God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2004

In the demon world, Song Fei still likes to call Mu Ling Tonghe. With this name, it seems that the relationship between the two people will be closer.

Similarly, Mu Ling likes Song Fei to call her that.

After the fall of the demon emperor, Tonghe was less awed by Song Fei, but more dependent on Song Fei, and the two became closer.

At this moment, hearing Song Fei calling himself, Tonghe walked out of Song Fei\'s back without saying a word, walked to Song Fei and sat down. His legs hung on the edge of the tower, took out a pot of wine and took a big sip.

In terms of the bitterness in his heart, song Feigang\'s poem is more forced than his feelings, but it just talks about Tonghe\'s heart, which makes Tonghe\'s filled with gratitude, resentment and tenderness boil under this word. Thousands of worries and resentments in his heart can\'t be described, and he wants to be quenched with wine.

"Gudong, Gudong." Tonghe gulped his wine and didn\'t know how many kilograms he had drunk. Seeing this behind the scenes, Song Fei didn\'t speak. Similarly, he looked up and drank, telling the most real tenderness with company.

After a while, the sound of drinking stopped and connected the river: "I didn\'t expect that you, a demon king who can only kill, would also say such moving poems."

Song Fei looked at the distance and whispered, "if I could, I really hope to give up my current position, go boating in the Jianghu and be a carefree Xiake. Well, it\'s good to go to a grocery store on earth. Unfortunately, I have to dye blood with a sword to live. This is the case in the demon world, the fairy world and the world. Well, it\'s far from enough. It\'s difficult to have a pure land in the three worlds."

Tonghe River: "if you want pure land, the Western Paradise is pure land."

Song Fei nodded and said, "the west is really a pure land. The Buddha\'s world is also full of happiness. Unfortunately, it\'s not my pure land after all."

After a moment of silence, Tonghe said: "you killed rob, aren\'t you afraid that the Asura will turn over? Isn\'t the plan successful?" Tonghe knew about the plan to rescue Xiaohei, so she raised her concern.

Song Fei shook his head and said, "this is my style. If you don\'t kill him, you will leave a flaw. Don\'t worry. Since I sincerely send him back to his head, the Asura family will understand. Although they are all mallets, if they are all mallets, the Asura world will not exist."

Tonghe shook his head, "I don\'t understand these things." after that, Tonghe drank a lot.

Song Fei was silent and drank with Tonghe.

Drinking and drinking, Tonghe suddenly cried loudly. The cry became louder and louder, tearing his heart and lungs, making people more and more moved.

Song Fei stretched out his right hand and paused for a moment above Tonghe\'s shoulder. Finally, he didn\'t put it down.

But Tonghe cried even louder. He lay directly on Song Fei\'s lap and kept crying.

This is the second time Tonghe cried after the demon emperor fell.

Night speechless, only wine and tears, missing and sad, the waning moon is like blood.

Five days later, the Asura sent another messenger, and Song Fei met her in the side hall.

A girl, who inherits the characteristics of ugly men and women of the Asura family, is a rare beauty. Her beautiful e-eyebrows frown faintly and sweep out shallow worries on her meticulous face. In addition, the general petite figure of Asura women adds a feeling of pity to her originally beautiful appearance.

A long hair, a Russell dress that fairies like to wear, at first glance, it\'s more like a dusty fairy.

She said her name was Sun Qingrou.

Although people are petite and have a baby face, some places are not vague, and they are very material to hold up their clothes high.

Song Fei said, "people are as pure and elegant as their names, soft and weak."

Sun Qingrou covered her mouth and said with a smile, "no one has ever said that our Asura women are weak, but in front of your majesty, my family is really weak and pitiful. I hope your majesty will not embarrass the little woman in the future."

Song Fei said with a smile, "as long as I don\'t make mistakes, I\'m still easy to talk. You\'re a woman. I\'m sure you won\'t make that fool Rob\'s mistake."

Sun Qingrou smiled: "isn\'t your majesty afraid that I seduce the male demon clan? Killing the demon girl just annoys your majesty. If I let your Majesty\'s subordinates defecte, your majesty will lose a lot."

The voice fell. Song Fei\'s eyes were cold and looked directly at Sun Qingrou. His murderous spirit overflowed like a tide.

Sun Qingrou\'s face was pale and embarrassed.

The next moment, Song Fei\'s murderous spirit certainly didn\'t exist. He looked at Sun Qing judo faintly: "you won\'t, so I won\'t kill you."

"Your Majesty was so scary just now." Sun Qingrou patted Gao Ting\'s waves, let Song Fei look more, and then said, "but why is your majesty so sure that my family won\'t."

Song Fei didn\'t answer, but asked meaningfully, "I\'m surprised. As a woman of the Asura family, how can you be so clean?"

"Clean?" Sun Qingrou was stunned, then reacted, his face was slightly red and said, "are my Asura women so unbearable in your Majesty\'s eyes?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "no, I\'ve seen red apricot. She can be regarded as your fellow believer."

"Red apricot." Sun Qingrou sighed, "she is the pride of heaven, and I can\'t compare it after all. And although our Ashura woman has a bad reputation, there are still some clean people after all." then it seemed as if she thought of something and shut up about red apricot. Song Fei was deeply afraid of causing her doubt, so he also changed the topic.

"Your Majesty, I don\'t know what you think of my Ashura sincerity." Sun Qingrou asked.

Song Fei smiled, got up from his seat and turned to leave: "there are some things you can\'t do. Let\'s talk about it then. Now, if you are interested, you can follow me and see the power of the army under Optimus."

"Your Majesty is going to war? But the war between us and the fairyland is about to start." Sun Qingrou said anxiously.

Song Fei turned back and stared at Sun Qingrou, revealing a wicked smile and said, "don\'t worry, soon." then Song Fei turned his head and said as he walked, "for your sake, I\'ll give you a chance to come and sleep at night."

"Your Majesty is joking." Sun Qingrou\'s original softness disappeared and replaced by a cold, "Your Majesty, don\'t forget, I\'m the messenger of Asura, not the witch under your command. Please respect yourself."

After Song Fei turned his head again, he looked at her coldly and said faintly, "believe it or not, I\'ll kill you."

Sun Qingrou shook her head and said: "It\'s easy to kill a little girl, but your majesty thinks that there is no shortage of women under your Majesty\'s command who are ten times more beautiful than Qingrou. However, after your majesty killed Qingrou, you will meet the army of the Asura world. This time, if I didn\'t ask for orders, your majesty will meet the anger and army of my Asura family after killing rob, not the smile of my sun Qingrou."