Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1048

Under the narration of Philip Gullit, the Guangming Council became a vicious force coveting the property of the Gullit family, while Li Feng changed his mind and became a great Xia for justice.

Stonenard, who had already had a strong hostility to the Council of light, was completely convinced by this statement, and sometimes echoed and scolded the Council of light.

At the moment, Philip Gullit's admiration for Li Feng is like the continuous flow of the river, as well as the flood of the Yellow River.

What's a dead end? This is so special!

Li Feng had told him these things in the car before he came. Li Feng said it, and stonenard believed it all.

Of course, there are also reasons for the upright character of werewolves, as well as stonenard's gratitude to Philip.

If you changed the black witch clan, you would not believe what he said so easily.

"Philip, I told you long ago that the Council of light is unreliable. You don't believe it. Is it all right now?"

At this moment, the upright character of the werewolf is undoubtedly revealed in stonenard.

It's like someone has met with a setback, but his friend said, "I told you that you didn't listen to me at the beginning, but now you've suffered a loss?"

It's just sarcastic!

Stonenard is really a straight boy

Philip rolled his eyes and said, "stonenard, you have such a temper Forget it, you werewolves. "

Li Feng was amused. Fortunately, stonenard was not his friend

Stonenards didn't feel any problem in saying so. After shrugging his shoulders, he said, "it's Mr. Li Feng. I'm very surprised that you have so many powerful subordinates."

"Good luck." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and then said, "now that we have told you what you want to know, should you also tell us where the dark Council is located?"

Stonenard frowned. "I'd love to tell you, but..."

Hearing this, Li Feng had a bad feeling: "you don't know where the dark Council's nest is?"

"Er Exactly, yes Stonenard put his hands together and said with a wry smile, "I knew that, but when we werewolves left the dark Council, they were afraid that we would go back to revenge, so they moved..."

I moved Moved

At that time, Li Feng blocked his throat with a mouthful of old blood!

I'm a jerk. I've been here for a long time and you're telling me this? Why did I come here?

"But..." Just then, stonenard said, "I have a way to get them out."

"Well?" Li Fengmei pointed out: "you mean..."

"What?" Stonenard's brain is relatively straight, and he doesn't know what Li Feng wants to express.

Li Feng's mouth a smoke: "nothing, you continue to say."

Stonenard looked at him strangely, almost scolded on a "neuropathy", nothing, why do you interrupt me?

"It's very simple. I'll kill some members of the dark Council and leave my name. The elder of the dark Council will try to find me out."

"When they come to their door, let's take them alive and ask them where the dark Council's nest is, won't we?"

The more stonenard said, the more excited he became. Later, he couldn't help praising himself as a "genius."!

Who said werewolves have bad brains? He is the exception!

Li Feng nodded. What stonenard said was similar to what he thought just now: "yes, your idea is very good. Now the question comes. Do you know where to find members of the dark Council?"

"Er..." Stonenard's face turned pale and he said, "I don't know. I thought you did."

Li Feng:

It's not I want to find you if I know? Don't you just go to find it yourself?

The atmosphere was a little awkward at the moment

At this time, Philip Wang said, "in fact, we can take the initiative to lead them to show up. Wherever Mr. stonenard appears, he is like a firefly in the night, so dazzling and dazzling..."

Stonenard nodded approvingly. "I feel the same way."

Li Feng can't see it any more. The fireflies in the dark night are so dazzling and dazzling. Isn't this an ugly old man in the west?

"Master, I'm not exaggerating. The blood clan and the werewolf are deadly enemies. As long as stonenard appears in the blood clan's sphere of influence, he will certainly be found. As long as he is found, the blood clan will take action."

Philip Gullett said with great certainty.

Perhaps in order to cooperate with Philip, stonenard also specially put up a few very powerful poses.

Li Feng said: "do you know where the blood clan's sphere of influence is? How can the blood clan pay attention to the most quickly

Philip looked at stonenard and said in chorus, "Q city!"Q city is the base camp of blood clan, there are many strong blood clans living in seclusion there.

"As for how to quickly attract the attention of blood clan I think the best way is to have a fight with stonenard. " Said Philip, pondering.

"That's a good idea." Stonenard nodded and agreed: "the bigger the noise, the more likely it is to attract the attention of the blood clan. It's better to show the form of a werewolf in the battle."

"It's better to take a beautiful woman, pure and beautiful. It's better to be a girl, because the blood clan likes this kind of woman best." Philippe came up with some advice.

Stonenard nodded: "yes, those despicable and dirty blood clan do have this kind of hobby, unlike our upright werewolves..."

"Cough." Li Feng coughed and stopped stonenard's boasting.

What happened to the two rabbit girls just now? Don't you count 13 in your mind?

Stone Nader's face turned red and he closed his mouth.

Li Feng touched his chin and pondered: "in this case, let's play a play. Before that, I'll find someone."

Philip's proposal is very good, but his request is too high, ordinary women can not attract the attention of blood clan.

If the time is pushed forward for another month, both Tang Qiong and aishania can, but now

"I think I'm going to see Alice." Li Feng murmured to himself.

After leaving stonenard's house, Li Feng called Alice, confirmed that she was at home, and asked Philip to drive directly to Kofi's house.

An hour later, the car stopped steadily. Li Feng got off alone and came to the door and rang the doorbell.

The three members of the Kofi family had already been ready to welcome Li Feng. They warmly asked Li Feng to come in.

After a series of greetings, Li Feng directly indicated his intention: "Miss Alice, I have something I want to ask you for help."

Alice was stunned at first, and then asked, "can I know what it is?"

"It's no big deal. I just want to visit Q city and ask you to be a guide." Li Feng said with a smile.

As soon as this was said, the eyes of Kofi and his wife brightened.

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