God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2003

The dark sky with blood red is the unique scenery of the demon world.

The magic blood ant got up from the bed. The maid Qingchuan quickly brought her clothes to put on, and carefully tied each belt.

Qingchuan\'s face is beautiful to the extreme, and her graceful body shows temptation. Her beautiful face and clever temperament have made Qingchuan the most moving beauty in the world. In fact, the beautiful and weak witch is not only in the demon world, but also in other worlds. As Song Fei knows, many big people in the three realms have witch attendants in the harem.

Qingchuan\'s appearance, among countless witch girls, is the top, not inferior to any woman around Song Fei. Unlike others, she has an independent personality and identity. The witch is the weakest existence. The meaning of her life is for people to have fun. Qingchuan is lucky. Under the command of the whole Optimus demon king, she is spoiled by 3000. She is the only woman of the Optimus demon king.

This alone is enough to make all the demons in the three worlds jealous.

When he was dressed by Qingchuan, Song Fei said, "what\'s the news about the messenger of Asura?"

Qingchuan whispered, "according to your orders, half a month ago, the maidservant selected four demons to serve him from the Yonghai demon emperor palace where you killed him last time. This morning, someone reported that the four demons had been tortured and killed."

Song Fei frowned: "murder?"

Qingchuan said, "yes, kill them in that way. They all die because of the rupture of their lower bodies."

Song Fei nodded and said, "go down."

After Qingchuan left, Song Fei thought a little. He had not yet put on his clothes. All of them flew to him. His black armor and scarlet cloak continued to shine in the room.

Out of the room, when Song Fei returned to the main hall, Tonghe also came. Song Fei nodded to her and sat directly on the throne. Below, the major demon emperors knelt down and worshipped Song Fei. There were more than 100 people.

"See Optimus demon emperor." everyone knelt down except Tonghe.

"Flat," Song Fei said,

"Thank you, your majesty." everyone shouted. After getting up, countless rebellious demon emperors stood quietly aside, slightly lowered their heads and dared not touch Song Fei\'s eyes.

There are many experts among these people, but they are all people who know the current affairs. Those who don\'t know the current affairs have become the tonic for Song Fei\'s practice of swallowing the devil.

Hundreds of evil spirits and evil spirits, each of whom controls hundreds of millions of troops, dare not go out one by one at the moment, which extremely shows the power of the giant devil emperor.

Now, the Optimus demon emperor is at the height of the sun. His territory is as vast as possible and has finally occupied a place in the demon world.

Song Fei said, "let the messengers of the Asura family come to the audience."

Then, a big man with * * * * on his upper body and a piece of linen around his lower body walked in from the entrance of the hall. His skin showed light red. The most characteristic was his appearance. Even in the demon world, many people in the place where demons were born were not like people and ghosts were not like ghosts, but they were much more pleasing to the eye than this big man. His facial features seemed to be rubbed together casually. How ugly they really came.

Soon, the Asura man came to Song Fei, bowed to Song Fei and said, "Asura messenger rob, pay a visit to Lord Qingtian demon emperor."

Song Fei said faintly: "Tonghe, kill the envoys of the Asura family, ask them to send someone again, and tell them by the way that only I am qualified to kill all the creatures under my command."

Song Fei\'s voice fell, but rob was stunned on the spot. He looked at Song Fei incredulously, his face full of surprise.

Tonghe, covered in black armor, turned and faced rob. A hoarse voice sounded in the hall: "rob, kill the four demons under the demon emperor without the consent of Qingtian demon emperor. The evidence is conclusive. Kill."

However, this remark moved all the demons present. I had heard of the emperor Qingtian\'s short protection for a long time, but I didn\'t expect to protect the short to such an extent. The other party was the Asura family who dared to fight with the fairy world, and the reason was just for the four humble demons.

A black magic sword was drawn out by the river and then cut off towards rob.

"No!" rob shouted, "Optimus, I\'m an emissary. Do you want to fight with our Asura family? You\'re looking for death, ah!"

Then Rob\'s voice stopped abruptly and was split in two by a sword across the river. Then a black gas from Song Fei hit out. Rob\'s flesh and blood turned into nourishment for swallowing demons. Song Fei inhaled it into his mouth, leaving only the dry flesh turned into dust and danced in the hall.

Of course, Song Fei also left his head, which will be sent to the Asura community.

After killing rob, Song Fei said, "prepare for the war. The sword refers to the bloody devil emperor."

When they heard the speech, they were slightly surprised. Did they secretly say that they were finally going to war with the bloody ghost? However, although the heart beat the drum, no one dared to ask questions and took orders one after another.

Song Fei stood up, turned to the back palace and got up. Hu Hai on one side quickly said in a loud voice, "retreat."

Walking to the rear courtyard of the palace, Song Fei\'s body shot out like an arrow and flew to a high tower in the center of the whole demon palace.

The tower is 5000 meters high, with an ancient and desolate atmosphere rippling around the tower, as if telling the vicissitudes of history.

It was not long before Song Fei took over the palace. His original owner was a golden immortal demon emperor, who had existed for hundreds of millions of years. Perhaps the tower and the demon palace were as old as the demon emperor.

Unfortunately, no matter how old he was, he was finally killed by a rising star because he was unyielding to Qingtian\'s power. After hundreds of millions of years of operation, he became a thing in Song Fei\'s bag.

The palace\'s architecture is very broad, occupying thousands of miles of mountains, continuous, like a peerless throne, standing on this boundless land.

The original territory of the master of the demon palace can be described as boundless.

Looking at the distance from the tower, the whole heaven and earth is gray, getting darker and darker in the distance. The sky is dark red like blood. I don\'t know if it is because of the killing in the demon world all year round.

Song Fei took out a gourd. In the gourd was wine and a pot of spirits from the demon world.

At the top of the tower, the vigorous wind is strong, and the scarlet cloak dances wildly in the wind. With one person and one wine, it adds a bit of loneliness.

Remembering the road once full of thorns, his footprints, the blood of the enemy flowing under his feet, the loneliness of the devil blood ant alone in the demon world, and all kinds of cruelty in the demon world, Song Fei couldn\'t help singing: "The world is thin, the human relationship is evil, the rain sends the evening, the flowers are easy to fall. The morning wind is dry, and the tears are residual. If you want to write something on your mind, you can talk to the slanting column alone. Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!

People are different. Today is not yesterday. The sick soul is often like a swing rope. The sound of the horn is cold and the night is waning. They are afraid of people\'s questions and swallow tears and pretend to be happy. Hide! Hide! Hide! Hide! Ha ha ha, although this word looks like a little daughter, it has a different taste now. It connects the river, don\'t you say? "