Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1015

If Alice Coffey remembers correctly, Pearson said that Li Feng is a good person for cesium, then she just said that, didn't she give Li Feng an excuse to get himself?

No, no, no, Dr. Li looks very decent. He should not be that kind of person, but

The look in his eyes is really unrestrained. Ah, there is a feeling that he can see through completely

"Well Can I say anything but myself? " Alice Coffey thought about it and said.

She is a woman of the new era. She will never regard herself as a commodity that can be traded. Since Li Feng asked about this, she will plug the loophole.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, play flavor: "I'm afraid it's too late?"

"Ah?" Alice Coffey was in a panic. My God, he really wanted me!

Now the question is, if Li Feng is refused, will he refuse to treat her parents?

Just as Alice Coffey was worried about her gains and losses, Li Feng shrugged and said, "it's not interesting to make fun of you and force others to do things they don't want to do. Especially in the emotional part, it's more fun to be in love with each other."

"I can save your parents, but you have to pay, as for how much It depends on the cost of saving them. "

"Ah..." Alice Coffey's mouth was wide open and her face was confused.

In fact, if Li Feng insists on getting her, she is likely to succumb. She did not want to give up at the summit. Is it because she is not attractive enough?

Before still thinking that he was not a commodity, Li Feng gave up, and she felt that she was not attractive enough. After knowing this, Li Feng would sigh, "I'm too Southern!"

Li Feng stretched out his hand and swayed in front of her: "ah what, hurry to lead the way, I'm in a hurry."

Don Qiong and isania are still waiting for him in the apartment. He doesn't have much time to spend here.

Well, let's call them first and report their safety.

Thinking of this, Li Feng took out his mobile phone and called Tang Qiong in front of Alice Coffey: "well I'm fine. I've done it Well, but Alice's little My sister wants me to detoxify her parents It's really poisonous! "

"Don't worry, is it so easy for your man to be abducted? I'll go back to you after I finish the big one How big is it? What's the matter Oh, no, hundreds of millions of pounds? "

Alice Coffey looked confused!

It's not How do I feel that he is connoting me? What is really toxic, what D, Dr. Li is so blazing!

"Cough." Li Feng hung up the phone and said with a dry cough, "OK, let's go."

"OK, but..." Alice Coffey turned her head and found that the phantom she was riding on had become a scrap of iron. Li Feng's car was no better than that. It was either a big hole in the stone, or it was overturned to the ground somehow. It couldn't be opened at all.

"You don't have to worry about transportation. I'll take care of it."

After the voice landed, Li Feng entered the shopping mall of the system and began to pick up the means of transportation.

There are all kinds of transportation in the system mall, such as flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, and so on.

However, the sports car is too expensive. Li Feng is not crazy about consuming system points for several vehicles. He can buy them at reasonable prices and ride comfortably.

After a moment's consideration, Li Feng found Toyota Koster.

Li Feng is not sure about the situation of the car abroad, but in China The people who take this car are not ordinary people. They can't say how comfortable they are.

The price of the system is 500 points a car. Li Feng bought it without blinking his eyes.

Alice Coffey was just curious where Li Feng was going to find transportation. Suddenly, an unlicensed minibus appeared in front of her. She was scared to take a few steps back, and then kept rubbing her eyes, looking very confused.

"I forgot to tell you that I'm actually a magician." Li Feng winked at her and said with a smile.

Alice Coffey:.... "

Are you a magician? Do you think I'm stupid? It's not magic at all, OK!

However, Li Feng insisted that it was a magic trick, and she could not find any evidence to refute it. What he said was what

"Lao Luo, clean up the scene and prepare to withdraw." Li fengchong, Luo Tianzheng and others said hello, and then they went to kaoster on their own.

Alice Coffey hesitated for a moment and followed.

After she got into the car, she found that the interior of the car was very new, and the protective touch was not torn off. So Li Feng turned out to be a new car, right?

"If there's so much noise here, it's likely to attract people who are going to compete?" Alice Coffey, sitting next to Li Feng, asked worried.

The ancient fort of Kofi collapsed suddenly, but whatever the cause was, it would have a great impact on the Kofi family.

"Don't worry. I'll make a call. No one will check it out here." Li Feng smiles and takes out his mobile phone to call Philip Gullit.After he put down the phone, Alice Coffey asked curiously, "who is Philip? Is he influential in LD?"

The Coffey family is also a big family in LD, but she has never heard of a big name named Philip in LD.

Li Feng didn't call out Philip Gullett's full name on the phone, otherwise Alice Coffey would not have asked such a naive question.

"Well, it's a little influential." Li Feng said without hesitation.

Seeing that Li Feng didn't want to say more, Alice Coffey didn't ask more. She just kept the doubt in her heart and asked her parents if they knew who Philip was.

At this time, Luo Tianzheng and others have handled the corpses of chunas and others, and walked over with shoulder to shoulder.

"Nothing else, today's war is a great one."

"No, it's better than the last time I hit that old boy Phillip!"

"Don't say that about Philip. He's his own man now. Save face for him."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. Now I'm thinking, after the boss's 100 million pound bonus is paid, how should we spend it? So much money. "

"You're stumped by a hundred million pounds? As long as we follow the boss, billions of pounds will be easy. "

"You're right. Who's the boss? What's this money for the boss?"

Alice Coffey was stunned, not Is she wrong about the name of the unit and currency? Hundreds of millions of pounds are like Zimbabwean dollars in these people's mouths, so they are not valuable?

Li Feng also heard his mouth slightly pumping: "I said you are enough, my money is not windy. If you want to earn a bonus here, you must make contributions."

"All right, Miss Alice. Tell Wei bin the address. Wei bin, you can drive. Let's go to Miss Alice's house first."

Wei bin and others laughed. They quickly found a good seat to sit down, and then drove to the distance under the guidance of Alice Coffey.

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