God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2026

Song Fei and Kate looked at the murderous yuan Tu sword in Luo Xing\'s ghost mother\'s hand, but their hearts were full of amazement.

Even if Song Fei made countless response plans, he didn\'t expect to get the yuan Tu sword so smoothly.

This is the most precious treasure of the Asura family. It\'s the first sword of killing and cutting, second only to the top ten spiritual treasures. It\'s so easy to send it to your own hands.

Song Fei said loudly, "thank you, Styx, but there\'s only one."

Luo Xing\'s ghost mother hummed coldly, "when you have the strength to play the strength of two fairy swords, ask for the second one." while talking, Luo Xing\'s ghost mother threw the yuan Tu sword at Song Fei.

Song Fei took advantage of the situation and grabbed the handle of the sword. In an instant, the crazy killing intention on the sword rushed to Song Fei. Song Fei saw that the world in front of him turned into blood, and countless evil spirits rushed towards him.

Song Fei snorted coldly, "you dare to kill me like this. Break it for me."

With the emergence of crazy killing intention in divine consciousness, this idea was directly hanged and fragmented. Qingtian demon emperor killed for many years, and his killing intention was not weak. The external killing intention of a fairy sword could not affect him at all.

"Ha ha ha, good sword, good sword." Song Fei laughed and suddenly flew into the sky, wielding the yuan Tu sword, and a bloody competition roared into the distance.

On the barren land, a huge inland sea was blown out.

Song Fei landed with the yuan Tu sword and said to Luo Xing\'s ghost mother, "thank you for me, old Styx."

Luo Xing\'s ghost mother then said to Kate: "Kate, the law of the Styx ancestor, the ancestor agrees with your request."

Hu mei\'er could not see much expression on her face. It seemed that she had long known that it would be the result. Instead, she nodded and said, "I believe in my grandfather\'s promise."

Luo Xing\'s ghost mother looked at them and said faintly, "the front line is urgent. If there is nothing else, go back to the battlefield."

Song Fei nodded and said, "OK."

Luo Xing\'s ghost mother saw that they agreed and shot her body into the air.

Sun Qingrou turned to the two humanitarians: "you two, Qingrou originally planned to take you around the pilgrimage city. Now it seems that we are going back to the battlefield. Let\'s go."

Song Fei knew that he couldn\'t stay here any longer. Then he winked at Kate and said Judo to sun Qing: "OK."


In the twinkling of an eye, he returned to the barracks.

When DuPont learned that Song Fei had won the yuan Tu sword, his enthusiasm for Song Fei was completely different. This time, he really regarded him as his own person, and showed a respectful attitude in the process of talking.

Finally, he vaguely revealed to Song Fei that he was very nervous in the war and hoped that Song Fei would kill the people in the fairy world with Yuan Tu sword.

After enjoying DuPont\'s warm reception, Song Fei returned to his demon palace, put the Yuantu sword in the demon palace and handed it to xuesha for safekeeping, but he went into Kate\'s courtyard.

They continued to sit on the cliff in the magic weapon of space.

Kate said, "uncle, I didn\'t expect things to go so smoothly. Now we\'re back. What should we do next? Whether to find a reason to go elsewhere."

Song Fei smiled silently: "well, I don\'t think so. The old guy doesn\'t trust us at all." in the Asura world, in order to avoid being induced, Song Fei tried not to mention the word Styx.

Kate frowned, "what do you say?"

Song Fei said, "he gave me the yuan Tu sword just to monitor us. If necessary, he can also give it to the Asura people. Because the yuan Tu sword is attached to his divine sense, I dare not speak to you with that sword around me."

Kate said, "uncle, I really don\'t understand these calculations. Since he suspects us, what should I do? Can I find an excuse to go to other places in the Asura world?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "I\'ve seen the demon emperor. I\'ve never dared to forget his peerless posture. It\'s really a senior expert who plans the world and understands human feelings. In front of him, it seems that everything can\'t be hidden, and his eyes seem to really see through the universe. I can\'t compare. I thought that the old guy would be a wise old man with unparalleled cultivation, but obviously he isn\'t."

Hu mei\'er said in surprise, "uncle, you can judge it with a few eyes?"

Song Fei smiled: "The old guy has given orders since he was born. No one dares to disobey his orders. The Asura family is belligerent and does not have the so-called human intelligence of our three worlds. Now I think, the old guy doesn\'t know any tricks and worldly wisdom. For one thing, he doesn\'t need it, but he can\'t touch it at all. He is just an old monster who devotes himself to cultivation. If it was me, he wouldn\'t He would hand over the yuan Tu sword. He thought he could monitor me with this sword. At the critical moment, he could control the fairy sword to kill me with divine knowledge, but he seemed to forget what the yuan Tu sword represents. "

Kate said, "Oh, what did uncle say?"

Song Fei\'s smile became brighter: "the yuan Tu sword represents his ancestors of the Styx river. In the world, it is the Shang sword. Maybe the Asura family doesn\'t have this habit, but if I take him out and say it represents the Styx River, do you think they will doubt it?"

At this point, Kate\'s eyes brightened.

Song Fei said, "in order to avoid being sensed by Yuan Tu Jian, we won\'t have any changes in the next period of time, let alone participate in the war. Wait for my news."


In the next period of time, Song Fei completely didn\'t ask about anything outside the window. Even DuPont asked, he was blocked by the blood devil, indicating that the Optimus demon emperor wanted to practice. If there was a corpse of an immortal beast, he would first give it to the blood devil for safekeeping. If there were other things, he would wait until the demon emperor closed.

The attack of the fairyland became more and more fierce, and the Asura family became more and more inferior. There were faint signs of irresistibility. Although DuPont was anxious, he had no way but to send the war back to the holy mountain and let the experts of the holy mountain continue to send troops to the battlefield.

Although sun Qingrou has been staying in the devil\'s palace, he can\'t see Song Fei either. It\'s really easy to use the reason of isolation. You can ignore anyone with this reason.

Finally, ten days later, Song Fei\'s master completed the soul search of Asura master. Song Fei also informed Kate to come to Song Fei\'s demon palace.

When Song Fei left the customs, sun Qingrou was the first to meet him: "Your Majesty, you finally came out. Marshal DuPont asked me to tell you to see him as soon as you leave the customs."

Song Fei looked at Sun Qingrou meaningfully and said with a smile, "Qingrou, is the warrant issued to you by DuPont still there?"

"Marshal DuPont\'s warrant?" Sun Qingrou\'s face changed slightly, but she pretended to be calm. "If your majesty needs any warrant, just ask Marshal DuPont directly. With your Majesty\'s position in Marshal\'s mind, what warrant can\'t you get?"