God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1992

Song Fei stood quietly in the sky, holding the inverted Guichen real person in his left hand, so that the Guichen real person\'s body could not be hit.

For the emergence of Song Fei, everyone was surprised. Even Ziyan didn\'t expect Song Fei to fly. Ziyan silently looked at Song Fei\'s back, with the joy of the rest of his life on his face, half crying and half laughing: "the more I know you, the more I find that I know you too little, how can you be so mysterious."

A person who can fly represents a height. Whether it is an immortal bird, an angel or the ancestor of China, it represents the peak of personal power on earth.

The emergence of Chinese masters is like a pot of clear spring seen by hungry travelers in the desert in the hearts of Chinese warriors.

The immortal bird opened the distance from the Chinese foundation building master and looked at Song Fei coldly: "unexpectedly, the target we arrested is also a Chinese master."

Outside Guichen, the other two base builders flew to Song Fei, looked at Guichen and said, "is the old Taoist OK?"

Guichen was really humane: "cursed." then he looked at Song Fei and said with a bitter smile, "we all underestimate you, little brother, who are you?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "my name is Song Fei, Chinese."

GUI Chen briefly introduced: "these two, this is Li Songjiang of tianjianmen, and this is Zhang Yueqing of Shushan."

Song Fei nodded to them as a gift.

Zhang Yueqing said, "boy, we\'re all here for your business. You didn\'t do it all the time. If you just did it to contain those dark mages, we still have a turning point for victory, and the old Taoist won\'t be tricked."

Song Fei smiled faintly and said, "it\'s not too late to do it now. Go and have a rest. Just give it to me here."

"Give it to you?" Zhang Yueqing widened his eyes. "I\'ve never seen such a confident young man." although he said so, everyone could hear the irony in Zhang Yueqing\'s tone.

Song Fei shook his head and did not continue to defend. Instead, a force was introduced into Guichen immortal\'s body, which made the curse power in his body disappear in an instant, and the mana of fighting with the angel leader just now also recovered in an instant.

Zhang Yueqing saw the vision and said with great joy, "Guichen, you old ghost, you\'re all right."

Guichen looked at Song Fei in surprise, nodded and said, "suddenly it\'s OK. Be careful."

While they were talking, they saw that the Dark Wizard of the dark Council continued to cast spells, and the same black skeleton flew back, enveloping Song Fei and other four people.

At the same time, the immortal bird and Five Angels stood in front of Song Fei and others, ready to attack Song Fei and others at any time.

Facing the skull composed of huge black smoke, everyone turned their eyes to this side and looked at the curse that caused great trouble to Guichen just now. Did it work this time.

Then he saw that Song Fei blew a breath gently, and the skull disappeared directly without even a trace of black breath.

After the skeleton disappeared, the sword light was cut off. This is the hate shot of immortal Guichen, but it was cut empty.

"What\'s going on? It\'s gone all of a sudden."

"Is that skull funny?"

"I saw Song Fei blow his breath and disperse the skull."

"How can it be? It\'s not an immortal. Who can blow away the curse that can plot against Guichen immortal in one breath."

Guichen and others really felt something. They suddenly looked at Song Fei and said, "what did you do?"

Song Fei said faintly, "little skill of carving insects."

Then he ignored the surprise of Guichen and others, walked silently to the front, left Guichen and others behind, and whispered, "very good, people are almost here."

"Jie Jie Jie! Chinese masters are really worthy of their reputation. I can\'t even see what means you used to break the curse." the speaker is the legendary wizard karona. Just now she stood quietly in front of the Dark Wizard and didn\'t fight against her identity, but for those who have studied witchcraft all their life, the sudden means just made him feel very excited, While talking, karona\'s body also slowly flew into the air, with a wide black robe floating and a pointed Wizard Hat, completely like the image of a dark wizard in the middle ages.

He is also a person who can fly, which makes the confidence of Chinese martial artists subside a lot.

Guichen and others caught up with Song Fei. Li Yueqing said, "boy, what the hell are you doing? You really want to leave us."

Song Fei said faintly, "I said, give it to me here." the next moment, Song Fei waved his right hand, GUI Chen and other three people suddenly widened their eyes. They found an extremely powerful and irresistible force acting on them, retreated them far away, and then fell among the martial artists watching the battle below.

In this process, Guichen and others have no resistance. It feels like a baby facing a bulldozer.

After landing, Guichen and others looked at each other and saw the deep shock on each other\'s faces.

"Lao Zu, how did you get down?" Li Tianyun asked in surprise at Guichen\'s side. Just now, Song Fei just waved his right hand gently. No one thought that the retreat of the three people was the reason for Song Fei, and only the three parties knew it.

Guichen snorted coldly and said, "I need to see the boy\'s strength first so that I can make strategies."

Li Tianyun was shocked: "let him face it alone. Don\'t you come forward to support? Sweep the array? What if the other party rushes up and kills him first?"

"Shut up." Guichen is not angry. How can he tell his disciples that they are the ancestors? They see the Dragon first but not the tail. They compare themselves to land immortals. How can they publish the scandal of the talent to the public.

The immortal bird said faintly, "three Chinese masters, do you want to escape? Ha ha, it\'s a pity you can\'t escape."

Below, Guichen laughed and said, "it\'s enough for our little brother Song Fei to deal with you." out of his complaints and doubts about Song Fei, Guichen deliberately said this.

The immortal bird looked at Song Fei and said with a smile, "your pill is very valuable. Come with us. I can make you a citizen of our country and have the same status as me."

"Jie, this boy is mine. Don\'t rob any of you. I\'ll take him back and study." karona flew in, and the surging dark breath appeared on her, which wrinkled the eyebrows of angels and non birds.

"Old witch, he is liked by our blood clan, and we all want to drink his delicious blood." the elegant blood clan came silently from the sky. At this moment, the Chinese people\'s heart continued to fall to the bottom of the valley. Among the blood clan, 13 people didn\'t turn into bats and broke away from the earth\'s attraction and walked slowly in the sky.

Thirteen masters no less than the undead bird?

"Our dark Council is going to be decided." another old voice came. Five more people flew into the air among the dark wizards. In addition to two dark wizards, there are three werewolves who can fly.

The enemy is so powerful that everyone except the party concerned, Chinese experts and foreign powers were unexpected.

In front of them, there was only Song Fei in white, surrounded by the crowd. He looked so lonely and solemn.