Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1023

Dr. Martin's heart thumped.

What a big thing happened to Oliver. How could Oliver be so scared?

Kofi and his wife looked at each other with a look of horror in each other's eyes. It seems that Li Feng did not lie. Philip must be a member of the Gullit family.

It's not sure whether the ancestors are sure, but no one or family can frighten Benjamin like this in such a short time except the Gullit family!

"Hello, Hello, you speak so much!"

There was no response from Oliver for a long time. Benjamin yelled on the phone.

Oliver recovered, picked up his cell phone and cried, "Dad, what should I do now..."

Benjamin is now a pile of explosives, which had been exploded before, and was ignited by Oliver: "are you a pig's brain? What should I do? What else can I do? No matter who you have offended, I will apologize to him with 10000% sincerity! "

"If you don't let him forgive you, you'll never come back!"

Oliver's expression became more bitter: "Dad, you have to tell me what happened to our family?"

Just say home is over, hospital is over, how is it finished?

How long has it been? Can't it be flattened by missiles?

"Most of the minority shareholders in Benjamin hospital are members of the Gullit family, and together they can completely control Benjamin hospital."

"Of course, that's not the point. The point is They put all the stupid things that Benjamin hospital had done to the medical management department! "

Benjamin almost roared.


Did the shareholders of Benjamin hospital blow up the scandal and offer evidence to the medical management department? This is a suicide attack!

When the hospital is over, they will also have a great loss. Some of them may even go to jail!

Knowing this, they did what Philip Gullit asked them to do, which shows how terrifying the gulit family had over them.

Of course, these are no longer important. The important thing is that if he can't win Li Feng's forgiveness, Benjamin's family will really end up, and many of his family will go to prison!

As the successor of the Benjamin family, Oliver knew how many dirty things Benjamin hospital had done, some of which could be sentenced indefinitely!

"Li Shao, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I'm a liar, I'm a magic wand, and you're a miracle doctor. Please don't remember the villain's mistakes, and let me go as a P!"

Oliver put down the phone and begged Li Feng for mercy.

Li Feng laughed: "if you are really just a P, then it's OK, but you are not only a P, but also long and smelly. I can only think of a way to make this p disappear from my eyes, and never appear again."

Alice Coffey's mouth is drawn, Li Feng's metaphor can be said to be very vivid, but can not have such a strong sense of the picture? It's disgusting!

"Li Shao, what should I do to forgive me? As long as I No, it's what we Benjamin family can do, absolutely

Oliver knew that this time had reached the critical moment of Benjamin's family. He would go to the special place with any face or backbone!

"Settle the account first. Don't give more or less, just one million pounds." Li Feng took out his bank card and handed it to Oliver.

Oliver immediately transferred money to Li Feng without saying a word. After the transfer, he said with a smile, "Li Shao, one million pounds has been transferred. What else do you need me to do next?"

Li Feng pondered a smile: "very simple, immediately, immediately disappeared from my eyes."

"Ouch!" Oliver nodded and was about to leave with Dr. Martin.

Just as soon as he got to the door, Oliver stopped, turned around and said in embarrassment, "Li Shao, I did everything you said. What about our family..."

"What does your family have to do with me?" Li Feng rolled his eyes.

Oliver just felt an old blood in his throat!

My special I thought that if I did what you said, you would let us go. As a result, I would say this?!


at this moment, Li Feng snapped his finger, and Oliver's look became dull. After his look returned to normal, he said, "Martin, let's go."

Watching Oliver go out without hesitation, Martin was already confused.

So Did Oliver give up the resistance?

Give up and give up. Anyway, it's just a matter for him to continue working in another hospital

Shaking his head and sighing, Martin left behind Oliver.

"Er..." Alice Coffey looked strange and said, "is that what you did?"

This reminds her of the scene that Pearson reveals her heart after being controlled. She controls a person's body and mind at will. It's terrible.

Li Feng shrugged, waved to the Kofi family, and was about to turn around and leave."Just a moment, Mr. Li!" Edward Coffey suddenly stopped him and said sincerely, "you saved our family. We haven't thank you very much. It's time for dinner in another two hours. Why don't Mr. Li stay and have dinner with us?"

As he spoke, Edward Coffey gave Alice a crazy hint.

Now that Li Feng can command Philip Gullit, Edward Coffey will take Li Feng as the thickest thigh to hold, which is the nature of businessmen to pursue profits.

Any businessman here will make the same choice as Edward Coffey!

"Just eat..." Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, and he will say no.

This old boy is obviously trying to please him. He also wants his daughter to help him. He feels that he has no resistance to beauty, right?

Hum, I am

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess of salvation Alice Coffey (2) mission completed, task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, 2 million experience points and 5 million system points reward."

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

A series of system prompts sound, Li Feng's expression suddenly becomes wonderful.

This is special According to the urination of the system, isn't it supposed to let me stay here for dinner?

"Check it out!"

"Mission: to be a guest"

"mission objective: to promise Edward Coffey's invitation, stay for dinner, and have a friendly and in-depth communication with the Coffey family. If the task fails, 6 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment. "

"Mission reward: 1 million exp, 3 million system points, 20 conquest points."

"My special..."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng felt that an old blood blocked his throat.

It's a system. The urine is as usual!

Alice Coffey is so good that he has to let him dress her?

Well It's not impossible to

“…… It's necessary, so what shall we have for the evening Li Feng went on to say before.

There are three members of the Coffey family

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