Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1025

Kevin's bell family owns a department store called bell department store, which has been a competitor to Edward's Coffey department store for many years.

Kevin finds David to persuade Tang Qiong to make bell department store the only department store with LT counter in Y country.

At that time, with the strong attraction of Hongyan and Runyan, the passenger flow of bell department store will certainly surpass that of other department stores.

In a few years, bell department store will be the largest in country Y!

Alice met Edward's daughter, but he didn't think he was here yet!

Look at the look of David, the old boy, who shows that he wants to bubble Alice. If he thinks about it, there is a risk of his cooperation with him?

Edward, the old boy, is also thinking about the exclusive cooperation with LT group!

"That's not necessary." Edward Coffey looked at Li Feng and refused.

Kevin was stunned.

It's not Edward turned down David's invitation. Didn't he know who David was? Did you introduce it to him clearly just now?

So Edward didn't want the exclusive cooperation of LT?

But the answer was right in Kevin's heart, and then he said with joy, "since Edward is reluctant, let's not force him?"

David's face changed slightly, and he said in a somber way, "is Mr. Edward not giving me face?"

"Mr. David, don't get me wrong. We're here to invite Dr. Li to dinner. If we go to the private room with you, we can't show our sincerity." Edward said with a smile.

If he did not know the relationship between Li Feng and the Gullit family, Edward might not refuse David's invitation. After all, he has been in contact with LT group for the exclusive cooperation opportunity with LT group.

Now Ha ha, as long as we have a good relationship with Li Feng, the LT group will seek cooperation with itself, because the Gullit family has the ability to make LT group unable to open in Europe!

In the face of greater interests, Edward would not care about the small profits at present

"Yes, yes, that doesn't really show your sincerity, so we won't disturb you much. Mr. David, let's go in? "

Kevin called Edward a "idiot" in his heart and turned to David with a smile.

David frowned slightly. He was very unhappy. He was the vice president of LT, and he would definitely be a powerful figure in the business world in the future. Edward didn't give him face. COFI didn't want to cooperate with LT, did he?

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said with a smile: "I think it's OK. Where to eat is not to eat. Some people treat them to avoid Mr. Edward spending money."

"Ah?" Edward was a little confused.

It's not Can't you see David's desire for Alice? Or are you so upset that you should take this opportunity to teach David a lesson?

Thinking of this, Edward thought immediately, and said with a smile, "well, since Dr. Li doesn't have any problem, then I'd better obey my orders."

David then loosened his brow and said with satisfaction, "is that right? Let's go in."

Voice landing, he was the first to enter the restaurant, quite a lead brother's meaning.

When they come to the box, they will take their seats one by one.

According to common sense, the three members of the Kofi family must sit together, and Li Feng is their guest, so they naturally want to sit on their side.

But Mr. David squeezed into the middle of Li Feng and Alice with a quick eye and said with a smile, "Miss Alice, I see you as before, so I want to sit next to you, OK?"

Alice frowned slightly. "Mr. David, i..."

"She doesn't want to." Li Feng pulled David apart and said mockingly.

David frowned slightly: "young man, why do you think she doesn't want to?"

"Do you want to?" Li Feng turns to look at Alice.

Alice shook her head. "I don't want to."

"You hear me, she doesn't want to." Li Feng turned to look at David and said.

David: "it's just

"Well, Mr. David, it's very nice to have a view of the night outside after dark by the window." Kevin broke the silence and said.

"Ouch." David nodded and walked over to Kevin and sat down.

Li Feng and Alice's singing and singing really embarrassed him, and Kevin was able to help him out.

But he will not give up this matter easily. Li Feng just brought him embarrassment and humiliation. He will return it a hundred times and a thousand times later!

After they all sat down, David began to order at the invitation of Kevin. During the process, David asked Alice several times about her taste, with obvious intention.

Alice is also a regular party member, and she is very decent, not humble or overbearing.

Of course, David also asked Kofi and Kevin what they wanted to eat, but ignored Li Feng.That's right. He is so ugly to Li Feng.

Soon after the order was over, David returned the menu to the waiter and told him to serve it early.

At this time, Li Feng said, "Mr. David, you haven't asked me what I want to eat?"

There was a sneering smile in the corner of David's mouth: "I'll forget if you don't say But we have already ordered a lot. If we order more, we can't finish eating. Waste is a shameful behavior. "

"Yes, there are so many people in the world who can't even eat enough. Although we are rich, we can't waste. We should save resources for the whole world." Kevin echoed.

The two sang in unison, which made the three members of the Coffey family frown.

It's possible to fool ordinary people with these grandiose statements. Even if they're in the rich circle, they know what it's like to be clothed in clothes and animals.

"Oh." Li Feng nodded his head and said with approval, "what you said is very right. Remove all the dishes you just ordered."



It's not Who gave you the courage to say that?

"It doesn't matter if we don't agree. We can go out to eat. Anyway, we haven't cancelled the previous reservation, have we?" Li Feng turned to look at Edward and said with a smile.

Edward nodded: "yes, Dr. Li. We can go outside at any time."

David's face changed slightly. After a while, he vomited out a turbid airway: "well, since Dr. Li is so aware, let's get rid of it."

Although Kevin was reluctant, David could only agree.

As soon as the waiter left, David said to Edward, "Mr. Edward, are you interested in getting the cooperation opportunities with LT group with Mr. David?"

Kevin's face changed dramatically: "Mr. David, you..."

"Listen to me first." David winked at Kevin and continued: "think about it, y has eight large department stores. If only COFI and bell get the LT counter, how much help will it help attract customers?"

Edward's face changed slightly, some heart.

Li Feng's eyebrows pointed out, playing with the taste: "you mean You can decide it all? "

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