God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2027

Sun Qingrou is worthy of being DuPont\'s confidant. His mind is delicate. Song Fei hasn\'t shown much wrong yet. He only asked a sensitive question and became wary in his heart.

After taking a silent breath, sun Qingrou then smiled and said, "if your majesty is still afraid of trouble, why don\'t I ask the marshal for it and send it to your majesty later."

While talking, sun Qingrou retreated silently. After exiting a certain distance, the body turned into blood light and suddenly rushed out of the demon palace.

Song Fei smiled faintly and said, "Qingrou girl, have you forgotten? It\'s in my magic weapon."

As Song Fei\'s mind moved, black lights appeared in the demon palace. The blood light of sun Qingrou was wrapped by the black light, like falling into a quagmire. The speed became slower and slower, and soon he was imprisoned in the air.

The magic light wrapped sun Qingrou like a cocoon, revealing a beautiful and beautiful face.

Sun Qingrou struggled for several times and couldn\'t get rid of it. A helpless smile appeared on her face: "unexpectedly, your majesty is also a traitor. But I really can\'t figure out whether it\'s too early for your majesty to choose to expose at this moment? You have just won the trust of Marshal and the ancestor of Styx."

Song Fei walked slowly to sun Qingrou\'s feet and said with a faint smile, "you don\'t have to bother to inquire about my intention." Song Fei beckoned with his right hand. Sun Qingrou\'s storage ring came out and was sandwiched between Song Fei\'s two fingers.

Just as Song Fei was about to scan the storage ring with his divine sense, Kate suddenly said, "please wait a moment, uncle, be careful of the storage ring."

Seinfeld paused for a moment, then nodded silently, "you\'re right."

In the sky, sun Qing Judo: "will your majesty kill me?"

Song Fei said, "look at your performance."

Sun Qing Judo: "Your Majesty, don\'t bother. There are only soldiers who died in battle, not traitors."

Song Fei smiled and didn\'t speak. Then he put away the demon palace and rose to the sky with Kate.

Not long after flying out, Song Fei saw the transmission array waiting by the army from a distance.

Kate said, "uncle, it\'s up to you."

Song Fei took Kate into the devil\'s palace, and then changed into sun Qingrou.

Seventy two magic powers can be changed not only by the self, but also by the separated magic blood ant.

Then, Song Fei took out sun Qingrou\'s storage ring, which was really wrapped with a very thick divine sense.

Song Fei secretly operated his mana, and then a dark light suddenly broke into the storage ring, and the divine consciousness wrapped around the storage ring was broken in an instant.

Song Fei knew that his identity was exposed after he broke the divine knowledge. The next thing was to race against time.

Meanwhile, DuPont, who was regulating the army, suddenly changed his face.

"Marshal, what\'s the matter with you?" a burly ashuro Zhuang said below DuPont. He was DuPont\'s deputy and also a super master.

Du Bang said, "Tiemu, maybe you\'re right. You\'ve always advised me to be careful against that Optimus."

"Marshal? What happened?" Tiemu said.

Du Bang said, "go to the place where Optimus is now. If he is here, bring him to me."

Tiemu said, "what if he shuts down again?"

A ferocious smile flashed across DuPont\'s face: "live to see people, die to see corpses."


After Song Fei took out the warrant from sun Qingrou\'s storage ring, and because he became sun Qingrou, Song Fei easily gained the trust of the guard general, and then said to the personnel managing the transmission array: "go to the hidden blood city."

Although the guard didn\'t understand why he went to such a remote place, he didn\'t dare to have the slightest doubt. He immediately started the transmission array, and Song Fei smoothly stepped into the transmission array.

As soon as Song Fei left his front foot, Tiemu came with ten Asuras. All these Asuras are the cultivation of golden immortals. DuPont also fought to catch Song Fei.

No matter who is deceived by the trusted person, he is afraid that he will be full of anger. DuPont is more tragic. He not only trusts Song Fei, but also treats him as a future boss. Even his confidant maid gave him to Song Fei. In addition, at the beginning, many people told themselves to guard against it, but they overcame all opinions and trusted him. It can be said that he spent a lot of time on Song Fei, But as a result, Song Fei "betrayed" him in the blink of an eye.

From DuPont\'s point of view, Song Fei did such a thing that he couldn\'t relieve his anger by unloading 18 pieces of him.

The iron wood leader of Jinxian level 8 and four Jinxian level 4 experts are absolutely luxurious. At such a pressing moment in the fairyland, DuPont also sent such a luxurious team, which shows how much he hates Song Fei.

"People, the devil is holding the sky." standing above the transmission array, iron wood roared at the guard\'s general.

The senior general of the guard shook his head with a confused face, and his men shook their heads, indicating that they didn\'t see any Optimus.

Tiemu snapped, "someone saw him coming in this direction, but you said you didn\'t see him."

The senior general of the Asura family who was guarding shook his head and said, "no, only Lord Sun Qingrou has just passed."

Sun Qingrou? Tiemu said fiercely, "this bitch has been flirting with Qingtian. It seems that she has also betrayed. Tell me where she has gone?"

The guard general said, "I went to the hidden blood city."

"Hidden blood city?" iron wood roared, "open the transmission array and go to the hidden blood city." then he took out a blood red stone and preached to DuPont, "marshal, they went to the hidden blood city."

"Went to the hidden blood city?" in the military camp, DuPont was a little confused. The hidden blood city was just a desolate area. There were few people. Why did they go there?

Is it for her?

DuPont reacted and immediately said, "come on, open the large-scale sound transmission stone. I have something important to report to my Lord."

When Song Fei sent the transmission array out, he saw a more desolate and bloody earth.

I can\'t see the bloody river. There is no vegetation and life on the earth. Only the bloody land covers the ground under my feet endlessly.

Regardless of the strange eyes of the guard of the transmission array, sun Qingrou, whom Song Fei transformed, moved and shot into the distance quickly.

Then, according to the information in the mind of the Asura master, blink and fly.

"Sister-in-law, it\'s going to be close to the entrance of the blood underworld. There are troops stationed there. Casual people are not allowed to approach. We are likely to be exposed. Are you ready?" Kate stood at the top of the demon palace and listened to Song Fei\'s voice.

Kate squinted and showed a beautiful smile: "don\'t worry, I can\'t help you with my mind. My fighting sister-in-law can\'t help you anymore."

In the distance, there was an army of tens of thousands stationed, and the strength of these armies was the worst. If you want to enter the blood underworld, you must first pass through the obstruction of the army.