Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1021


Alice Coffey was startled. She was about to stop Oliver. But all of a sudden, Oliver practiced fighting again. She was a little slow and watched Oliver rush to Li Feng's back.

And then

Alice Coffey covered her eyes in pain and couldn't bear to see what happened next.


with a dull sound, Oliver felt a sharp pain in his face, and the whole person flew out.


after flying five or six meters, Oliver fell heavily on the ground, and he rolled back and forth in pain: "ah, my Bigu is cracked! My hand is broken! Ah ah! Martin, call an ambulance

"Ouch!" Martin then responded, quickly took out his cell phone and called for an ambulance.

However, Li Feng suddenly rushed to Martin and grabbed his mobile phone: "what ambulance is it called? I am the best doctor, specializing in the treatment of various internal injuries and injuries."

At the same time, Li Feng clenched the mobile phone into scrap iron.

Dr. Martin's face is confused!

Oliver, who was rolling on the ground, also forgot the pain at this moment, and looked at Li Feng with a confused face.

"Er..." Alice Coffey's mouth was slightly open and her face was shocked.

Beat people, and then let people ask for treatment, this is a horse fork insect to fly up!

Kofi and his wife looked at each other's faces and read the absurd feeling in each other's eyes. Combined with Li Feng's behavior, they have begun to suspect that he and Russell are together.

Well It's possible for ash Chang to poison them first, and then let Li Feng come here to detoxify and collect money. Is there any business in the world that comes more money than this?

I'm afraid to think about it!

"Damn it, do you know what you're doing? This is red fruit blackmail Martin's face turned red with anger, pointing to Li Feng and yelling.

"I've blackmailed Mr. Edward once before, haven't I?" Li Feng sneered and then said, "Ma Liu, do you want me to cure you? If not, I will break his leg again."

At the same time, Li Feng went to Oliver and seemed to break his leg at any time.

"Cure, I cure, how much do you say?" Oliver was well aware of the fact that people had to bow under the eaves and was very aware of the current situation.

Of course, he has been on the recording function of his mobile phone. If they still need to testify about the affairs of the Kofi family, and they do not cooperate, Li Feng will definitely blackmail him.

No matter how much money Li Feng extorts from him now, he will take it back many times in the future, and let him sit in prison!

"This is a small injury. Take some medicine and you will get better."

Speaking, Li Feng took out a small white porcelain vase from his arms and poured out a brown pill from it.

This is Huichun powder, which is specially used for injuries. A bottle of 10 pills costs 1000 system points. The cost of one pill is 100 points.

Despite Oliver's cry is very sad, in fact, he did not hurt the bone, at most is muscle damage, rejuvenation powder is enough.

"How much is the medicine?" Oliver spat and asked nervously.

Although he was ready to pay money, Li Feng said that he would pay tens of millions of pounds He's still very painful.

"It's not expensive. The cost is 10000 pounds. For the sake of your knowledge of the current affairs, I'll add 990000 pounds to your medical expenses and make up a million pounds for me."

Li Feng said with a smile.


I didn't hear you wrong. The cost of medicine is 10000 yuan and the cost of diagnosis and treatment is 990000 yuan. Why don't you go Oh, no, he's robbing. He's robbing!

However, this is also in his heart, if Li Feng only collects medicine money, then it is not extortion!

"Well, I'll give it to you now!" Oliver took out his mobile phone and prepared to transfer money to Li Feng.

"Don't worry. Take the medicine first. We'll talk about the money after the wound is cured." Li Feng said with a smile.

Oliver frowned slightly, and then said with a smile, "I dare you not to give me poison."

He took Huichun powder from Li Feng's hand and swallowed it.

After a few minutes, the pain gradually disappeared and became comfortable.

Oliver couldn't help hissing.

"Oliver, are you ok?" Martin asked nervously.

The Coffey family also looked nervously at Oliver, for fear of any accident.

"It's OK. This is the medicine..." Oliver frowned and stopped.

Martin was even more nervous: "toxic?"

Kofi and his wife looked at each other with a look of horror in their eyes. Li Feng's behavior reminded them of being forcibly poisoned by Russell and others.If this is the case, then Li Feng and Russell and others are in a group, which is even more likely.

"No, it's not poisonous." Oliver looked embarrassed and whispered, "it's just that it works so well that I can't feel the pain."

As soon as this was said, everyone was speechless.

It's not Can you finish your speech in one breath and make people associate with other places?

"Are you sure? Can it be a painkiller or an anesthetic? " Martin couldn't help asking.

"No Oliver shook his head. "My injury is completely healed. It's not a simple pain relief."

"Hiss!" Martin couldn't help but take a cold breath.

The recovery of trauma needs time. If you want to relieve pain quickly, you can only use anesthetics or painkillers. If there is a medicine that can quickly cure the trauma, it can definitely be called divine medicine!

So at this moment, Martin understood why Oliver had the performance just now, and everyone would be frightened by the powerful drug effect!

Is that surprising? Would you be more surprised to know that I can cure your pituitary atrophy? "

Li Feng said with a smile.

Oliver's face changed slightly. If he thought Li Feng was deliberately insulting him before, his mind had already wavered at the moment.

But this western medicine can also treat it. At least there are famous doctors specializing in this in Benjamin hospital, so Oliver won't ask Li Feng for anything: "hum, I'll transfer the money to you now, and we'll be clean from now on."

"Are you willing to be clear?" Li Feng said with a smile.

Oliver's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "you are so powerful that I can't afford to offend you."

It's just a temporary admission. If he doesn't have this brain, he doesn't deserve to be called an elite.

"You're right." Li Feng nodded and then asked, "your family is a hospital, right? What's the name of the hospital?"

Oliver was stunned at first, then puzzled: "what are you doing?"

"It's just curiosity. If you're afraid of my revenge, forget it." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent face.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid of your revenge? Listen, our hospital is called Benjamin hospital. It's a national chain. If you have the ability, you'll go to suppress and retaliate. " Oliver, after all, was young and uninspired, and went straight out of the room.

Alice Coffey suddenly found Oliver a little pathetic

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