God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1991

With the appearance of the Five Angels, a force that scares everyone at the foot of the mountain is slowly spreading.

The five stood in the sky, flapping their wings gently, emitting a pure and holy breath.

Immortal Guichen jumped out of the battle circle and roared, "you bird people dare to cross the border."

The leading angel\'s right hand was empty. A milky white lightsaber was formed in the sky. He silently looked at the crowd below and said slowly: "the evil forces in the East should also be purified."

Guichen sneered and said, "just rely on you birdmen?"

The leading angel said faintly, "we are enough." his body suddenly turned into a light, came forward, flew to the front of Guichen in an instant, and a lightsaber cut off towards Guichen\'s body.

Guichen roared, "you two old guys, don\'t go to the theatre."

With the voice of returning to dust falling, two flying swords flew from the distance of the sky, one was hanged at the immortal bird, and the other shrouded the remaining four angels.

Two more flying friars came to fight with the undead birds and experts.

The battle started in the sky, and the people below stopped their action temporarily and looked at the sky silently.

"What a strong immortal bird."

"What a powerful Eastern force. There are three of them who can resist the undead bird."

"Is this the hidden power of China? It\'s really powerful."

"Baga Road, no matter how powerful China is, it is not nearly invaded by us. The power of the underground world of our island country is the most powerful."

Everyone watched this battle silently. For the Chinese people, this is the time to determine their destiny. A short battle of a few people can be called the war of more than one billion people.

The power above is permeated. For Chinese martial artists, there is a huge pressure on their hearts. Other countries can afford to lose. It\'s a big deal to go back, but China can\'t afford to lose. This is a war to bet on national luck. Every Chinese martial artist feels heavy in his heart.

Leaders of western countries, after seeing the appearance of angels, their expressions become much easier. Most western countries believe in God. In their hearts, fighting angels are invincible.

Officials in the White House lit cigars and looked relaxed. Oba Yang ordered the Secretary of defense and the Secretary of state to jointly discuss the plan to occupy China.

In the prime minister\'s office of the island country, there were more people in front of the big screen. The prime minister\'s face showed a faint ferocious smile: "this is the end of China, sir, I\'m ready for invasion."

The old man, whom he called an adult, nodded with satisfaction.

The battle in the sky became more and more intense. The three Chinese fighting forces fought against the undead birds and Five Angels, and the battle fell into a stalemate.

"Ha ha, it seems that I just caught up." in the sky, suddenly there was an elegant laughter, followed by bursts of flapping wings. From far to near, people saw that the sky was covered with black clouds. When the black clouds were close, they found that it was a bat flapping its wings as big as a fist.

One bat fell on a branch far away from the crowd, hung upside down, and their eyes glowed red, like the eyes of the devil, or they were the devil themselves.

Among the black bats, there were 13 golden bats the size of heads. The bodies of the first dozens of bats began to change into dozens of elegant men in tuxedos. Each man had a young face and white skin, and his appearance was handsome.

"Western blood clan, unexpectedly also came."

"Oh, my God, the thirteen princes of the blood family have come, and the Marquis and the count are all in the column. Are they pouring out? It\'s terrible."

"Ow!" a wolf roared. Among the woods, a werewolf appeared with a group of dark mages in robes. The dark mages held magic wands inlaid with gemstones and put themselves in black robes. The hands holding the wands were as ugly as skeletons.

"The dark wizards of the dark Council have also come. I have seen several legendary wizards. They have lived for hundreds of years. How are they still alive? Is that the Lich karona? Isn\'t that a character a thousand years ago? She still appears."

Europe has experienced many dark periods, and there have been many evil legends and evil people. With the suppression of the Holy See, these people have disappeared into the dust of history over time. Even many people of the Holy See did not expect that they are still alive.

As soon as the dark mages appeared, they began to sing. A black skeleton was formed above their heads, and then flew to the nearest Guichen real person.

Guichen immortal is being restrained by the angel leader. Even at ordinary times, it is difficult to resist the joint efforts of so many dark wizards. Now, under the restraint of the angel leader, he is immediately recruited.

The whole person was wrapped in a black air. His body grew old quickly, and his strength collapsed rapidly.

The angel leader seized this opportunity, cleaved out the lightsaber and split the real man Guichen out.

In an instant, the immortal Guichen spewed blood in the sky. The whole person seemed to be 20 years old and his face was covered with wrinkles.

On the way back, Guichen immortal smiled and said, "it\'s ridiculous. The evil dark mages and vampires are united with the Holy See."

Vampires didn\'t make a move, but for Guichen real people who have traveled in the west, they absolutely don\'t dare to underestimate them. The evil forces composed of vampires, werewolves and the dark Council have fought against the church for thousands of years. They absolutely have the strength to fight against the Chinese warriors.

"How could this happen? These despicable people." in the imperial capital, Zhou Qun and others turned pale one by one, and then whispered, "mobilize the army and fight with them while they are there."

The five looked at Wu Guoxing and waited for his order.

Wu Guoxing asked Zhou Qun, "is there no strength left in the Chinese hermit sect?"

Zhou Qun shook his head: "no, only three ancestors have all gone out. If at ordinary times, we are not afraid of any country and forces. Even if the Holy See comes, we dare to break their wrists with them, but they are too powerful after they unite."

Suddenly, Zhou Qun shouted, "wait a minute, look."

With Zhou Qun\'s loud drink, they turned their eyes to the big screen. In the picture on the big screen, Guichen real man was caught in the sky.

The man is different from the old Guichen. He has a young face and a white robe that wins the snow. He doesn\'t have the handsome appearance of vampires and angels. At the moment, his clothes are floating in the wind. Through the big video, you can also feel the smell of dust coming face to face.

Zhou Qun opened his eyes and said, "it\'s Song Fei. God, he can fly too."