Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1020

“…… What's going on? "

Oliver said the last word and fell into a muddle.

My special Coffey and his wife wake up? Just wake up?

If Oliver hadn't tried their temperature, he would have thought that Kofi and Li Feng were acting together!

"I..." Edward Coffey half sat up, touched his forehead and said, "what happened just now?"

"Edward, my head hurts." Jennifer, on the other side, also half sat up, touching the back of her head.

"Er My head hurts too Edward Coffey found out that his back of the head was also throbbing with pain. When he touched it, he let out a cold breath.

"You Is it all right? " Martin exhaled a foul breath and asked suspiciously.

"What's all right? By the way, did I just faint? " Edward Coffey asked, with a blank look on his face.

Oliver:.... "

Dr. Martin:

It's not Feelings you even just fainted do not know? It's a lot of trouble

"Daddy, the toxicity on you suddenly broke out just now. It was Dr. Li who detoxified you with antidote."

Said Alice Coffey, weeping with joy.

"Ah? Is that so? " Edward Coffey looked surprised, and then he said with a smile, "isn't that to say Are we safe? "

Jennifer took his hand nervously and looked at Alice Coffey.

"It should be Is it safe? " Alice Coffey looks at Li Feng uncertainly.

After getting Li Feng's nodding response, Alice Coffey vomited out a puff of turbid gas, performed a smile and said, "well, daddy, Mommy, you're safe!"


"Thank you, Dr. Li. You are the Savior of our Coffey family!"

Edward Coffey was excited to hold Li Feng's right hand, shaking and shaking, not excited.

"It's too close to talk about thanks. Let's talk about money." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Er..." Edward Coffey didn't expect Li summit to be so direct. He was choked for a moment. After a long time, he said with a smile: "that's nature. That's nature. If you help us detoxify, we naturally need to pay. You can see how much the diagnosis and treatment fee is, and I'll transfer it to you directly."

Jennifer nodded along.

Alice Coffey's face suddenly became strange. Russell found someone to fix her medical expenses, so her parents didn't know how terrible Li Feng's medical expenses were.

She just hopes her parents don't panic when they hear about the medical expenses

Oliver didn't believe that Li Feng had cured Kofi's husband and wife until now. Hearing this, he said subconsciously, "it's just two ugly pills. How expensive can it be? Is a thousand pounds worth the sky

Edward Coffey said quickly, "Oliver, Dr. Lee is here in person. How can he have a thousand pounds? Even if it's a million or even a million, I'll give it to you with joy

A hundred thousand million dollars is nothing to him, even less than the lives of their husband and wife. Besides, Li Feng's presence here shows that those people in the Guangming Council have failed.

It's a good deal to make friends with strong people like Li Feng with a million pounds.

Oliver's face changed slightly: "Uncle Coffey, you can't tell your bottom line in advance."

Edward Coffey shook his head and laughed, with a look of "you're young, you don't understand.".

"Er If a million pounds is your bottom line, you look down on me Li Feng sighed, stretched out two fingers and said, "the ex factory price of the pill is 10 million pounds per pill, I gave you two, that is, 20 million pounds."

Edward Coffey's eyes were wide, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Oliver and Martin took a breath of air!

What is it? It's 10 million pounds, red diamond, right?

"Li Feng, you are too much. I can go to the court to sue you for blackmail. Do you know?" Said Oliver indignantly.

"Don't get excited. I haven't finished yet." Li Feng pondered a smile, and then said: "since the coffeys have seriously hurt me, but I have saved you with good for bad, so I will charge you another 30 million pounds of medical fees."

"Plus the money, the total is 50 million pounds. If you give me the money, the gratitude and resentment between me and the Coffey family will be cleared up. From now on, you will go your way and I will walk on my log bridge."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to give too much, but the consequences are a little serious."

All the people present were not stupid. They understood the meaning of threat in Li Feng's words.

"Ha ha, Li Feng, don't you know that? Just now I turned on the mobile phone recording function. What you said will become evidence in court, waiting for the prison to wear it!"

Oliver took out his cell phone and said triumphantly.Li Feng said these words are obviously extortion, and the amount is extremely huge!

With the recording in hand, together with their witnesses, Li Feng's cliff has to go through the prison!

But there was no sign of complacency on the faces of the three members of the family, especially Alice Coffey, who said, "Oliver, delete the recording. We'll take care of our family affairs ourselves. You go first."

"Dad, Dr. Li's price is very reasonable. Please transfer money to him as soon as possible. Don't let him wait for a long time."

As she spoke, she winked at Edward Coffey, hinting wildly.

"Watt?" Oliver can't believe his ears. Is Alice crazy? Why should I drive him away? Is Li Feng really in charge of the Coffey family?

Edward Coffey's pupils shrank, took a deep breath and said, "OK, Dr. Lee, I'll transfer the money to you now."

"Uncle Coffey, Alice is crazy. Are you going crazy with me? This is 50 million pounds, this is the blackmail of red fruit Oliver is in a hurry. He's going to stop Edward Coffey right now.

"Oliver, I thank you for your kindness, but you really don't need to talk here." Edward Coffey accentuates his tone, then takes out his mobile phone in Oliver's puzzled eyes and starts to transfer money to Li Feng.

A few minutes later, Li Feng received a transfer message. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He said with a smile: "good. When the money arrives, we will not owe each other."

Edward Coffey squeezed out a bitter smile and nodded.

"Goodbye then." Li Feng waved to Edward, looked at Alice Coffey meaningfully, and then turned to leave.

I don't know why, Alice Coffey was a little reluctant, perhaps because she knew that after Li Feng left, they would never meet again?

"Oh, by the way, your pituitary gland atrophy is really serious. I suggest you go to the hospital for an examination."

Li Feng winked at Oliver, turned and left.

Oliver was completely infuriated by this sentence: "faker, you mean Chinese, I will tear you up!"

The voice fell to the ground, he raised his fist and rushed to Li Feng!

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