description is very accurate." Li Feng shrugged and said in a positive tone.

Alice's face turned red and she didn't say a word.

Although she does not call Li Feng very much, but Li Feng's words make her very useful.

"You hear me, Alice. Mr. Li agrees with what I think of you." Edward was so relieved that he said with a smile, "well, take some spare clothes and start the next pleasant journey with Mr. Li."


It seems that I didn't say I would promise Li Feng from the beginning to the end, did I?

But the matter has come to this point, she can not refuse, can only in the help of mummy simply pack the next, in Edward's escort to LD airport.

After they got on the plane, they sat in the adjacent positions and chatted. Of course, before that, Li Feng had laid a real gas barrier around him, because the next thing he wanted to say was very important.

"Alice, I didn't go to Q city for a tour." Li Feng went straight to the subject.

Alice: ' What? "

"Well I have an enemy in Q city. He is very hidden, so I need to use special methods to lead him out Li Feng tried to use a soft tone to say, so as not to frighten Alice directly jump off the plane.

"That way is me?" Alice asked, pointing to her nose.

"Yes, not all of them." Li Feng shrugged: "in short I can guarantee you 100% safety, how you go, I will let you go home, you can think of it as a tour

"Of course, if you don't want to go, I won't force you. I can buy you a ticket back when the plane lands."

He had intended to say these words to Alice in advance, but who knew that Coffey and his wife did not give him an opportunity to explain

Alice:.... "

It's not Miss Ben, you just told me that when I got on the plane, I also regretted my p!

"I can only choose to trust you." Said Alice with a sigh.

Just then, a passenger in the front row suddenly stood up, turned to the passengers and said, "Hey, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to inform you that this flight has been hijacked by us."

He took a white pistol out of his arms.

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