Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1024

The first half of Li Feng's words obviously meant to refuse. Suddenly, he said yes, which was a turning point

"Good, good, that Alice, give me some advice Said Edward Coffey, rubbing his hands excitedly.

Alice Coffey pointed to her nose in a dazed look. "Me?"

She doesn't know what Li Feng likes to eat. What suggestions can she make?

"Yes, I'd like to hear from Miss Alice, too." Li Feng blinked at Alice Coffey and said with a smile.

"Er What kind of taste does Mr. Li like Alice Coffey asked nervously.

"Chinese food is OK. It's better to put more pepper." Li Feng thought about it and said.

Although he has been in country y for a long time, he can't adapt to Western food. Once in a while, it's OK to eat it once or twice a day.

"Er..." Alice Coffey looked embarrassed: "Chinese food Mommy, can you cook Chinese food

Jennifer shook her head. "No, but we can eat out."

"Yes, yes, I know a Chinese restaurant is very good and authentic. I'll book a table now." As he spoke, Edward Coffey pulled out his cell phone and prepared to book a seat.

"Er Does this seem insincere? " Alice quickly pulled him in and whispered.

Edward frowned slightly, feeling that his daughter had something to say.

Li Feng said with a smile: "I think it's very good. I eat everywhere, and I'm very picky about eating. If you can't meet my requirements, I'll be unhappy."

Alice:.... "

It's not Is this your attitude of being a guest in someone else's house?

Are you big fisted, so what you say is what you say?

I'm so angry, but I still want to keep smiling

Since Li Feng didn't object to it, Edward naturally did not hesitate to take out his mobile phone to book a seat.

"I'll go out and make a phone call, too." Li Feng politely said hello, and then went out to call Tang Qiong.

After learning that he was going to be a guest in Alice's house, Tang Qiong and isania showed great jealousy. However, the two women did not express their opposition, but only reminded him to go home early.

After pacifying the two women, Li Feng went outside and asked Lao Luo and others to return to Chinatown. Then he took Edward's Maybach and drove to the Chinese restaurant two blocks away.

It was only then that Edward Coffey asked about the current situation of Russell and others.

When Alice said they were all dead, the expressions of the couple were wonderful.

It's just that it's not all. Alice said something about the flattening of Fort Coffey. The couple didn't know what to say.

"You can't blame me for that." Li Feng said with a smile.

Edward Coffey shook his head and said, "I dare not.".

Don't say that he knew that Li Feng was not to blame for this. Even if his three views were not correct and he attributed it to Li Feng, he did not dare to blame Li Feng

Li Feng's force is worth a lot of cattle, and he can command the movement of Philip Gullit. This thigh should be firmly held in any case. Compared with this, an ancient castle is not so important.

More than 20 minutes later, Maybach stopped at the door of shiweixuan.

The boss of shiweixuan is Chinese, and the cooks and waiters are all Chinese. The decoration style is full of Chinese style, which makes Li Feng feel like returning to China as soon as he comes in.

Chinese food is very popular all over the world, and shiweixuan is one of the top five Chinese restaurants in LD's word-of-mouth, so business is very hot. Generally, you need to make an appointment one day in advance to reserve a table.

Fortunately, Edward Coffey is a VIP member of shiweixuan. Although he didn't book a private room, he also got a window seat.

"Wow, Edward? Is it really you? "

As Edward led Li Feng into the restaurant, a voice of surprise came from the right.

Edward followed his voice, then his face changed slightly: "Kevin? Why are you here? "

"I'm here to invite friends to dinner." A middle-aged white man named Kevin came over with a smile, followed by a white man who seemed to have a lot of power over him.

"Edward, this is Mr. David O'Connor, the new vice president of LT group."

"David, this is Edward Coffey, CEO of Coffey department store group. This is Edward's wife, Ms. Jennifer, and her daughter, Miss Alice."

"As for the yellow man Edward, would you like to introduce us? "

Kevin Bell said with a smile.

Edward's face changed again: "lt group?"

Li Feng's eyebrows are sharp. Isn't this the company he and Tang Qiong founded? So this is David O'Connor's subordinate?

The world is really small enough"Ha ha, you look surprised, Edward. It's not your style." Kevin smiles triumphantly and then asks, "I'd like to introduce the yellow man first. I'm curious about his identity."

As he spoke, his eyes kept swimming back and forth on Li Feng and Alice.

"His name is Li Feng, a friend I just met." Edward said slowly, with a puff of foul air.

"It seems that he has a lot of money. What does his family do Kevin continued.

Edward mouth a hook, play flavor: "Mr. Li is a doctor, miracle doctor."


It's not He thought Li Feng was the second generation of the big Chinese family. He was just a doctor after a lot of trouble?!

"Hi, Alice. Nice to meet you."

Just then David bell stepped forward to Alice and held out his hand to her.

Alice Coffey, after a moment's hesitation, shook hands with him and said, "Hello, nice to meet you, Mr. David."

"Miss Alice is very beautiful, and her skin is very good. If you use our company's Tongyan water, you will be more beautiful." Said David bell, holding Alice's hand.

Alice Coffey laughed, then pulled back her hand and said, "Tong Yan Shui is really a good product. It's just hard to buy."

"It may be difficult for others, but it's the easiest thing for me. I'm the vice president of LT group. If Miss Alice is interested, I'll help you." David bell winked at Alice.

Li Feng:

It's not Is the old boy digging in front of him? Subordinates dig the corner of the boss? It's very impressive!

Kevin's face changed slightly, and he quickly interposed: "Mr. David, it's late. Let's go to the first room."

He also runs a department store. He is a competitor to Edward. David is his target. Now, David's appearance obviously moves her mind to Alice. It's not so wonderful!

David bell frowned a little and then said with a smile, "since you all know each other, we can eat together. Isn't the private room you ordered very large?"

As soon as this was said, Kevin was frozen on the spot.

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