Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1013

"You He I... "

Alice Coffey was so confused that she couldn't speak coherently.

Li Feng, it's too vigorous. He buried the man when he was talking!

And How do you know that I can accept Pearson's apology, but I won't forgive Pearson. Why, you are a worm in Miss Ben's stomach?

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "I what he what you what?"

"Er..." Alice Coffey was stunned. After a long time, she said with tears: "Pearson will be suffocated by this..."

"I know, so?" Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent.

"Eh?" Alice Coffey is confused again. This is a human life. Why do you act so indifferent?

"If you want to save him, I won't stop you. I'll dig it out. But I'm afraid he'll be suffocated before you can dig this pile of stones."

"In addition, I would like to remind you that Because of Pearson, you and your parents almost died. You save him by repaying good for evil. This is a very stupid behavior

Li Feng said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't care about Pearson's life and death. He was just a humble little man. Even if he let Pearson go, he couldn't afford any waves.

It's just that Li Feng is very unhappy with Pearson's head iron behavior before. Since Pearson is not happy to be rescued by him, he will bury Pearson back.

As for whether Alice Coffey will save Pearson again Li Feng would not interfere, but he was really curious about what Alice Coffey would do.

"I know it's stupid, but I can't watch a familiar person die like this."

Alice Coffey puffed out a foul breath and turned to try to remove the stone that had blocked the entrance.

It's just that for Li Feng, every stone weighs more than a hundred jin, not to mention Alice Coffey. Even if a man comes here, it's not easy to move away.

As time went by, Alice Coffey was sweating and pushed one of the big stones aside.

Originally, her face was covered with dust, and this sweating turned into a little cat. Although it was not beautiful, it was still a little cute. Li Feng couldn't help laughing.

Alice Coffey thought Li Feng was making fun of himself, so she couldn't help looking back at him.

At this glance, there are so many styles Li Feng missed a beat in his heart.

At this time, a wild laugh came from the distance: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I have broken through, I am now a demigod peak! Ha ha ha ha, Wei bin, Wei bin, you have today

I didn't know that he was Wei Bin's enemy, but the speaker was Wei bin himself!

At the moment, Li Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, picked up a small stone, waved and threw it in the past.


a small stone fell on the back of Wei Bin's head, which made him cry out in pain: "Oh, who's special, lying trough..."

When he turned around and found that the person who threw him was Li Feng, he immediately counseled: "it's so accurate to lose. It's too clever to go to the Olympic Games and win the championship! Cow to cow! I admire you

Alice Coffey: Are your men so shameless? "

Li Feng corner of the mouth a draw, facial color strange said: "yes, but Wei bin more shameless just."

Alice Coffey was about to say something when she heard another wild laugh: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wei bin, you didn't expect that I would break through to the top of demigod so soon

It's Qiu Biao!

He and Wei bin were both in the middle of the demigod period, but with the help of the powerful cauldron in the later period of the seven demigods, both of them could break through the peak of the demigods.

In this way, Li Feng has seven demigods under his command!

What a powerful force this is?

Wei bin just had no breath to scatter, turned his head and called out to Qiu Biao: "time Oh, looking for trouble, right?"

"I'm not looking for trouble. I'm just stating a fact." Qiu Biao shrugged, but the provocative color in his eyes could not be hidden.

"Hey, I'm so angry!" Wei bin rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight Qiu Biao.

There is no deep hatred between the two people, that is, there is a comparative meaning between them, and those who rush to speak will have a temper.

Of course, the two people will not really fight. As long as someone tries to persuade them to fight and they have a step, this will be over.

But here is the question. Who are Luo Tianzheng and Feng Dehai? How old are you! It's not too big to watch the excitement! They wish they had a fight, so that they could have fun.

If there is another owner selling eight treasures porridge with flowers and melon seeds, they can empty a small cart!

"Well, with all this strength, I'm going to fight the dark Council. Now stop it!"

Li Feng said.As soon as Li Feng spoke, Wei bin and Qiu Biao both counselled.

Alice Coffey was stunned. "Your people are very Interesting. "

Li Feng Mei pointed out and said with a smile: "if you don't work hard, Pearson will be suffocated."

"Ah Alice Coffey thought of what she should do best, and she began to move the stone in a hurry.

she is a great lady. She never worked hard and did not wear gloves. She was worn out quickly, but she was Kwai Tong and struggled to keep up with the pain.

As a saying goes, people can't regret until they have tried. Alice Coffey knows that it's not possible to save Pearson, but she has to work hard to make herself less guilty.


Li Feng shook his head and sighed, and he hooked his finger: "Old Wei, you come to help her."

"Ah?" Wei bin pointed to his nose, a face muddled.

Isn't this a good chance to seduce a girl? Why did the Lord ask him to help him? Can't he come by himself?

Alice Coffey was even more confused. Before she said that she would come by herself, now she asked her subordinates to help. Why?

"Frankly speaking, I was moved by your behavior, but I didn't want to save him by myself, so I had to ask Wei bin to come and help."

"Of course, saving him doesn't mean that I'm going to write off all the grudges I have with him."

Li Feng saw Alice Coffey's doubts and explained at the moment.

Alice Coffey, after savoring the meaning of the words, nodded and said, "anyway, I'll say thank you for Pearson, and I only rescued him out of humanitarian principles. I will not give up the harm he has caused me. "

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile way: "good, I look forward to your bad, sweet rest."

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