God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2005

Sun Qingrou gave song Feigao a few glances without saying a word. He secretly said that the Asura family occupied a world. In addition to the cultivation of the ancestors of Styx River, there was indeed no shortage of talents under his command. This time, he was just an envoy to make Song Fei look at him with new eyes. It can be seen that people with a higher status than her will only be better.

Song Fei didn\'t let Sun Qingrou go because of these words. He continued to stare at her with murderous eyes: "Oh, don\'t you agree? Then I\'ll imprison your cultivation and throw it directly on the bed."

Sun Qingrou closed her eyes and said, "Your Majesty is really ready to be the enemy of the whole Asura world for such a ubiquitous skin bag as my family?"

Song Fei came to sun Qingrou, bowed his head and said in his ear, "I will tell the ancestor of Styx River to let him give you to me. This is my condition for cooperation, ha ha..."

With the sound of laughter, Song Fei left with great strides. Sun Qingrou looked at Song Fei\'s back. There was no ice before, but thick anger. After a long time, there was a silent sigh.

When Song Fei walked out of the side hall, he saw Tonghe in the garden. Song Fei said strangely, "what\'s up?"

Tonghe hesitated a little, then looked up at Song Fei and said to Song Fei, "what you just said is true?"

Song Fei said, "what really?"

Tonghe gritted his teeth and said, "do you really like that Asura woman?"

"Hahaha, that\'s what you said." Song Fei left with great strides.

Tonghe followed and whispered in Song Fei\'s ear, "why don\'t you answer? You\'re still guilty of being a thief."

Song Fei was funny. He wanted to pinch Tonghe\'s face, but he found that she was wearing black armor and helmet. He could only withdraw his hand and said with a smile, "are you jealous?"

Tonghe snorted coldly, "I\'m just reminding someone not to delay things because of beauty."

Song Fei said with a smile, "you look jealous. It\'s very interesting."

"You!" interrupted by Song Fei again and again, Tonghe found that he couldn\'t get angry at last. He had to walk beside Song Fei and say, "you have other reasons, right?"

Song Fei said, "of course, this woman is not stupid. On the contrary, she has some small thoughts, so he can\'t find my real thoughts, so the best way is to upset her. Her body is her weakness, okay?"

"Is it so simple? That\'s the woman of the Asura family?" Tonghe retorted.

Song Fei shook his head and said, "it is precisely because the women of the Asura family still keep a clean body that she cares more about this matter than the women of any other family. If it were you, would you be upset?"

Tonghe thought carefully and then said, "you are shameless."

"Hahaha." Song Fei gradually walked away, "don\'t be jealous?"

"Bah, the devil is jealous." Tonghe hurriedly followed, "the army is on standby, waiting for your Majesty\'s order."

"Let\'s go." as Song Fei spoke, his body turned into a black streamer and shot into the sky. The whole sky was shrouded by the army. The magic soldiers and magic generals in black armor stood quietly in the sky. The army delayed to an endless distance, and there was a sea of people everywhere.

There are huge black building ships, which are filled with magic soldiers holding halberds and bows and arrows, magic generals riding on all kinds of flying Warcraft, and troops retreating in a square array standing alone in the sky. Among them, there are ice crystal demon families with burning flames, ice crystal demon families with a body of gem blue, and Troll families with thousands of experts holding giant axes, There are all kinds of magic insects with wings.

In front of the army, hundreds of demon emperors with profound cultivation walked on their mounts and floated quietly in the sky. In the front, a black dark demon dragon rose and fell in the clouds, emitting a strong momentum.

Song Fei fell above the head of the magic dragon. There was a throne made of blood jade in the demon world. He sat firmly on the throne. Tonghe stood next to him with sun Qingrou in the Asura world.

"Meet the giant demon emperor." the huge roar rang through the world like a mountain collapse, and a pair of awed eyes looked at the seemingly small figure in front.

In the magic palace below, a silver light shot into Song Fei\'s right arm to form a small silver dragon.

Song Fei pulled out his long sword and pointed to the front: "let\'s go."

The action of the army, like rolling waves, quickly rolled forward.

Blood devil, blood devil family, is a master of blood devil family today.

Because the blood demon God was hurt, the blood demon family has kept a low profile, but it does not mean that this top race has lost its former greatness. The territory of the blood demon emperor is still endless. It is even larger than that of the crazy expansion of the Optimus emperor. If Song Fei annexed this territory, the territory can be expanded to three times the original in an instant.

Moreover, the territory of the bloody devil is different from that of Song Fei. Song Fei\'s territory is rapidly consuming both Warcraft and precious minerals because of wanton mining, but the resources of the bloody devil territory remain at the peak.

If you take this territory, Song Fei estimates that the mined resources can be exchanged for at least one middle-grade gold fairy. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to exchange the top-grade gold fairy.

There are not many forces like the emperor of heaven. If it is a top-grade gold fairy, some of the strong ones in the later stage of the golden fairy may not have it. Although Song Fei has many advanced gold fairy, it is far from enough to reach one person. The magic weapon can improve the strength of Qingtian sword sect.

The fairy world can\'t wantonly kill and seize treasure, and the demon world is precisely the treasure house for Song Fei to obtain resources and points.

Half a month later, the army of the demon world was close to the border of the Empire, and a scout came to report that the blood evil army was waiting in line at the border.

When he really reached the border, Song Fei also saw an endless army of the demon world, and the number of this army was more than that under Song Fei.

The first bloody devil emperor sat on the back of a flying dragon, a winged magic dragon similar to a lizard, with sharp horns rising from the sky and a ferocious face. The bloody ghost on the flying dragon\'s back was wearing a black cloak, and his white face looked very handsome.

Seeing this face and the smell on him, Song Fei couldn\'t help thinking of the vampires on the earth. Those vampires should be the descendants of these blood demons.

The army under the blood devil is much purer than that under Song Fei. Among the senior generals, the blood devil family accounts for more than half, and the rest are the experts of all ethnic groups in the territory. The blood on each blood devil is soaring, showing extremely powerful mana.

The blood devil family was originally the top family in the demon world.

"Qing Tian demon emperor, have you done enough?" the demon emperor\'s blood devil slowly opened his mouth, with a strong contempt and self-confidence in his words. "If you surrender to me, you can be the first general under my hand, and let you command the original territory, otherwise you will die."