Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1027



It's not What did they hear just now? What LT wouldn't work with Bell's and what David got fired from LT?

A doctor, speaking to them in such a tugging tone, is he funny?

"Edward, isn't your friend a fool? It's funny that you don't know your own identity! " Kevin took a puff and sneered.

"Young man, I think you should go to the hospital to have a brain CT and have a good examination of your brain." David extremely sarcastically said, almost to say Li Feng brain problems.

The coffeys, however, did not feel embarrassed. Instead, they looked at Kevin and David with an idiotic look.

Before that, Oliver looked down on Li Feng and thought that Li Feng's brain was broken. In the end, it proved that Oliver had broken his brain

By the way, is Oliver really suffering from pituitary atrophy? Li Feng doesn't look like a joke

If David and Kevin knew that the three members of the Coffey family didn't take their words seriously, they were thinking about something else. I don't know how they would feel

"You don't know who I am." Li Feng's mouth was full of sarcasm: "let me introduce myself again. My name is Li Feng. I'm Tang Qiong's husband. LT group was founded by me, that is to say I'm the boss of the LT group. "



Kofi and his wife:

It's not Is this a big melon? If it doesn't sing, it will make a big splash?

In particular, Kofi and his wife tried to set up Li Feng and Alice. As a result, Li Feng has been married It's a mess!

“LT…… Li's initials and Tang's initials together make it LT? "

Alice Coffey thought of the key and blurted out.

Li Feng looked at her and said with a smile, "yes, this is the origin of Lt

"No way. Aren't you a doctor? How can you be the husband of president Tang?" David can't believe it, and he won't believe it. That's ridiculous!

Tang is always a top beauty, or a career woman. This Chinese looks ugly and just a doctor. How can he be the husband of president Tang?

"What initials, that's a coincidence!" Kevin didn't believe it. He said angrily, "Mr. David, please call Mr. Tang immediately and expose this liar."

"Yes, yes. Call Mr. Tang." David this just reacts to come over, quickly takes out the mobile phone to call Tang Qiong.

Kofi's husband and wife looked at Li Feng with worry on their faces. Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent.

After seeing this, Kofi and his wife took reassurance. It seems that Li Feng is really the husband of Tang Qiong, the president of LT, so the matter of setting him up with Alice can only come to an end

Some light worries about mulberry

"Mr. Tang, I'm David Yes, I have something to ask about. It may be a little presumptuous There is a Chinese named Li Feng who says he is your husband Let him answer the phone? "

David's face changed slightly, then he looked at Li Feng and said, "Tang always let you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Feng took the mobile phone from his hand and opened the release: "Hello, this is Li Feng."

"Er Husband, don't tell me you have a conflict with David. " Tang Qiong knows Li Feng better. From David's tone, she can tell that David has deep resentment against Li Feng

Yes, Tang Qiong often uses the word "resentment". Especially after hearing her words, David's resentment towards Li Feng is even more serious.

Nima Li Feng is really Tang Qiong's husband?

Where did David know that Tang Qiong hardly called her husband Li Feng in public places, only when they practiced together.

The reason why she was called Li Feng husband was that Tang Qiong wanted to give Li Feng platform?

Tang Qiong who knows Li Feng is also!

"No, just a fly swatter." Li Feng pondered a smile, and then said, "well, I'm going to dismiss David. I'll let him go to you to handle the resignation procedures later."

Tang Qiong: "OK, you should come back early."

It is a simple "good" without asking why or arguing, which fully reflects Tang Qiong's trust in Li Feng.

On the other side, David's face turned white, and then he roared, "no! You can't do this to me. I was dug up by your high price. You can't kick me away like this! "

Kevin looks a little ugly. Before that, he tried his best to ingratiate with David, denounce and ridicule Li Feng for David. What is his purpose? Not the exclusive cooperation opportunity of LT group?

As a result, Li Feng is the boss behind the LT group How can he be reasonable?

So Now, if he changes his face directly and helps Li Feng accuse David, is there still time?

Although he hesitated a little in his heart, he acted with great honesty: "Mr. Li, David once hinted to me that I would give him 10 million pounds in exchange for the exclusive cooperation opportunity of LT group.""For a picky guy like David, it's a wise decision to dismiss him. I'll support him with both hands and feet."

David just felt an old blood in his throat!

Is there anyone else so shameless? You're the one who hinted at me first, OK?!

The three members of the family were speechless.

Let Kevin say that, they almost forget who was questioning and mocking Li Feng just now. Did he change his face so fast?

"Well Is there such a thing? Kevin, would you like to be David's stain witness? " Li Feng touched his chin and said with a smile.

As soon as Kevin heard this, he immediately patted his fierce breast and said, "yes, absolutely! It's a great honor for me to serve Mr. Li! "

"Kevin, you're shameless!" David finally couldn't hold back and began to curse.

"I'm no more shameless than you." Now that he had torn his face, Kevin didn't want to pretend to David. He said, "I know all the dirty things you've done. I don't mind giving all the evidence to Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li, with these evidences, the LT group not only does not need to compensate David, but also can counterclaim him to make compensation and go to prison!"

Li Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

Sleeping trough, this Kevin is too poisonous. Before that, he and David were on the same front. When he turned around, he would send David to prison

"If you want to make a mistake! You big jerk! Bichi! Shepard! I will kill you David's eyes were red and he was about to fight with Kevin.

Kevin sneers, takes off his suit and wrestles with David.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, winks at the Kofi family and turns out of the private room.

After the coffeys left the private room, Alice couldn't help but ask, "Kevin wants to help you. Shall we just leave like this?"

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles: "you may not have heard an old Chinese saying that a dog bites a dog. Kevin and David are not good people. Let them wrestle."

Alice frowned slightly. "But you need Kevin as a Stain Witness."

"Do you think I need it?" Li Feng had a good laugh and then turned to go downstairs.

The three members of the Coffey family looked at each other, and after seeing the two men wrestling in the eye compartment, they turned and followed.

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