Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1050

There was silence in the cabin, then a shrill cry!

Hijacking ah, this kind of thing that can only be staged in the movie even happened in front of his own eyes. The strong impact almost made some people close their breath!

Even Alice, who had seen a big scene, looked pale. When she saw Li Feng, who was calm and calm beside her, her mood was slightly calmed down.

"Don't be afraid. They can't make waves with me." Li Feng said with a smile.

Alice raised her eyebrows and nodded in silence.

Of course, she knows that Li Feng is very powerful, but this is in the air. Once the plane explodes and disintegrates, or the pilot is killed, can they survive?

If she had seen Li Feng flying in the sky, she would not have such a worry

But she seems to have overlooked a point, Li Feng said is not "he" but "they".

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

At the same time, a system prompt sound sounded in Li Feng's mind.

"Is it related to the hijacking?" Li Feng frowned slightly and said, "check it out!"

"Mission: safe landing"

"mission objective: to smash the hijacking plot of KB members, make this flight land safely, and ensure the life safety of all passengers and flight attendants. If the mission fails, 12 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 2 million exp, 6 million system points, 20 conquest points."

"Why, there is a reward for conquest?" After reading the task introduction, Li Feng was stunned, but he thought about it and guessed the reason.

Alice is also one of the passengers. She saves Alice when she completes the task. It is reasonable to have some conquering points.

At this time, a flight attendant secretly pressed the alarm to inform the air police.

However, to her disappointment, the air police did not appear in time.

At the same time, the armed robber flicked his headphones and locked the three stewardesses in the cabin: "did one of you press the alarm button?"

Three stewardesses body a shudder, among them that presses the alarm button stewardess is to become white as snow!

Each stewardess has a walkie talkie. There is a button on the walkie talkie for alarm. In case of emergency, pressing this button will inform the air police and the captain on the plane.

However, when she pressed the alarm button, only the air police and the captain knew why the robbers also received the message?

A little association, the stewardess know that the air police and the captain are also under control!

"Courage is good, but it's stupid." The robber shook his head and sneered, then said, "I am not fighting alone. There are three companions on this plane, one of which is your Captain

As soon as this was said, both the flight attendants and passengers were stunned on the spot like a slap in the head!

Is the captain one of the robbers? This How could that be possible!

After the shock, there was despair. Even the captain was their man. What hope did they have?

"So you'd better do as I say, or..." The robber suddenly pulled the trigger at a stewardess pushing the dining car.

"Bang" "Ding"


The stewardess screamed and squatted down with her head in her hands.

Other passengers are also scared to embrace the head, when ostrich.

Only Li Feng sat on the seat with the same complexion, and didn't even blink his eyes.

"Don't be nervous. I just want to tell you that this is a real guy."

The robber put the gun to his mouth and blew his breath. He said with ridicule.

Hearing this, some bold passengers looked up at the stewardess, and then they found that there was no bloodstain under the stewardess' feet. Instead, there was a dent on the stainless steel dining car, and a white bullet head was lying quietly under the dining car.

So instead of shooting, the robbers shot the dining car?

"3D printing engineering plastic pistol?"

Just as the crowd was confused, a slightly mocking voice suddenly sounded.


Some people take a breath of air-conditioning, and then turn around to follow the sound, and see Li Feng is looking curiously at the white pistol in the hands of the robbers.

Well It seems that there is not only curiosity, but also a little scorn and ridicule, but no fear.

Lie trough, this yellow skinned brother should not be a fool, or is a head iron, think his head can be invulnerable?

"Well?" The robber did not expect that Li summit suddenly came to such a sentence. He was stunned for a second or two. After a long time, he sneered and said, "you have some eyesight. Yes, this is a 3D printing engineering plastic pistol. Even the bullet is also engineering plastic. Otherwise, how can I pass the security inspection with it?"

"Of course, this gun is not as powerful as a regular pistol, but it can still blow your head. Do you want to try it?"The contempt in Li Feng's eyes was not covered up, which made the robber very angry. He didn't mind killing Li Feng's chicken to warn other monkeys.

As soon as the words came out, a crowd of passengers squeezed a cold sweat for Li Feng.

"Well, try and try." Li Feng nodded and said with a smile.


Flight attendant:


It's not Did I hear you wrong? He really wanted to try?

do you know what the consequences of trying are, old fellow, you really think you have a very strong head, don't you?


the robber adjusted his mood and vomited out a turbid airway: "are you very kind? No wonder you have such a beautiful girlfriend."

As he spoke, he looked up and down at Alice for a moment.

A crowd of passengers couldn't help sighing. I'm afraid this woman will be poisoned by robbers

But it's also strange that Li Feng is too forced. If he hadn't been in the limelight, maybe the robbers would not have noticed Alice.

But to everyone's slight surprise, Alice's face did not show the color of fear that she was about to encounter an accident. Instead, she looked down upon the robbers like Li Feng.

"Fake, do you even look down on me?" The robber was infuriated by Alice's eyes, turned the gun to aim at Li Feng and pulled the trigger.


a shot!


The crowd screamed.


The crowd exclaimed.

The picture of Li Feng's head being shot doesn't appear. Not only has he not been hit, but Li Feng is still sitting in place intact, playing with a small thing with his right hand

Wait, it's like warhead?!

Sleeping trough!

After seeing the things in Li Feng's hands, all the people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

So Li Feng just picked up the bullet with his hand? Did not see him raise his hand, this is too against science!

"No, it's not possible!" The robbers were confused and afraid, and fired several shots at Li Feng!

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "bang"

This time, a group of passengers did not scream, but looked at Li Feng without blinking.

Still did not see Li Feng raise his hand, but after the gunfire stopped, Li Feng's hand had a few more warheads.

The atmosphere in the cabin suddenly became strange

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