Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1017

From Oliver's look at Alice Coffey's eyes, we can see that he is in love with Alice, cliff is one of Alice's pursuers!

If you look at Alice Coffey's frown, she probably doesn't like Oliver, even a little bit.

So what happened next should be natural

"I'm sure Oliver will be the target of all-out attack This time, Dan's life

Li Feng shakes his head, feeling a little melancholy suddenly.

"Uncle Coffey said he was not feeling well, so let me have a look." Oliver answered Alice Coffey's question with a smile, and then continued, "you haven't introduced this gentleman to me."

At the same time, he looked up and down Li Feng.

The Armani white suit of Sao Bao, the limited edition wristwatch of Jiang Shi Danton, the new spring shoes of Ferragamo This Chinese boy looks rich.

"He's Dr. Li, the little miracle doctor of China that has been widely circulated on the Internet recently." Alice Coffey said.

Oliver frowned. "Alice, have you forgotten what I do?"

Alice's father called him here because his family runs a hospital - Benjamin hospital, a very famous private hospital in country y, has opened in most cities in country y.

There are many highly skilled doctors in Benjamin hospital. Oliver himself graduated from the Royal College of medicine, majoring in surgery, and is currently interning in LD Benjamin hospital.

With his ability and the capital behind him, he will become a famous surgical expert in Y country in ten years!

"Of course I know, but only he can cure my parents' illness." Alice Coffey, knowing what Oliver was trying to say, quickly explained.

Alice Coffey's words were like a bucket of gasoline, which broke out into a huge anger: "Alice, you must be bewitched by this Chinese man. He is just a barefoot doctor. He has no real skills. You must not be deceived by him!"

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed and said with a smile: "young man, it seems that you have no bearing to say so."

Oliver's face was stagnant, which really hit his weakness, but he could not admit it: "I'm just stating a fact. The propaganda on the Internet for you is too magical, it's not scientific at all."

"So these people are all hired by you, in order to stir up your reputation on the Internet, and then cheat wantonly!"

He really paid attention to Li Feng for a long time. After all, he was a medical worker, and Oliver paid attention to every doctor who suddenly became famous.

After analysis, Oliver took it for granted that Li Feng was a liar. For this reason, he had quarreled with many Li Feng fans.

Alice Coffey shook her head and sighed, "Oliver, Dr. Lee's medical skills are really amazing. I am Forget it. You'll find out later. "

Practice is the only standard to test the truth. She knows that no matter how much she says, she can't explain Oliver. Instead, it will have a negative effect. It's better for Oliver to see with his own eyes how Li Feng detoxifies her parents, and then everything will be solved.

Oliver couldn't believe his ears: "Alice, have you been brainwashed by this Chinese? Oh, my God, this is crazy

Alice Coffey frowned slightly, and was about to explain something when she heard a voice inside: "Alice, are you back?"

"Yes, daddy, I brought back a very good doctor." Alice Coffey replied, then turned to Li Feng and said, "Doctor Li, please come in."

Li Feng nodded and raised his feet to go in. However, Oliver stepped sideways in front of him: "you can't go in!"

Li Feng's eyes were cold: "blocking people's wealth is like killing parents. Are you sure you want to stop me from going in?"


Alice Coffey:

It's not What's blocking people's money? Do you want to say so much red fruit?!

The next moment Oliver reacted and said with a red face, "Alice, did you hear that? He's here to cheat..."

"Lie to your sister, get out of my way!" Li Feng pushed him aside and stepped in.

Oliver wanted to resist for a while, but he was pushed away by Li Feng before he got the upper hand, which made him have the illusion that he has no weight!

I have a weight of 90 kg! Lao Tzu usually works out in the gym, but his muscles can't withstand the push of this seemingly thin Chinese man?


Alice Coffey took a pitiful look at Oliver. She shook her head and sighed and followed Li Feng into the living room.

Don't say you have a weight of more than 100 Jin. Li Feng, a stone with hundreds of Jin, doesn't mean to move away? If Oliver continues to fight against Li Feng, I'm afraid he will be slapped in the face by Li Feng?

"Fake! How dare the Chinese push me? My special... "Oliver wanted to fight Li Feng in the past. He felt that he was not prepared, so he was pushed away by Li Feng.

But he was quick to deny the idea of being a gentleman in front of Alice Coffey.

In fact, it's very simple to defeat Li Feng. It doesn't need to use force at all. It's a more effective way to break through Li Feng's true face!

Thinking of this, Oliver suppressed his anger and followed them into the living room.

At the moment, a middle-aged white man in a white coat is examining Edward Coffey and Jennifer Coffey with a stethoscope.

When they saw their daughter coming back with a Chinese man, they were surprised and asked, "Alice, who is he?"

Alice Coffey introduced Li Feng again.

Edward Coffey's face changed dramatically: "he is..."

"Yes, father, he is..." Alice Coffey closed her mouth in the middle.

But Edward and Jennifer both understood her meaning and got up from the sofa.

"Uncle Coffey, have you heard of him, too?" Oliver asked with a puzzled look.

Xie te, even uncle Kofi, who is not in the industry, has heard of him and belittled this Chinese man!

"Well I've heard of it. " Edward Coffey nodded his head in a complicated way, and then asked, "where are those people, Alice?"

Alice Coffey looked down for a moment, then raised her finger to the sky.

"My God..." Edward Coffey exclaimed, then rushed to Li Feng and said, "Doctor Li, we are all under duress. Please don't embarrass us!"

"Yes, Dr. Li, if you are really angry, please spread your anger on us. Don't embarrass Alice, please!" Jennifer Coffey came running up and prayed.


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