Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1022

Not only poor, Alice Coffey thought Oliver was a bit of an idiot.

What did Li Feng say not come true? Even the powerful elders of the Guangming Council were destroyed by Li Feng. How can a simple Benjamin hospital stop Li Feng's pace of destruction?

It's a pity that Oliver doesn't know Li Feng. He doesn't know about Li Feng's strength. He can only eat his own evil fruit!

"Since you've invited me, I won't be polite to you."

Li Feng amused a smile, took out his mobile phone, ready to call Philip Gullit to arrange.

As for Oliver, he almost wrote all his thoughts on his face. How could Li Feng not see what he was going to do?

From the beginning, Oliver kept saying that he was a liar and a prodigy. Now he wants to get him through a lawsuit. How can Li Feng not retaliate?

You make a fortune by running a hospital, don't you? Then shut down Benjamin hospital!

"Well, put on airs." Oliver was completely infuriated by Li Feng, he would not believe that a barefoot doctor in China would have the ability to suppress their hospital!

The couple looked at each other and saw fear in each other's eyes.

Why did they give Li Feng money so happily? One is that he is afraid of his powerful force, and the other is that he is afraid that he will be associated with the bright parliament, which has a strong influence in country Y!

The Coffey family and the Benjamin family are both big families with billions of pounds in assets. It's not too much to say that stamp your feet and shake your LD three times.

But compared with the big things like the Council of light, they are much worse, one in the sky and one in the earth.

Then it's time to test their guess

As a member of Benjamin hospital, he knows more about the influence of Benjamin family in the medical field of country y.

Let alone Li Feng, a Chinese barefoot doctor. Even Edward Coffey, a local rich man, has no ability to suppress Benjamin hospital!

In a word, no one knows Benjamin hospital better than him!

"Hello, Philip, do you know Benjamin Hospital Oh, good to know. Do you have the ability to close down Benjamin hospital in the shortest time Well, your family is the largest shareholder of Benjamin hospital? "

Li Feng was calm, but suddenly he became strange.

On the other side, Oliver was stunned, and then he laughed wildly: "what do you say, that Philip is the largest shareholder of Benjamin hospital? Ha ha, I'm so laughing. "

Dr. Martin nodded and said: "it's really funny that the Benjamin family controls 35% of the shares in Benjamin hospital, and the remaining 65% of the shares are distributed in the hands of a small number of shareholders, of which the largest shareholder has only 10%

Edward Coffey nodded and said strangely, "it's true. As a listed company, the shares of Benjamin hospital are publicly available."

Oliver gave him a grateful look and said, "Uncle Coffey is right, so the people you call are liars, right?"

Li Feng rolled his eyes: "Philip, some people say you are a liar."

"If you want to make a mistake! Poof, Shea! Su Po Bi Chi! Boss, I'll go and clean him up now Philip Gullit is also a violent temper. In addition to being honest in front of Li Feng, he will not advise anyone, let alone be scolded.

"Don't be so excited, Philip. Revenge doesn't have to be done by force. Just make the other party feel pain, either physical or psychological."

"Now there is an opportunity for him to be psychologically distressed. You must seize it."

Li Feng said with deep meaning.

"Don't worry, boss. I'll take care of this matter. It will definitely make Benjamin's family miserable." Philippe Gullit gave Li Feng a military order and then hung up.

"Finished? That's the end of it? " Oliver asked, sneering.

Li Feng shrugged: "Philip is a reliable man. You will receive the news soon."

"Sorry, I've never heard of Philip." Oliver shrugged his shoulders like Li Feng and mocked, "actually you don't have to act. You're a liar. I believe Alice can see that."

"Before your game is broken, you'd better leave as soon as possible, so as not to be defeated later."

"Oh?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows and turned to Alice Coffey: "do you think so?"

Alice Coffey shook her head. "Of course not. I'm just curious about who Philip is."

Li Feng is not a boaster. She believes this, so she is very curious. What kind of person is that Philip, who is entrusted with such a heavy responsibility by Li Feng!

Both of them were curious. Oliver looked scornful, but his ears had been cocked up.

"Oh, his name is Gullit. He was the founder of the Gullit family." Li Feng said lightly.It's quiet in the room!

After a while, Oliver shook his head pale and said, "no, absolutely not. You are just a barefoot doctor. How can you know Mr. gullet?"

Martin nodded and echoed, "I remember you said that. The founder of the Gullit family was Philip Gullit, but he died many years ago."

"Yes, if he lived to this day, he would be over 150 years old?" Edward Coffey also gave a different opinion.

Believe it or you just wait Li Feng is too lazy to explain too much to them.

Oliver forced himself to be calm and said, "hum, mystery!"

However, there was always a bad feeling in his heart, which made him a little out of breath.

If Li Feng didn't lie, Philip was really the ancestor of the Gullit family, then the Benjamin family would definitely be destroyed.

If the Gullit family is an elephant, then the Benjamin family is a little fierce Xu, who can crush them to death with one foot!

Now Oliver can only hope that Li Feng is lying!

Time goes by. For Oliver, every minute and second is like a century.


Cell phone rings!

Oliver was startled. After listening carefully, he found that it was his mobile phone. He picked it up and looked at it. It was his father who called.

At that time, Oliver's heart thumped for a moment, and a bad feeling came to him. When he was shivering and connected to the phone, he did not speak. There was a torrential curse!

"If you want to make a mistake! Poof, Shea! What have you done? Because of you, Benjamin hospital is finished and our family is ruined. I really regret that I didn't get you in the first place! "

When he heard this, Oliver shook his body, released his hand, and his mobile phone landed!

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