Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1029

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The" guest "task has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 1 million experience points, 3 million system points and 20 conquest points."

Two hours later, when you are full of food and drink, the system prompt sounds suddenly.

"Well, it's done at last." Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas.

He is not familiar with the Coffey family, so it's not interesting to have a meal together. However, Edward's social level is still very high, and he can say what he says. The meal is quite comfortable.

Of course, the most important thing is that Alice Coffey is sitting beside her. No matter where she is, it is a beautiful scenery. There is such a beautiful woman sitting beside her, smelling the fragrance, enjoying the beautiful face and beautiful body. It is natural and comfortable.

Of course, Edward also has his own purpose. During the meal, he mentioned the cooperation with LT several times. He wanted to strive for more interests for Coffey department store. It was better to get exclusive cooperation opportunities.

However, Li Feng rejected them with one sentence: "I don't care about the company's specific affairs. If you have any ideas, you can talk to Tang Qiong."

See Li Feng's attitude is firm, Edward did not mention this stubble again, instead tested Li Feng's attitude to Alice.

Li Feng is also old-fashioned, vague, ambiguous words, he is handy, in short, Edward did not get any useful information.

Shaking his head, Li Feng expelled these ideas out of his mind, and then click into the personal attribute interface to view it.

Host: Li Feng

level: demigod level (later stage)

experience value: 4.02 million

System score: 74.7 million

conquest points: 2120

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty space flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploration Hands

Tasks to be completed: none

"100 million experience value..."

Every time Li Feng sees that long string of zeros, he has an impulse to crack his mouth.

"Mr. Li, what are your plans after dinner?"

Edward asked, wiping the corners of his mouth with his napkin.

"Go home." Li Feng quit the system.

Edward didn't expect Li Feng's answer to be so simple and direct. At the moment, the corner of his mouth pulled out: "the nightlife here is very rich and colorful. It's better to let Alice show you around the neighborhood."

As he spoke, he gave Alice a crazy hint.

Although Li Feng and Tang Qiong married, but in the rich group, divorced is not the same as playing?

Love this thing to their own efforts to fight for, Alice is also to talk about marriage age, if can with Li Feng together, COFI department store scale can be expanded several times!

Alice wanted to ignore the hint from her father, but Jennifer kicked her again to remind her. She could only respond by saying, "yes, there is a stadium nearby, which is suitable for a walk after dinner. If Mr. Li doesn't hurry back, we can go there together."

Li Feng is very excellent, but in terms of appearance, it's not her dish. What's more, Li Feng is already married, so Alice is very clear that she and he are impossible.

Only her parents so hinted that she did not make a point of practical action, also not good to hand over, can only hope that Li Feng actively refused.

On the other side, Kofi and his wife frowned slightly when they heard about it. What stadium to go to and what night club is not good for? Night club is the place where love can shine!

If Alice knew what her parents thought, she would ask, "am I your own?"

"I think going to the stadium just

Li Feng will refuse at the moment, but in the middle of his words, he will shut his mouth because

Temeow's system has come to work again!

"Mission: crush the road with the goddess Alice"

"mission objective: go to the nearby stadium with the goddess Alice. Maybe you will have unexpected surprise. If you refuse, you will deduct 4 million experience points of the host as punishment."

"Mission reward: 1 million exp, 2 million system points, 20 conquest points."

“…… It's very interesting. " Li Feng showed a smile even worse than crying, and finally said the second half of the sentence.

There are three members of the Coffey family

It's not Why don't you make us feel like it's interesting?

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly."

Li Feng gathered away his bitter smile and got up and said.

"Oh, oh." Alice got up quickly and turned to look at her parents.

"Go ahead and go. If it's too late, you can stay out for the night." Edward said almost explicitly.

Alice almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. Did you send her daughter out in such a hurry? The other side was still a married man!

Maybe Jennifer thought that Edward had gone too far and quickly explained, "if you don't have to, you'd better go home and spend the night. It's not safe outside at night, eh Of course, it's safe to be with Mr. Li. "Alice:.... "

Finally, Alice walked out of the restaurant with Li Feng in the earnest instruction of her parents.

"Where is the stadium?" Li Feng asked.

"It's over there. It's ten minutes by car." Said Alice, pointing to the right.

Li Feng nodded: "lead the way."

"Er Don't you take a taxi? " Alice wondered.

"It's evening rush hour. First, it's not easy to take a taxi. Second, it's easy to block the road. Besides, we've just had enough to eat, so it's good to have a walk." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Er It seems to make a lot of sense. " Alice nodded, then turned and walked towards the stadium.

From the Chinese restaurant to the stadium, we have to pass through a slum. When they go there, Li Feng's skin color and Alice's beauty attract a few gangsters wandering in the street.

"Hey, man, are you from Japan or from H?"

"This girl has a great figure. Which store did you find it in?"

"It's so watery. It's so special that I want to pinch it."

"Hey, man, we have something good here. Would you like to come and have a bite?"

This group of small gangsters in front of Li Feng two people, language frivolous said.

Alice looks frightened and stealthily hides behind Li Feng.

But before she could stand firm, Li Feng said, "go away!"

A burst of drink, like thunder in the ear, these small thugs together covered the ears, pain squat down.

Because it was rather dark here, Alice didn't see the blood flowing out of the ears of these little thugs. Li Feng just let out that roar, which directly broke their eardrums!

After getting rid of these punks, Li Feng went on.

Alice regained her consciousness and quickly followed.

When they arrived at the gate of the stadium, Li Feng found that there were still a lot of people here. A large group of people lined up to enter. Some of them had painted paper on their faces, just like fans who were helping idols.

"Is there a concert here?" Li Feng asked curiously.

Alice frowned slightly, and then she suddenly realized, "it's not a concert, it's a football match!"

When it comes to the football match, Alice is all excited.

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