God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2025

The ancestor of the Styx river appeared quietly without any momentum, without the pomp of commanding the king of the world, and his appearance was like a passer-by\'s armour, which could no longer be ordinary.

However, with his appearance, sun Qingrou was extremely respectful. The Luoxing ghost mother, who brought great danger to Song Fei, knelt directly in front of him, as if worshipping the gods.

The eyes of the Styx river opened without the blood light in the eyes of the Asura family, as if everything had returned to nature.

A pair of eyes seem to contain endless vicissitudes and see through the changes of the world.

In addition to the demon emperor, this is the second emperor level figure Song Fei has seen.

Styx glanced at them, and then slowly said, "I heard you have something to tell me. Tell me."

A pair of eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. Song Fei felt that under these eyes, he could not keep any secrets. As soon as the Styx came up, he didn\'t ask anything, which made Song Fei more cautious.

Song Fei and Hu Meier looked at each other. Hu Meier took the lead in speaking and stepped forward: "I think only the ancestors of Styx have the opportunity to enter the realm of saints in these three realms."

The Styx River didn\'t speak, and her eyes continued to look at Kate.

Kate continued: "it\'s said that only when we reach the saint\'s territory can we have the opportunity to pull a person back from the long river of time. If the old ancestor is willing to help the little woman pull a person back from the long river of time after we reach the saint\'s territory, the little woman can work for the Asura family."

Ming River: "who?"

Kate said, "a mortal, the lover of my lover, was killed by me."

The face of the Styx ancestor was still calm and could not see what he was thinking. But Song Fei knew that if the other party felt the slightest mistake, it was his own destruction. In the Ashura family\'s nest, let alone the separation of magic blood ants, even if he was pulled by all his strength, it was a mantis arm in the car and vulnerable.

In the same realm of Jinxian, it is difficult to estimate the gap. Unless Song Fei\'s original master can break through to the later stage of Jinxian, he will have the opportunity to understand the power of the Heavenly Emperor.

In the final analysis, the Heavenly Emperor is only the strong one at the peak of Jinxian. Because he created the ultimate skill, his perception of the avenue has reached a very deep level, not just practicing the ultimate skill.

After Hu Meier said that, she shut up and took a step back to stand side by side with Song Fei.

Then Song Fei said, "the condition for me to join the Asura family is to let me use the two swords of Yuan Tu a Bi and promise me the red apricot."

Song Fei felt that when he said this, the killing intention of Luo Xing\'s ghost mother suddenly rose, and his eyes fell on Song Fei like ten thousand years of frost. Song Fei was still not afraid. Instead, he stared back at Luo Xing\'s ghost mother, looking unwilling to show weakness.

The ancestor of Styx said, "I see."

After saying that, the figure of Styx ancestor disappeared.

Song Fei did not get the answer.

Luo Xing\'s ghost mother snorted coldly, and then said to Song Fei, "go back and wait for my father\'s order."

Sun Qingrou got up from the ground and then smiled at Song Fei and Kate: "two, please get on board."

Song Fei and Kate got on the blood boat silently, and then the blood boat took them back to the pilgrimage city.

Because by taking the blood boat, you can directly fall into DuPont\'s other courtyard without passing through the city gate. When you see Song Fei coming and going to take the blood boat, the Asura woman waiting for Song Fei\'s daily life in the small yard looks at Song Fei\'s eyes more hot. When Song Fei enters the room, the maidens gather together with Song Fei from time to time.

Song Fei tightened his face and ignored the enthusiastic Asura woman. He went straight to the backyard. Even sun Qingrou, who caught up with him, closed the door.

After arriving at the room, Song Fei directly entered the magic weapon of space, and then Kate followed in.

In the magic weapon of space, Song Fei had no previous dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he smiled and said, "sister-in-law, what do you mean by the Styx river?"

Kate said, "no matter what he means, it\'s best to have no meaning. We can continue to lurk here and wait for the news of the battlefield."

Song Fei also nodded. If Styx had given instructions, he would have implemented them. Instead, he messed up the plan.

"Maybe we overestimate his IQ." song Feidao.

Just as they were talking, Song Fei\'s face showed a trace of joy.

Hu mei\'er said with a smile, "what makes my uncle so happy."

Song Fei said, "on the other side of the battlefield, we did what we didn\'t do!"

"Oh, what does uncle mean?"

Song Fei said, "my dragon ball came to the battlefield secretly and captured a first-class golden immortal expert of the Asura family alive."

The Asura family only had soldiers who died in battle, and few prisoners were captured alive. Although several were captured alive before, they didn\'t know where the blood underworld was.

Hu Meier\'s face also showed a happy look: "in this case, we don\'t need to catch prisoners on our side." it\'s too risky to catch prisoners under the eyes of Styx. Song Fei didn\'t want to make such a choice before the necessary time.

After a pause, Kate said, "do everything possible to search the soul as soon as possible. The longer we delay here, the greater the possibility of exposure. The Styx doesn\'t say anything, it means that it has doubted us and is just making final confirmation."

Song Fei nodded. He was also very skeptical about the ambiguity of Styx. Although his requirements were too much, Styx could have agreed to Melanie\'s requirements, because for him, Melanie\'s requirements were too simple.

However, Styx was also noncommittal about Kate\'s request.

Not long after Song Fei entered the house, Song Fei\'s divine sense had felt that there was an expert coming in his yard. It was the Luoxing ghost mother.

Song Fei immediately said, "the ghost mother of Luo Xing is coming, which may bring the meaning of Styx."

"Is it so fast?" Kate was secretly frightened. At this time, any movement was not a good thing for them.

When Song Fei and Kate walked out of the magic weapon together, Luo Xing\'s ghost mother was standing in the yard playing with the flowers in the yard. She turned her back to them and whispered to sun Qingrou: "this Asura world, only DuPont\'s yard has such beautiful flowers and plants."

"Meet the ghost mother." Song Fei arched his hands lightly.

Luo Xing\'s ghost mother turned her head and looked at Song Fei meaningfully. When Song Fei guessed her intention, the great beauty said faintly: "the demon family has made great contributions to the Asura family by the decree of the ancient ancestor of the Styx river. Now I give you the yuan Tu sword. I hope you will fight wholeheartedly and add more fighting skills to our Asura family."

While Luo Xing\'s ghost mother was talking, a bloody and simple long sword was taken out of the storage ring by her. In an instant, the blood in the yard rose sharply, and the murderous spirit shrouded the whole pilgrimage city. The majestic momentum made many Asuras kneel down directly to the ground.