Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1014

With Wei Bin's help, the entrance to the basement was quickly reopened.

Because of the air re circulation before, and the entrance is not closed for a long time, Pearson's state looks good.

It was just his pale face and panic expression, but he was silent about what a terrible period of time he had just experienced.

"Thank you, miss." Pearson made a deep bow to Alice Coffey.

Alice Coffey shook her head. "It's Dr. Lee you should thank, not me."

Pearson's face changed slightly. He looked at Li Feng with a complicated look, and then he bowed to Li Feng to thank him.

Li Feng raised his hand and held him in the air. Then he sneered and said, "I don't want to accept your thanks at all, so you'd better not follow me."

Pearson's face stagnated, and then he asked in a stuffy voice, "well, I won't thank you, but I want to know How are they, Senator Russell? "

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, then sprinkle ran a smile way: "difficult not become you want to revenge for them?"

Pearson shook his head: "if you can still stand here, it means that at least they have been defeated by you, even the powerful elder Russell will fail. I, an ordinary man, naturally have no ability to talk about revenge."

"It seems that you are reasonable." Li Feng pondered a smile, and then said in a deep voice, "they are all dead."

Pearson's body was shocked and his face was shocked. Then the shock turned into grief, the grief into hatred, and finally the hatred turned into despair.

Can we not despair? Old master Russell was killed by Li Feng. Even if he wants to revenge again, he can't help it!

Alice Coffey put her hand over her mouth and almost cried out.

In the basement, she heard the thundering outside and wondered whether she would kill people, but that was just imagination. It was different from hearing someone dead.

So Li Feng is a murderer?

Alice Coffey stares at Li Feng for a long time, but she can't feel afraid or disgusted with him


Just as there was silence between the fields, Pearson suddenly turned around and sped up.

Wei bin is a Leng first, and then a grim smile will catch him back.

Who knows Li Feng suddenly gave him a wink, although Wei bin doubts, but immediately stopped.

Alice Coffey looked at Li Feng suspiciously and wondered why he wanted to let Pearson go. Suddenly, a dull sound came from the distance.

Alice Coffey quickly followed the sound and saw Pearson fall under a boulder, its sharp edges stained with blood!

"Ah Alice Coffey exclaimed, then ran to Pearson in desperation.

Li Feng shook his head, as if to himself, but also as if asking: "do you say Pearson is loyal or stupid?"

Wei bin is a Leng first, then hesitant way: "that is not stupid loyalty?"

Li Feng looked at him in surprise. His face was strange and said, "do you still know the word Yuzhong?"

Wei bin touched his head and said embarrassed, "my master taught me to be a man with his own ideas. You can be loyal to the Lord, but don't be stupid and loyal."

"Now you do the same?" Li Feng looks more strange.

Wei bin just want to nod, this just thought of the special question is not the patriarch? Frightened, he shook his head and said, "no, no, Lord, I'm really loyal to you, not mixed with any water!"

"You fellow." Li Feng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

By this time, Alice Coffey had already rushed to Pearson. Seeing his miserable appearance, she couldn't help crying: "why did it happen? You didn't have to die."

She would not forgive Pearson, but she never wanted to let him die. The feelings built up over the years were not easy to eliminate.

When she was crying, a hand suddenly pressed on her shoulder: "people can't be reborn after death, please stop mourning."

I don't know why, Li Feng's comfort made Alice Coffey feel the comfort, the uncomfortable feeling was weakened a lot, but she still sobbed: "I didn't want him to die, really, why did he commit suicide?"

"Because he's going to follow the elders of the Council of light. It's a kind of faith. It's also a relief for him, isn't it?" Li Feng sighed.

Alice Coffey was stunned at first, then suddenly said, "yes, it's really a relief for him. Thank Dr. Li for waking me up."

Then she wiped her tears and stood up.

Li Feng:

It's not This girl is acting. Can you comfort her with a word?

What Li Feng doesn't know is that some Westerners are more indifferent to life and death than the Chinese people. In addition, Li Feng's reasons are really convincing. It is reasonable for Alice Coffey to adjust her mood in time.

"Dr. Li, you have done so much for me. I really don't know how to thank you." Alice Coffey continued.Li Feng: Let's put aside the thanks, don't you... "

"Yes, I do have other things I want to ask Dr. Li for help." Alice Coffey said, somewhat embarrassed.

Li Feng:

It's not Is that what you mean? What I said is

"My parents were poisoned. Dr. Li's medical skills are so excellent. Please save my parents. As long as you can help them detoxify, you can do anything you want me to do!" Alice Coffey said with great sincerity.

Li Feng:

It's not Anything you can do? Is this chick hinting at me?

Wait a minute. It seems that something is wrong. Why do you hurt me and ask me to save your parents? Although the girl's attitude is good, the tone is sincere, and the conditions are very attractive, but

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

At this moment, the system prompt tone suddenly rings.

Li Feng said: "I'll stop. The system doesn't want me to save Alice's parents, right? It's not like that, right? "

secretly make complaints about it, Li Feng read out: "check!"

"Mission: save the goddess Alice Coffey (2)"

"mission objective: to help the goddess Alice Coffey's parents detoxify. If the detoxification fails or does not detoxify, 10 million host systems will be deducted as punishment."

"Task reward: 2 million experience points, 5 million system points."

After reading the introduction of the task, Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth: "it's true! This is the urine of the system

"What?" Because Li Feng speaks Chinese, although Alice Coffey has studied for several years, she only understands a few words. She does not understand the system and urine.

"Nothing." Li Feng shook his head, quit the system and asked, "as long as I save them, are you really willing to do anything?"

Li Feng looked her up and down.

Alice Coffey's heart suddenly burst into confusion.

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