Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1016

On the way, Li Feng knew that because Russell was going to lead him here, Alice Coffey's parents had been living in a villa downtown these days.

According to Russell, after the Council of light has solved Li Feng and other people, she will help Alice's parents detoxify. She never thought that Russell would hang up, so Alice could only ask Li Feng for help.

It's really not comfortable for him to ride. Li Feng, sitting in his seat, looked at the scenery along the way, and fell asleep.

The war just now was really breathtaking. Not only did Li Feng consume all his true Qi, but also his spiritual consumption was very serious.

Luo Tianzheng and others are full of spirit. All the way, they are chatting about the previous war and their imagination of the future, which is buzzing and disturbing.

Li Feng was also embarrassed to interrupt them, so he had to set up a real Qi barrier.

Only Alice Coffey, who has just experienced so many things, has not yet completely calmed down. She can't sleep naturally and has no one to talk to her. In addition to occasionally making voice navigation, she can only sit in a daze at other times.

Fortunately, the castle of Kofi is not too far away from her villa. About half an hour later, Toyota Costa stopped at the door of the villa.

"Miss Alice, your house is very big. You can put the car down when you drive in."

On the driver's seat, Wei bin looked at the villa in front of him and exclaimed.

Li Feng then removed the real gas barrier: "let me guess, Lao Wei must have been lamenting that Alice's family is quite big, right?"

Lao Luo and others nodded wildly!

"That's what he's made of." Li Feng shook his head with a smile, got up and said, "you wait here."

His plan is to help Alice's parents detoxify and take the money to go directly. He doesn't want to stay here for too long. Naturally, he doesn't need to take Wei bin and others with him.

What's more, Wei bin and others are addicted to horse shooting recently. He is afraid that taking Wei bin and others in will be regarded as a fool

Wei bin and others were still very disappointed. They still wanted to go in and ask for a cup of tea. However, when the patriarch spoke, they did not dare to have any objection. They could only watch him get off with Alice Coffey.

Looking at their backs, Wei bin suddenly said, "from the back, the boss and Miss Alice are quite compatible."

Feng Dehai hit a chestnut on Wei Bin's head and said with a sneer: "the second time, it's still with you. Heroes match beauties. It's perfect!"

"Do you have culture? It's a match made in heaven Wan Zi Dao said beside.

Luo Tianzheng touched the beard on his chin: "golden boy and jade girl!"

Huang Weizhong pretended to be a mature man and said, "a talented woman and a talented woman!"

Wang Yuanliang was in a hurry and blurted out: "Cowherd and Weaver Girl!"

Luo Tianzheng and others all looked at him with a look of care for the mentally retarded.

But the next word from Qiu Biao helped Wang Yuanliang solve the problem: "good morning Have a baby soon

Luo Tianzheng and others turned their heads to Qiu Biao. Their eyes could not be described as caring for the mentally retarded. At the same time, they cared about cerebral palsy, but also showed some pity.

See Luo Tianzheng and others in the eyes of "you are dead" eyes, Qiu Biao want to cry without tears.

He was also too anxious, so he said that he was bald and garrulous. Others were hot and had no literary talent, but he couldn't say a single idiom. How stupid was he?

Now it looks like he's stupid. It's a matter of course

Li Feng naturally heard these words, but Lao Luo and other flatterers have become accustomed to them. Although Qiu Biao's "Cowherd and Weaver Girl" is somewhat farfetched, it is not unacceptable.

But Qiu Biao's "early birth of a noble son" almost let Li Feng stagger to the ground!

God, how can anyone tell me to have a baby early? Do you think you are eshaniya?

If he didn't know that Alice Coffey couldn't understand Chinese, Li Feng would go back to fight Qiu Biao.

Just as Li Feng pretended to have heard nothing, Alice Coffey suddenly covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Dr. Li, your people are so humorous."

Li Feng at the foot of a stagnation: "you all understand?"

"I don't understand a few words, but the Cowherd and the weaver girl still understand. Are they blessing you?" Alice Coffey did not understand, at least she did not know that Wang Yuanliang was talking about the "Weaver Girl"

"I think so." Li Feng took a deep breath, then squeezed out a smile and said, "your parents must be very sad, right? Let's go in and detoxify them

"Yes, yes, Dr. Li is thoughtful. 'Alice Coffey was very grateful, and then she raised her foot to trot in.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly pulled her up and said with her suspicious eyes: "if you go in like this, I'm afraid it will make others think that I have done something to you."

Alice Coffey was stunned and then said with a wry smile, "I can't go to a hotel to take a bath first?"

"No, I can help you out." Li Feng smiles and points to her without waiting for her to speak.Alice Coffey felt only a warm air rushing towards her face, and soon she found herself fresh.

It was as if an invisible stream of water washed her again. It was so comfortable that she almost cried out!

When she came back to her senses and looked down, she found that the dust on her clothes had disappeared. In her surprise, she took out her mobile phone and opened the mirror function to take a look, and found that the dust on her face was also gone.

"My God, this This is really amazing Alice Coffey couldn't believe her eyes.

If she could make a minibus out of thin air, she could still convince herself that it was just a magic trick, and now it can't be explained by magic.

Because in the past magic shows, there were people who changed into cars, and even airplanes.

But suddenly clean her up, she can not find a case to explain, can only use magic to express her shock.

"There's still a lot of magic in me, but you'd better not try to explore, because it will make you trapped in it." Li Feng pondered a smile, the front of the story changed: "let's go, let's go in."

Alice Coffey turned around mechanically, and Li Feng's words echoed in her mind.

Are you stuck in it? It seems that she has been very interested in him now

A few minutes later, led by Alice Coffey, Li Feng came to the door of the living room.

"Ding Dong" Alice Coffey rang the doorbell, and soon there was a footstep. Then the door of the living room opened and a handsome blonde boy appeared in front of them.

"Hey, Alice, you're back at last Who is he? " Before he finished speaking, the handsome blonde saw Li Feng. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and his tone was a little gloomy.

Alice Coffey was stunned for a moment, and then frowned slightly, "Oliver? Why are you here? "

Li Feng looked left at Oliver, then at Alice Coffey, and then his face became playful.

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