Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1003

Li Feng is so confused, OK?!

How murderous you were when you flew over. The small look in your eyes was so small that you would never give up if you didn't tear us apart. How exciting!

Then a look and jump out of a few bright Council of elders, scared to flee?

What about the eyes? What about the momentum?

too, old fellow of the dark parliament!

Now Li Feng really wants to yell, "what are you running for? I can help you fight the people of the light Council!"

But Li Feng is worried that if he shouts like this, he will be jointly targeted by the light Parliament and the dark parliament

Chunas and others in the Council of light are also confused.

It's not The dark Council is obviously aimed at them. Why did it suddenly run away? Don't they know that the light Council is a deadly enemy to these Chinese people?

"You're not with the dark Council?" Chunas looked at Li Feng suspiciously and asked.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth: "not really Why don't we get together and kill the dark Council first, and then we'll win

Chunas and others looked at each other.

In fact, this proposal is quite tempting. The light Council and the dark Council have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, but they have been unable to completely annihilate it, because the two sides are more balanced in strength.

If Li Feng's eight men are added, the balance of victory will quickly tilt towards the light Council, and it is not impossible to completely annihilate the dark Parliament.

At that time, the whole western world will be the only one in the light parliament!

Of course, this does not include North America

The power of the gods' paradise in the United States is not weaker than that of the light Council.

However, there is a question here. Is Li Feng sincere in cooperating with them? If this is a trap set by Li Feng and the dark Council, the one who is exterminated will become the light Council.

Although this is unlikely, they have to guard against it.

Chunas looked at the other elders. Seeing that they were all hesitant, he hummed coldly: "it's just a dark Council. We can solve it by ourselves in the light Council."

Allen Russell, the elder of the Yuan Dynasty, looked hesitant and nodded: "it can be seen from Solomon's performance that you are not a group with the dark Council, and they don't know that you have a hostile relationship with our light Council. Are you afraid that we will unite with the dark Council and kill you first?"

Other senior citizens nodded their heads and looked at Li Feng with some mockery.

They are not like Luo Tianzheng and other people who have been in peace for a long time. Even if they engage in intrigue, they are only familiar faces around them.

Which of the elders of the bright Council is not a man who has lived for more than a hundred years and has been struggling in the secular world? With Li Feng's words and the sudden escape of the dark Council, they analyzed the truth of the matter.

Li Feng wants to play with them. How can it be so easy?

"I have the sincerity to cooperate with you." Li Feng spread both hands, a little helpless.

No one believes the truth these days? He really wants to cooperate with the light Council and kill the dark Council first. After all, these two are his enemies. It's not good to solve the problem once and for all?

"But you don't deserve to cooperate with us!" With a contemptuous smile, Alan Russell glanced at Luo Tianzheng and said, "of the eight of you, there is only one demigod peak, but we have four demigod peaks, and the rest are all demigods later!"

"Look at the number of people, we have 11 people, you only have 8 people, the average combat strength is not as good as ours, the comprehensive combat strength is worse than us, what do you take to fight us?"

"Yes, we can kill you first and then the dark Council." Chunas nodded in agreement.

Other elders also echoed, a pair of Li Feng eight people did not pay attention to the appearance.

Just then, Pearson quietly pulled Alice Coffey away from here.

Both sides found their escape, but they didn't care. It was just two ordinary people. Whether they left or stayed had no effect on the war situation.

"Boss, I'm really angry to see them so arrogant!" Luo Tianzheng is eager to try.

"Well, just a few words to scare us? Stop dreaming! We will not retreat Wan Zi Dao sneered and took out the nine halberds ready to fight at any time.

"Shit, 11 hit 8. What's wrong? Our boss can kill all 11 of you by himself!" Wei Bin took nine you gun in his hand and said majestically.

Li Feng's mouth a smoke: "Hello, Hello, blow over ah, I'm not sure with one enemy eleven, or need you to assist in the fight."

8 to 11 pressure is very big, but he has just broken through to the late demigod, so we can take this opportunity to test his combat effectiveness.

If he can pull down the four semi gods with his own strength and let Lao Luo and others clean up the remaining elders of the light Council, there will be more fighting in this battle.

But before that

Li Feng looked at Tang Qiong and aishaniya behind his eyes. The two women's faces changed slightly, and immediately knew what was going to happen next."When you come back." Tang Qiong said silently.

Ashaniya did not speak, but clenched her right hand into a fist and made a refueling gesture.

Li Feng nodded with a smile, and the next moment on the two women on the group space transmission.

A black light flashed by, and the two women disappeared from the original place!

Chunas pupil shrinks: "it's space transmission as expected!"

Last time, he was very surprised why Tang Qiong suddenly disappeared. He had also speculated whether Li Feng had mastered the ability of space transmission.

But he didn't see Tang Qiong again, so he didn't know.

Now, seeing once again that Tang Qiong and aishania suddenly disappeared, this inference becomes more and more clear.


"How could that be possible?"

"Is he a black witch?"

"The black witches have no space to transmit others. They can only use the array and special summoning ceremony to do single transmission."

"Are you mistaken, Mr. chunas?"

Other yuan Lao's face color slightly changed, one after another questioned.

Chunas frowned slightly: "I'm just guessing that if I have a chance, I'll catch Li Feng alive, and if I don't, I'll kill him."

Aaron Russell's eyes flashed, looked at Li Feng and said, "I'll catch him, and the others will be handed over to you."

"Mr. Da Yuan, Li Feng is only in the middle of the demigod period. Just give it to me."

"Mr. seven, don't you have to worry about such a trifle? I'll do it. "

"Mr. nine, let me do it for you."

Because of chunas' conjecture, all the elders of the Guangming Council were very interested in Li Feng.

There is a rumor in the martial arts circle that the key to entering the divine realm is to understand the mystery of time and space. Whoever can understand the mystery of time space will have the key to the divine realm.

Since Li Feng can use space teleportation to teleport others away, it shows that he has already understood the mystery of the power of space. If you grasp it alive and ask again, will he have the hope to enter the divine realm?

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