Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1004

Li Feng was about to laugh.

I was looked down upon by people, any rotten sweet potato stinky bird eggs want to get rid of me? Chunus didn't tell the truth when he went back!

At the beginning, he was the only one who carried the two demigods, and the peak did not fall down. Chunus should really appreciate his power.

The bad old man at the top of the demigod is just that. Are those guys in the later period of demigod come out to be funny? Believe it or not, I'll blow you up?!

"Second time, boss, who can bear it? I'll give him the seven year old bullshit. I'll beat him out later!" Huang Weizhong, who holds the nine you hook, said with indignation on his face.

"Thanks, that nine dollar bullshit is always mine. How dare you look down on our boss and die!" Wang Yuanliang weighed the nine you fork in his hand and said in a cold voice.

"That..." Wei bin with the nine you gun opened his mouth, and finally looked at Qiu Biao: "let's deal with the last bad old man, how about that?"

"Shit, two to one, Lao Wei, you too It's not impossible. " Qiu Biao wanted to show his overbearing side. After thinking about it, he changed his mind.

The other side is at least a semi God late strong, one-on-one he only get beaten, even if with Wei bin, also not much sure to win the other side, so the big talk or not to be slapped in the face.

"That who who who You say you have four demigods at their peak? " Li Feng looked at Alan Russell with a funny smile.

Alan Russell, who is considering what excuse to fight Li Feng alone later, looks stunned: "yes, how?"

"Then the four of you will come together. Who will beat me first, I will tell who I feel about time and space. How about it?" Li Feng's smile became more and more interesting.

Since these people regard him as a sweet potato, he will make good use of it to attract hatred. Only by holding the top of the four demigods, can Lao Luo and others deal with the remaining elders of the bright Council.

Alan Russell and others couldn't believe their ears.

Is this man in the middle of demigod want to choose one from four? Is he crazy?

"Reverend Allen, do you remember what I said before? This Chinese is really strange. I think we must pay attention to it. "

"Why don't you go and deal with Luo Tianzheng? I'm going to fight Li Feng with Mr. Allen and Mr. Bruno. The other senators will choose other people as their opponents."

Chunas said solemnly.

Neither Aaron Russell nor Bruno objected, but the fourth elder youser was not willing to: "elder chunas, I think we two can switch. You go to deal with Luo Tianzheng, and I will deal with Li Feng with elder Allen and Bruno."

Now Li Feng is a sweet cake. Everyone wants to catch him and have a good interrogation. Chunas wants to exclude him from the market so simply? Don't think too beautiful!

Chunas's eyes flashed, playing flavor: "senior four, I just give this suggestion from the overall situation, and Li Feng is really not easy to deal with."

"I like hard bones." Youssel shook his head in a very firm manner.

Li Feng almost laughed angrily: "I said Do you still fight or not? If you don't fight, I will withdraw first. It's endless, right? "

Are the elders of the Guangming Council all talking? They have been talking since their appearance. Can they hurt faster?

Allan Russell's pupil shrank and said in a cold voice, "four senior citizens, obey the arrangement. If I get any useful information from Li Feng, I will share it with you."

Yossel's eyes flashed, nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Da Yuan!"

He turned his head and looked at Luo Tianzheng and others: "who is Luo Tianzheng? Stand up for me!"

Luo Tianzheng was stunned at first, and then he laughed angrily. Made, this bad old man is very horizontal. Do you want me to stand up? Who are you special? If you ask me to stand up, I will stand up?

What can you do with Laozi if I don't stand up?


just as Luo Tianzheng sneered, Wei bin and others took a step back.

All of a sudden, Luo Tianzheng is like a firefly in the dark night, and has become remarkable.

"Are you Luo Tianzheng?" Yossel looked at Luo Tianzheng and chuckled.

These people are not a mob, are they? It's so simple to betray my brother. It's lack of challenge!

Luo Tianzheng turned his head and looked at Wei bin and others: "how many of you How much

"Well, big elder, it's time to perform real skills. We support you!"

"Big elder, we believe in your strength, kill him!"

"Elder brother, I wish you a victory

Wei bin and other Qi Qi send rainbow farts. This eusel looks very drag at first. Wanzidao and Feng Dehai have just stepped into the semi divine peak. They are not sure they can kill him, let alone others.

Let Luo Tianzheng chew this hard bone

"I'll settle with you later." Luo Tianzheng pointed to several people, carrying the nine you axe, he stepped forward and said, "Lao Tzu is Luo Tianzheng. Don't you want to fight against Laozi? Come onYoussel raised his eyebrows and snorted, "look for death!"

A torrent of weather broke out on him, and a towering shadow appeared behind him!

The next moment, a knight sword was held in his hand, and he rushed to Luo Tianzheng with his toes.

"Good come!" Luo Tianzheng grinned grimly and rushed to meet him with the nine you axe.

At the moment of the two hands, Allen, chunus, Bruno, Qi Qi Qi, the top three of the light Council, rushed to Li Feng.

The three men fought side by side for many times. Before they started, they had already surrounded Li Feng. This attack almost blocked Li Feng's retreat!

"Good coming!" Li Feng sneered, summoned the Shenwu sword, Shenwu armor, and used the invincible aura at the same time.

At the same time, the remaining seven semi gods in the later stage of the Guangming Council were looking for good targets and rushing towards wanzidao and others.

Seven to six, and these six people are two half gods, four half gods, completely crush all right!

Therefore, the seven elders of the Guangming Parliament were all ferocious. They seemed to have foreseen the end of wanzidao and others being smashed by them.

Can be in their body burst out of the moment of breath, Wan Zi Dao and others have their own breath burst out!

"Damn it, why do they have two demigods at the top?"

"Shert, there's a mistake! Chunus, you pit us

The seven elders of the Council of light were shocked at that time, or it is not accurate to describe them with shock. They should be scared to urinate.

One demigod peak can fight three demigods alone, and they still have the upper hand in the later stage. It is not certain whether the seven demigods can deal with wanzidao and Feng Dehai in the later stage. In addition, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang in the later period of the demigods

They will be defeated!

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