God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2006

Among the three worlds, the war in the demon world is the cruelest war. Countless creatures often die in a war, which is far more than any of the three worlds.

In front of the giant demon emperor\'s army, the black magic dragon is floating in the sky. The huge magic dragon gives people great pressure. This magic dragon was originally the existence of Jinxian level. If it wasn\'t for the strength of the little silver dragon, the strength of the magic blood ant alone can\'t be subdued.

The huge dragon head stared at the front, and the blood red eyes were full of frightening fierce light. With the power of a single mount, the magic dragon is far more powerful than the flying dragon where the blood devil sits.

However, everyone\'s eyes ignored the existence of the magic dragon and turned to the very small figure on the throne above his head.

Song Fei stood up from the throne and faced the strong wind. His scarlet cloak sounded in the wind. He was not big, but no one could ignore this touch of red.

Sun Qingrou looked at Song Fei with a strange face. He was the representative of Asura. Even if her own side lost, she could return to Asura world with this identity. However, she didn\'t expect that the target of Optimus devil\'s choice for war was a blood demon with so many experts and troops, and judging from the power emanating from the blood demon, Sun Qingrou doesn\'t think Optimus can beat him.

In any way, the other side is strong. Sun Qingrou doesn\'t understand the self-confidence of the giant demon emperor around her. No wonder it\'s rumored that the demon emperor is a madman, a arrogant madman, and Song Fei\'s words let Sun Qingrou confirm his judgment.

"Ha ha!" Song Fei laughed loudly, "bloody devil, are you afraid?"

The pupils of the blood devil contracted, sat on the back of the flying dragon, stood still, leaned forward, and said sternly: "Qingtian, submit to me, give you blood essence, let you become a vassal of my blood devil family, and enjoy the awe of all demons."

Song Fei said faintly, "you\'re afraid before the war. You\'ve lost. Surrender and I\'ll spare your life."

"Arrogant Optimus, you will pay the price for your arrogance." the bloody ghost shouted.

"What I rely on is never words, but the sword in my hand." Song Fei slowly took out the magic sword and said loudly, "kill."

Without too much language exchange, what people in the demon world advocate is never diplomacy or words, but naked violence and blood.

"Dong Dong!" hundreds of colossus demons hundreds of meters high sounded the war drum with their noses. At this moment, the blood of the giant demon emperor\'s army was ignited. The hundred war veterans looked at the scarlet cloak in front. As long as the scarlet was still swaying in the black cloud, they would never lose.

Song Fei took the lead in flying to the blood devil. The two magic swords were wrapped by the magic gas as thick as ink, and the black sword tips pointed at each other from a distance.

In the blood devil\'s hand, a blood red magic sword was slowly pulled out by him from his waist. The bloody breath suddenly soared, and his body was covered with scarlet blood light, which collided with Song Fei\'s black figure.

They soared to the sky for nine days. For a moment, the violent breath exploded above the people\'s heads. They felt that the whole void was shaking.

"Kill!" Tonghe rushed to the bloody army like an arrow. Behind him were the magic blood ants transformed by Song Yi and other people, as well as all kinds of magic emperors subdued by Song Fei. Although the personnel were messy, the power burst out at once was no weaker than that of the bloody.

Sun Qingrou stared at the army passing by and felt the murderous spirit on the army. His face changed slightly. Their desire to fight was not weaker than the murderous Asura family. When did the army of the demon world have such a strong murderous spirit, just because of that person?

At the next moment, sun Qingrou felt that the black dragon under her feet also moved. The black dragon rushed to the bloody flying dragon mount with the army. The two masters competed with each other, and the two mounts were unwilling to be weak.

Sun Qingrou can only leave the black dragon and stand behind the battlefield, looking at the war involving hundreds of millions of creatures in the distance.

Two terrible waves collide together, which is the collision of blood and flesh, which is the defense line supported by life.

Seeing Tonghe as an arrow, sun Qingrou has fought with an expert of the blood devil. The expert of the blood devil is also a powerful golden immortal. The blood gas shocked the world and was frightening. Such experts are all top soldiers in the Asura world.

Three moves, the mysterious Tonghe used only three swords to kill this master of the blood devil family. Immediately, a black light fell on the nine days and wrapped the master of the blood devil family who died in the war. The golden immortal master was slowly decomposed and turned into grains of dust and flew to the nine days.

Sun Qingrou heard someone shouting in the air: "Qingtian, fight with me and dare to be distracted. What\'s the taste of this sword?"

"Bloody devil, you will die without doubt." in the sky, is the cold voice of Qingtian demon emperor.

"Hahaha, you\'re not my opponent. I\'ll give you another chance to surrender to me." that was a bloody and crazy voice.

Below, a master of the blood devil family shouted: "you stupid bastards, the giant devil emperor is not our opponent of the blood devil devil emperor at all. You surrender quickly and Rao will die, otherwise you will be listed as blood food and become the food of our blood demons."

Under the black sky, the army of Optimus demon emperor looked fanatical. They didn\'t speak and told each other their determination with their weapons.

Will Optimus be defeated? How could it be? Along the way, the invincible figure of Qingtian demon emperor has long been printed into the hearts of every soldier, which has become their military soul.

The soul of the army never dies and the battle never stops.

The battle in the sky is not real. In the large-scale war below, Tonghe is like the arrival of a demon God. A black magic sword is stained with blood and rushes into the blood evil army. It is like entering a no man\'s land, and all those who die under Tonghe sword are experts.

At every moment, countless demons die, both under the command of blood devil and under the command of Optimus.

In the sky there are countless black lights hanging down, breaking up the flesh and blood to absorb the essence inside.

"Optimus, die for me." there was a bloody crazy laugh in the sky. "Madman, dare to use one heart in front of me."

In the sky, a figure fell. Sun Qingrou saw the figure covered with blood. The most striking thing was the scarlet cloak.

Optimus, did you lose?

Then, the figure of the bloody ghost chased Optimus down from the sky, cut a blood light from a distance, and cut it on the double swords supported by Optimus, making his figure fall faster.

"Boom!" Optimus fell and just hit the middle of the battlefield. The army under the bloody devil was as crazy as beating chicken blood, and frantically rushed to the falling Song Fei, trying to kill and make contributions.

Song Fei lay on his back and looked at the fallen demon army, with bursts of smiles on his face. The next moment, the black light suddenly broke out and wrapped everyone in it.