Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1028

A few minutes later

Kevin and David finally stop wrestling and sit on the ground panting for breath.

"Wheezing You You green pond Wheezing I'm so blind Wheezing Cooperate with you David said out of breath.

"Shepard Knowing the time Wheezing It is for For Wheezing Junjie, you want to be big Wheezing I'm in prison. I'm fine Cooperation? " Kevin's face was sarcastic, and he was also out of breath.

After the conversation, they took a few more breaths, breathing more or less smoothly.

Both of them are the masters of social welfare, not to mention the offline PK of real people. They don't even work hard at ordinary times. After fighting for a few minutes, they almost exhausted their whole strength.

"Who knows the current affairs is a hero? Don't you see they're gone, you're abandoned! " David said with a sneer.

Kevin's face changed slightly, and then he sneered, "they are just afraid of being affected. I'll go to them now. As for you Prepare for the summons of the court

After dropping this sentence, Kevin stood up and walked out.

Looking at Kevin's far away back, David was gnashing his teeth: "fake, do you think climbing up the tree of Li Feng can ignore me? immature! I'll let you know what kind of prestige my David has in the cosmetics industry

After talking to himself, he took out his cell phone and called Carlos Bowman, the Trade Officer.

Over the past few decades, he has been dealing with trade officials of LD. Since taking office, Carlos Bowman has been a favorite Oh, no, it's a good friendship with David all the time.

In terms of Tong Yan Shui's influence in the world, if David wants to check Li Feng and Tang Qiong, he can only ask Carlos Bauman for help.

It's just that after David got through, Carlos Bowman said, "you're finished. You're good for yourself."

Listening to the busy call, David fell into a state of muddle

Besides, Kevin, after he came out of the private room, he began to look for Li Feng and others. After some searching, he finally found him in the window position of the hall on the first floor.

Kevin ran to Li Feng and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, I've taught David a lesson. I'm sure you're satisfied."

Li Feng turned his head to look at him, a face inexplicable said: "you tell me what these do, I am familiar with you?"

Kevin: "well Mr. Li, don't you want me to be a stain witness? "

"Did I say that?" Li Feng turned to look at Alice.

Alice was stunned at first, and then said with a strange look, "no..."

Oh, my God, just lies What a shame!

"You hear me, I didn't say that." Li Feng turns to look at Kevin and shrugs.


My special Now people even lie so justified? This is the shame of red fruit!

"Hoo!" Kevin tried his best to control his anger. He squeezed out a smile that was even worse than crying. "Mr. Li, I've done what you said. Don't make fun of me."

Li Feng shook his head with a smile: "I didn't joke with you. For those who betray friends at any time for the sake of interests, I will never want to have anything to do with you."

"Lt group won't cooperate with bell department store. You can die."

Kevin's face turned white and his body shook. He stood still and said, "Mr. Li, are you kidding me?"

"If it makes you feel better to hear the answer Yes, I'm just teasing you. " Li Feng nodded and said with an extremely serious expression.

"Shepard!" Kevin grabs his hair and rubs it hard. The pain doesn't want it.

I broke my face with David on the spot, exposed him and fought with him in exchange for "I'm playing you"?

At this moment, Kevin would like to take out a gun to thrust Li Feng out!

"No, no, no, Mr. Li, if you don't have my help, you can't sue David. Not only can't you sue him, lt has to pay him a lot of compensation."

Kevin suddenly thought of the key, and his eyes lit up.

The three members of the Coffey family nodded in silence. Professional managers like David will sign a very detailed contract when they enter the company. One of them is that he must not be dismissed without any reason. How much compensation should be paid if he is dismissed.

The damages ranged from a few million pounds to tens of millions of pounds.

Maybe this money is nothing to Li Feng, but he really wants to give David compensation That's going to be tough?

"No, I have proof."

Perhaps to prove something to Kevin, Li Feng took out his mobile phone and opened a video.

Alice came over curiously and changed her face when she saw the video: "is this

Kevin is also very curious to come over, see the picture of the moment exclaimed: "how can you have this video?"The picture of him talking with David in a private club is playing on the mobile phone. With 1080p picture quality and 3D surround sound effect, you can clearly hear what they say, and two of them are talking about the benefit fee

"It doesn't matter. It's important that I have evidence in hand, and now you can go."

Li Feng put down his mobile phone and mocked.

"Fake! You damn yellow monkey, I will beat you first if I don't cooperate with LT any more! "

Kevin was so angry that he punched Li Feng in the face.


Li Feng didn't do anything. Kevin's fist was caught in his hand, and then he gently pinched it



There was a bone fracture, and Kevin let out a cry that didn't sound like a human voice: "my hand, my hand!"

This time is when the restaurant guests, restaurant guests heard this cry after all looked over this way.

It was the first time the restaurant manager came to inquire about the situation.

"It's OK. He twisted his wrist accidentally." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Fake! It's you... " Kevin was just about to expose Li Feng's crime in public. Suddenly, he looked dull. After returning to normal, he said, "yes, I accidentally twisted my wrist and let everyone see the joke."

With that, Kevin bowed to the crowd and turned away.

Look at the other people are a face muddled!

Immortality It doesn't seem to be the case, but how did he suddenly become a man, a prank?

Only the three members of the Coffey family know that this must be Li Feng's means. After all, Oliver was taken away by Li Feng.

Li Feng What a mystery!

"If only he wasn't married..." Edward Coffey sighed in his heart. Then he turned to his daughter Alice and found that her eyes lingered on Li Feng.

Edward's heart suddenly suddenly, murmured to himself: "er My daughter doesn't have a crush on Li Feng, does she? "

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