God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1948

While driving people to the grocery store, Zhao Kui asked people to pull up the rolling shutter door. Otherwise, in public, so many people gathered together to cripple people, and he couldn\'t explain.

Song huang\'er winked at the others and retreated into the grocery store very cooperatively and surrounded Song Fei.

Although they know that Song Fei\'s skill is n times higher than theirs, it\'s their shame that the apprentice here let master do it.

Moreover, these people just learned martial arts. They couldn\'t help but do it. They were eager to perform well in front of Song Fei.

It is precisely because of their mentality that Song Fei did not intend to bring them into the fairyland. Compared with the hundred battles of Qingtian sword sect, they are really too poor. There are some things that cultivation can\'t make up for.

If they really join the Optimus sword sect, Song Fei is worried that a mouse excrement will spoil a pot of porridge.

Also worried about their unstable mind after their strength is strong, Song Fei gave them ten drops of Xianquan each, so their achievements will not be too high. If they can\'t meet Song Fei\'s requirements in the future, Song Fei won\'t let them have too high achievements.

The lights in the grocery store were turned on. With the rolling shutter door falling, the store seemed isolated from the world. Zhao Kui and others not only blocked the rolling shutter door, but also surrounded Song Fei and others.

"Boy, I\'m a little brave. You dare to start with such a beautiful face." Zhao Kui went to Liu Yueqing around the building. Liu Yueqing\'s body trembled slightly. Finally, he didn\'t resist and snuggled up to him.

Song Fei looked at him faintly.

Immediately, Zhao Kui said excitedly, "brothers, beat me, beat me up and kill me."

At the same time, Zhao Kui shouted in his heart that heaven has eyes. It\'s a great opportunity.

A man in black who was closest to Song Fei rushed over and was kicked out by song Dazhuang who was closest to him.

The scene was suddenly chaotic. In order to perform well in front of Zhao Dashao, this group of people didn\'t care about the life and death of Song Fei and others.

It\'s not that everyone in the security company is like this, but since Zhao Kui has chosen to do this, he is naturally not a good man.

Song Zekai greeted them with a strange smile. Like a wolf into a sheep, he easily put them on one foot. Facing this scene, he would be most excited.

Song Dazhuang and song Yuyao\'s performance is also commendable. After all, they have followed song huang\'er into the Jianghu. They have seen group fights and have been in person. At the moment, their self-confidence and fighting skills have greatly increased, and they are eager for a battle.

Only Ma Xiaoyun can\'t let go. Although he plays with song Zekai and others, he has never experienced the current scene. For Ma Xiaoyun, who came from ordinary people, he subconsciously thought of shrinking back.

However, when the other party\'s fist came, she subconsciously began to react. While looking for the enemy\'s space, she exercised her boxing skills in her heart, subconsciously blew out her fists and directly blew people out.

Ma Xiaoyun subconsciously looked at his fist and his confidence increased a lot. It seemed that these people in black were not so afraid.

There were many people on the other side. One flew away and others connected. For the kick kicked by the other side, Ma Xiaoyun subconsciously raised his leg, then raised the center of his foot on his thigh at a faster speed, kicked him staggered, and immediately raised his right foot in the air and kicked him out with a whip leg.

After a series of attacks, Ma Xiaoyun greatly increased his confidence and took the initiative to meet another man in black.

Facing the blow from the other party, Ma Xiaoyun palmed his hands and slightly one side of his body. The other party\'s fist hit her shoulder. Then Ma Xiaoyun took a step forward, close to the other party, slapped him on the neck, threw him back, slapped him on the chest and beat him away.

The action of this scene is very skillful, like clouds and flowing water.

After flying three people, Ma Xiaoyun found that he couldn\'t find his opponent. All the remaining people were put on the ground by the other four and lay on the ground wailing.

Ziyan grew up on the stairs. If song huanger and others may have practiced, she knows that Ma Xiaoyun has never practiced, but her performance at the moment is not inferior to others, especially the fighting technology, as if she had been immersed in fighting for decades. The occurrence of this kind of thing is a little terrible. Is there really something enlightening in the world?

Ziyan\'s eyes couldn\'t help but turn to Song Fei. Since the emergence of the secret Road, it seems that the world has really become different from what he understands. One thing after another has constantly broken her routine, making her feel that the world has become a lot more mysterious. He feels more confused about Song Fei\'s real identity.

Not only was Ziyan shocked, but many people were more shocked than Ziyan.

When Zhao Kui grew up, he was stunned. All he brought were the elites of the security company. They were all soldiers. One person could deal with three ordinary people. Originally, he thought it was easy to deal with these people.

The dream is beautiful, but the reality gave him a slap and completely stunned him. How could he not think that the other party was so fierce that he didn\'t have a minute? All the more than 20 people he brought down. How can he play.

Liu Yueqing was also shocked. She didn\'t feel anything when song huanger hit her just now. In addition, he didn\'t see the scene of song Junjie kicking Ah Xiang, so he always felt that the other party was just fierce. As long as Zhao Kui of the security company came, she could easily clean them up.

But at present, the force she can rely on most is Ko, which makes her a little overwhelmed.

Suddenly, Liu Yueqing exclaimed, "call the police, Zhao Kui. Your family has something to do with the Bureau. Call the police. I know uncle Dong, too. They will be on our side."

Uncle Dong? The board?

Zhao Kui knew that the eldest lady was also a man with good hands and eyes. Her relationship was hard and ruthless. She couldn\'t just forget about the current situation. She immediately pulled out the phone.

In Song huang\'er\'s eyes, there was a trace of worry that the free people were not with the official capital, and they were more afraid of dealing with the white road.

Song Fei turned back and said faintly to Ziyan, "I\'ll give you the next thing."

Ziyan was stunned and immediately clenched his teeth: "why?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "because I don\'t know them well, and you know them better."

Ziyan said: "joke, how can I know the people in the Bureau."

Song Fei said faintly, "I\'ll give it to you anyway. Otherwise, I\'ll call big goat and ask him to pull all the training teams over."

Ziyan was shocked. They were all the elite seeds of the country. Were they pulled over to deal with the police? I\'m not sick, but remembering that Song Fei once asked her to mobilize the army, Ziyan absolutely has reason to believe that he can do such a crazy thing.

It happened that at this time, there was a knock on the door outside.