Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1005

"Damn it, chunus, what's going on?" Alan Russell didn't expect such a thing to happen. He was shocked.

"I don't know!" Chunas looked innocent, and then gritted his teeth and said, "elder Allen, I will support you with elder Bruno. Be careful of Li Feng!"

Now is not the time to engage in intrigue. The strength of wanzidao and Feng Dehai has completely exceeded their expectations. No, it should not be because the last time qiunas played with them, they clearly showed the strength of the late demigods.

But in any case, the strength of the two men at the moment upset the battle plan just made by chunas and others!

Aaron Russell nodded: "don't worry, I can handle it by myself. Li Feng, you two need to be careful."

For the old semi God top strong player, even if chunas said that Li Feng's martial arts skills were a little strange, it was also a stable situation for him to win!

Chunas and Bruno did not dare to delay, but turned to deal with Wan Zi Dao and Feng Dehai.

"Want to run? Have you asked for my opinion? "

Li Feng sneered and slashed: "sweep the horizon!"

At the moment when the two sharp swords were cut out, Li Feng's breath rose to the sky!

Late demigod!

"Sleeping trough! When did the boss break through? "

"In the late period of demigod, the boss's breakthrough speed is too good?"

"The boss praises the boss, the boss is powerful!"

After discovering this, Wei bin and others couldn't help exclaiming.

Chunas quickly stopped the forward rush, turned his spear, and a white light flashed by, and met the fierce sword spirit.

Bruno didn't dare to make it big. He turned around and waved the knight's sword, and steadily blocked the sword spirit that rushed towards him.

"Boom" and "boom"

the huge explosion sounds and the fierce shock waves scatter!

Around the flowers and trees, in the fierce shock wave, such as withering and decaying general inch inch fracture!

Even the distant castle, affected by this, began to shake, as if it would collapse at any time!

At the moment, Alice Coffey and Pearson, who had already hidden in the castle, changed their faces!

What were the two loud noises just now? Was there an earthquake? Why did the castle shake so much?

"Miss, we can't stay here. Let's go out the back door!" Pearson knew the situation was not good, and despite Alice Coffey's objection, he took her and ran back to the door.

High above the castle, the faces of the other members of the Council of light were strange. If they didn't want to have internal strife at this time, they would have doubted chunus.

Are you hiding something from us? Why are these people different from what you said?

Li Feng's two swords, in particular, are much more powerful than the average level of demigod's later period. OK, what level is he special?

Chunas mouth a bit bitter, compared with the last fight, Li Feng's combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

So what kind of cattle are these people? How many days have it been since the last fight? How come so many people have broken through?

Now the question is, what can he say to convince the other senators that he didn't lie?

"I'll go? Do you want to look down on me so much and dare to be distracted at this time? "

Although the shocked expression of chunas and others made Li Feng feel a little dark and cool, there was also an illusion that he was looked down upon.

Taking advantage of the crowd's muddle, Li Feng suddenly opened the frenzy and rampage.

"Boom" "boom"

two beeps!

Li Feng's breath soared one after another, directly came to the top of the demigod!

What's more, Li Feng used the time hourglass after the start of the fury and mob!

Suddenly, in his eyes, other people's movements slowed down 10 times!

"Cut in the air!"

A sword came out of thin air, and the next moment it came to Aaron Russell!

In the public's expectation, Li Feng should continue to attack chunus and Bruno. This sudden change in the target of attack immediately caught Alan Russell by surprise.


Aaron Russell is worthy of being the first veteran of the light Council. Even if the incident happened suddenly, he was the first to mention the knight sword!

It's just that Li Feng's speed is too fast. At the moment when he carries the sword, he cuts in the air and has come to him!


a big bang!

Alan Russell only felt a shock in his arm. A sharp pain came from his arm, which made his Qi and blood float a little bit!

At this time, chunas and Bruno finally reacted, and did not go to manage Wanzi Dao and Feng Dehai. They each carried swords and killed Li Feng.

Li Feng's outbreak is like a signal, wanzidao and others also at the same time began to fully output!

Although it was six to seven, Wan Tzu Dao and Feng Dehai each selected three opponents as soon as they appeared on the stage, and the rest were four to one!On the other side, Luo Tianzheng is in a fierce battle with youssel, and the fight is a complete collapse!

In this way, the battle between the Guangming Parliament and Li Feng's eight men was divided into three parts.

Luo Tianzheng and youssel are on a par with each other, and they can't tell the winner or loser in a short time.

Wanzidao and others occupy an absolute advantage. As long as Li Feng can resist the attack of Allen Russell and let wanzidao and others solve their enemies, the victory will belong to Li Feng!

Of course, Alan Russell and others understood this truth. At the moment, Aaron Russell roared: "chunus, Bruno, it's not the time to hide your clumsiness. Try your best!"

Voice landing, Aaron Russell directly crazy!


a dull sound shaking the heaven and earth, the breath of Aaron Russell directly soared, and came to the half step divine realm!

Behind him, the towering shadow was shining with gold, and the whole body seemed to be plated with a layer of gold paint!

Chunus and Bruno look at each other and use Madness at the same time!

After two muffled noises, their breath came to the half step divine realm. The shadow behind them was also full of golden light, but compared with Aaron Russell, the Golden Shadow of their shadow was darker.

After mania, the three people all out, countless red sword Qi with no money like pouring to Li Feng!

In the blink of an eye, Li Feng was submerged by the red sword spirit!

It's like a missile washing the ground, and it's washed over and over again!

However, there was no joy on chunas's face: "don't be careless, senior Allen. He has the ability to be immune to injury."

Knowing this, Alan Russell nodded and waved his sword to cut off the sword. He said, "this ability of his can't last. Continue to attack!"

Chunas and brunozzi nodded, and the frequency of attack was even more than before!

Just as the three men focused on the attack, the whole world was suddenly shrouded in thick darkness!

"Watch out for the sneak attack!" Chunas exclaimed!

Before his voice fell to the ground, a sharp sword came from behind him!


with a crisp sound, the fierce sword spirit crossed chunas' left shoulder, bringing a piece of blood!

"Damn it, he didn't die!" Chunas's face suddenly became gloomy.

Although he responded in time, the sword Qi only scratched his left shoulder, not the bone, but Li Feng could still hurt him under the siege of the three of them, which made him feel ashamed and shocked at the same time!

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