Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1026

David is stunned by Li Feng's question. The main reason is that Li Feng's tone is not questioning, but ridicule, as if Li Feng is sure that he has no ability to decide all this, which makes him even more unhappy.

Just waiting for him to speak, Kevin couldn't wait to jump out: "of course, Mr. David is the vice president of LT group, deeply trusted by president Tang!"

"Besides, Mr. David has always dealt with the cooperation with the department store. If Mr. David can't decide, who can decide? Can you?"

With Li Feng's ability, this is not impossible

With the influence of the Gullit family in Europe, as long as Philip Gullit comes forward in person, does the LT group dare to give him face?

Only Alice Coffey's expression suddenly became a little strange? Is the boss of LT group named Tang?

Wait She heard that the boss of LT group is a Chinese woman, and she looks very young. As for the name She doesn't remember very well.

I don't know why, Alice raised a guess in her heart, and quickly took out her mobile phone to check the relevant information of LT group. When she saw the name and photo of Tang Qiong, Alice couldn't help crying out!

Her strange situation immediately attracted other people's attention, Alice quickly embarrassed smile, put away the mobile phone, and then look at Li Feng beside her complexion.

So Li Feng is so confident not because of the Gullit family, but because he is the man of LT group president? The world is really small enough!

Li Feng noticed Alice's look at himself. After a deep look at her, he turned his head and said, "it's not impossible."

"Ha ha, it's a big joke!" David couldn't help laughing.

A doctor, who can decide who will cooperate with LT group and who will give him courage?

"You'll soon find out if it's a joke." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and then asked, "I'm very curious now. What's the reason why COFI and bell have the opportunity to cooperate with LT?"

"Because other department stores are not competitive, or because they can give you enough benefits?"

David's face changed slightly, and then he snorted coldly, "well, what does this have to do with you?"

"Don't you hear that, so I'm just curious." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Ask less about things you shouldn't ask." David snorted coldly. He turned his head and didn't want to talk to Li Feng again.

However, Li Feng would not give up easily: "don't do this. Anyway, the food has not been served. It's better to talk about other things that we are interested in. If you don't answer But it will make people think you were bragging

"What, how dare you say I'm bragging?" "Do you know how long I've been in this industry? Thirty years

"I am a senior person in the cosmetics agency industry. No one knows more about the sales of cosmetics than I do. With my help, numerous cosmetics agents have grown and grown."

"President Tang hired me to be the vice president of LT group, just to borrow my experience and prestige to make LT group bigger and stronger! In other words, she asked for it from me

At this point, David is really not bragging. He is a top-notch presence in the cosmetics sales agency industry all over the world, which is his real ability to break out bit by bit.

Because of this, Tang Qiong will spend a lot of money to dig him over, also hope that he can unite with LT group.

"Yes, Mr. David has no prestige in the cosmetics agency industry. It's absolutely this." On one side, Kevin reaches out his thumb and nods.

Li Feng's eyebrows pointed out, playing the flavor: "so Don Qiong will listen to your opinion, won't she? "

David nodded haughtily, "of course, she asked me to give advice."

Li Feng sighed: "what if she doesn't listen?"

"It's impossible to listen. I'm an authoritative person. My opinions are to create the maximum benefits for the company. Unless she is not smart, she will listen." David said confidently.

Li Feng shook his head and laughed: "as far as I know, osville's products are very popular. There is no need to give any concession to major department stores. On the contrary, these department stores should rush to cooperate with LT group."

"The best way for the LT group is to set up counters in all major department stores and spread the stalls in an all-round way, which is more conducive to sales."

"So I really don't understand your suggestion. If you only cooperate with one or two department store groups, it will cut down the sales channels and it will not do any good to Lt

David's face changed slightly, and then he snorted, "you're just a doctor. What business do you know? Let's go and see a doctor honestly

"If you are young, you have no experience in society." Kevin echoed.

"Who said I didn't understand? I know very well Li Feng gave a cold smile, looked at Kevin and said, "you just want to collect some benefit fees from Kevin, and pull Edward into the company. It's just miss alice's idea."David's face changed slightly, and he quickly denied: "I didn't! You're bloody! "

"Young man, speak with proof, or I will sue you for slander." Kevin said with a sneer.

"Edward, is this your friend for dinner? You have a bad eye for people. " David shook his head and sighed. Then he said in a low voice, "frankly, I have always regarded COFI as an object to cooperate with, but the words of this Chinese made me waver."

"Well, as long as you get rid of this Chinese man, the cooperation between COFI and lt is still possible, how about?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. David. Dr. Lee is my closest friend. I can't get rid of him just to cooperate with LT," Edward said, without hesitation

"Dr. Li, these two people are so rude. Let's go."

He's going to get up and get out of here.

David didn't expect that Edward would answer him like this, and immediately became angry: "Edward, do you know what you said? I tell you, if you don't cooperate with LT, COFI will close down in a very short time. You'll see for me! "

Kevin was secretly amused and said, "don't be angry, Mr. David. Why should you take a common view with such a short-sighted person? How worthless is your body to be angry? If he wants to go, he can go. When Coffey can't go on, he'll fight back. "

"Well, one day it will." David patted the table and snorted.

Edward sneered, did not contradict, and went out.

Without hesitation, Jennifer and Alice got up and followed.

Only Li Feng sat on the chair in a stable manner, without any intention of leaving.

"Why are you still here? This is my reservation. I don't welcome you now Kevin said mockingly.

Li Feng raised his eyelids and said with a smile: "I stayed to tell you that lt will not cooperate with bell department store, never. And David, you're fired from the Lt

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