God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1993

Wrapped by many experts, in the eyes of everyone, Song Fei is like a lamb surrounded by wolves. He is discussing how to divide it up.

Five Angels, three dark mages, two werewolf masters, and thirteen blood princes.

Chinese masters looked up. So many masters brought deep despair to everyone.

"Roar!" there was a roar in the sky. There were black clouds rolling in the East, but I saw a huge snake flying from a distance, standing on the clouds and overlooking the people.

It can be seen that the big snake has eight heads, and its red eyes look down on the common people like gods,

Many people were shocked when they saw the big snake and said, "Baqi big snake."

This is the great God of the island country. In the legend of Japanese mythology, their power can be called destroying the sky and the earth. In particular, seeing the huge body across the sky brings great pressure to people.

Guichen said to his two comrades in arms, "let\'s go and drag Baqi snake."

Because the pressure was too great, they ignored Song Fei\'s words that asked me to come. They suddenly rushed to the sky and stabbed Baqi snake with three sword lights.

The three sword lights shone on Baqi snake and made a crisp metal knocking sound, breaking a blood hole of Baqi snake. However, the blood hole was insignificant in Baqi snake\'s huge body.

A tail was waved like a whip, and the terrible speed exceeded the three people. Immediately, the people saw that the three people, such as Guichen, fell in the sky like a meteor and hit the earth.

In one move, the three suffered heavy losses.

In the crowd below, an old man from the island country laughed and said, "it\'s been a thousand years. A thousand years ago, our gods were badly hurt by your Chinese masters. After a thousand years, your masters withered and could no longer resist our Baqi snake. Hahaha, we are the last people to laugh."

Despair, deep despair is spreading in the hearts of Chinese people.

On the Chinese side, the three built the foundation and suffered heavy losses. The only one who has the strength of the first war is Song Fei, who is surrounded in the sky and has never made a move.

However, at this moment, facing the underground forces almost all over the world, no one is optimistic about the next battle.

In the meeting room of the imperial capital, Wu Guoxing and others leaned back on their chairs with a decadent face and silently lit a cigarette.

In front of Song Fei, the immortal bird smiled brightly and whispered to Song Fei, "everything is over."

The voice was very light, but it sounded like thunder in the hearts of Chinese martial artists, making everyone feel unusually dull.

Li Tianyun and others kneaded the sword in their hands, flashed a trace of determination on their faces, and whispered, "don\'t be a subjugated slave even if you die."

In the sky, Song Fei made a sound again, but his voice was also silent: "now that this strange snake has come, it\'s time to end." Song Fei\'s eyes silently swept over the people\'s eyes, and then said, "who should start?"

In front of Song Fei, the immortal bird punched Song Fei\'s chest and said with a smile, "if you want to fight, I\'ll accompany you."

The immortal bird makes every effort to fight, and the flaming flame is burning on its fist. Even if it is far away, it makes people feel bursts of heat. This power is too strong for martial arts and powers.

The Chinese martial arts can\'t fly. They can only look at this scene silently. The Chinese martial arts haven\'t been completely desperate because Song Fei is still there. In this case, everyone holds a trace of luck and hopes that a miracle can happen.

Everyone\'s eyes are motionless, afraid of missing a detail, everyone\'s heart is raised, hoping to see a miracle.

When the immortal bird\'s fist is about to hit song Fei, it is also the most nervous moment.

At the next moment, Song Fei reached out with the same hand. The right hand didn\'t contain the slightest smell of fireworks. The immortal bird seemed to hit it by itself. It was very strange that Song Fei clasped his neck in his hand.

All this happened in an instant. When people reacted, the undead bird was grabbed by Song Fei. At the moment, the undead bird kicked his legs in the sky like an ordinary person.

The next moment, people saw Song Fei blow a breath, and the body of the undead bird was shattered like broken glass, turned into pieces of flesh and blood and fell in the sky.

Everyone looked at this scene with unbelievable eyes. All Chinese people yearned for miracles, but no one thought that when miracles really came, they were so unexpected.

The same is true for foreign power forces. Both the reputation of the undead bird and the strength just shown deserve the title of the world\'s top power. However, at this moment, it is so easy to be killed that people feel it is so untrue.

Among the American powers, one by one still whispered in disbelief: "how is it possible, how is it possible."

This scene made the rest of the people who surrounded Song Fei flash a trace of dignity.

At the bottom, the only cardinal said loudly, "please join hands immediately." the cardinal responded quickly, and the experts in the sky did not respond slowly. Experts such as blood clan, Dark Wizard, werewolf and angel joined hands at the first time.

The breath of darkness is mixed with the holy power of light, which is mixed with the fist of werewolf and the blood color light of blood clan.

So many forces erupted in the sky, making people below feel numb. The combination of so many forces is unprecedented for everyone below, including Guichen and others, as well as the strong ones in the sky.

However, the Chinese martial arts suddenly saw that Song Fei was still light in the face of so many attacks, as if he was facing not the violent power, but the slow night wind.

At the next moment, people saw Song Fei blow another breath and looked down. This breath was just like that of ordinary people. It was nothing special, but those strong people who showed great power in the sky fixed their actions in place and didn\'t move. Then, like the immortal bird, their bodies slowly broke into pieces of flesh and blood and fell from the sky.

The battle came and went too fast, too fast to exceed everyone\'s expectations and expectations.

Silence, dead silence.

All the people held their breath and all looked like they had seen a ghost. The people had not recovered from the shock of the death of the undead bird. However, Song Fei\'s behavior was like a bigger wave, which hit them hard.

"God, is this human power?"

"Dead? Dead like this? It\'s said that the undead bird won\'t die?"

"How can it be? I must be dazzled."

"We have the absolute upper hand. How could such a thing happen? Did God abandon us?"