God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1947

Ah Xiang was hit and vomited blood. Liu Yueqing was caught by her hair and pulled down in front of Song Fei. All this happened in a short time.

Ziyan just stood on the stairs and witnessed the scene. What made her feel most incredible was song Zekai\'s skill. She couldn\'t help whispering: "use your strength to pull a thousand pounds in four or two."

Four or two kilos is simple to say, but when it is really used in actual combat, it is extremely difficult to test the eyesight, reaction ability, speed and accuracy of shooting.

Ziyan naturally could do it easily, but what shocked him was that song Zekai did it so easily. It can be seen from Ah Xiang\'s shot that he was definitely not an ordinary person, but he was easily laid down in front of song Zekai. I have to say that the word "three days of absence as a new look" is the most suitable word for him.

Does the secret way really have the ability to enlighten? This is too mysterious. Ziyan shook her head and still didn\'t believe that such a magical thing existed. Maybe song Zekai\'s own fighting master, Ziyan thought so.

Liu Yueqing, who was pulled by her hair, shouted and rolled on the ground, constantly patting song huanger\'s hand. Accidentally, her left face touched other places, and she gnashed her teeth in pain.

"Go away, bitch, if you dare to hit me, you will die. I want someone to rape you first and then kill you. If you dare to offend me, you will die."



Song huang\'er pulled up Liu Yueqing\'s hair and slapped him twice on his swollen face. The pain made her tears flow out again.

"Ah!" cried Liu Yueqing.

"Pa!" song huang\'er slapped her again mercilessly.



As long as Liu Yueqing sends out a word, song huanger is a slap, without hesitation.

Under the violent suppression, Liu Yueqing finally didn\'t dare to make a voice. She was wronged and shed tears. Today\'s scene really stunned her and broke her self-esteem.

Lowering his head, Liu Yueqing\'s hatred is brewing in her heart. She wants to break everyone in front of her.

Liu Yueqing touched her painful face and found that her proud face was deformed, high and swollen, which was equivalent to disfigurement.

"Ah!" Liu Yueqing shouted again.

"Pa!" song huang\'er slapped her again.

A Xiang took his cell phone out of his pocket and began to call. Now such a big thing has happened, he must tell Liu Tianlong.

Song Zekai and song Dazhuang subconsciously looked at Song huang\'er. They secretly said that she is worthy of being the eldest sister. She can only do this. If they call themselves such a delicate beauty, they can\'t do it at all.

Song huang\'er looked up at Song Fei and saw that he still kept a faint smile. She was very determined. It was obvious that he also supported his approach.

With his support, there\'s nothing to be afraid of. Whatever the origin of the girl, just fight.

Moreover, for song huang\'er, who was born in * * * *, it was just a few slaps. It was really a trivial punishment. She saw more about those who had their fingers cut off and their legs broken.

Song huang\'er said to Song Fei, "master, do you think this punishment is OK? If it\'s not enough, I can chop off her fingers or pick off her hamstrings."

These words made Liu Yueqing tremble with fear. Looking at each other\'s cruel means, Liu Yueqing didn\'t doubt whether they dared to do so.

Song Fei said, "forget it, it\'s just a child. Just teach him a lesson."

"Oh!" song huang\'er replied. Since Song Fei said so, she didn\'t care.

When song huang\'er released Liu Yueqing, three small vans suddenly stopped at the door of the grocery store. Six or seven people got off each van, a total of more than 20 people got off and stood at the door of the grocery store.

On the handlebar, it reads: "Jindun security." this is the largest security company in H city. Its business scope covers the whole J province. It is one of the best security companies in J province.

The first one has dragon patterns on his right hand, a gold necklace and a gold watch. He is twenty-five or six years old and has a figure of one meter eight. He looks very strong.

Others wear black vests, their muscles bulge one by one, and they look very powerful.

This is the help called by Liu Yueqing. The leader is Zhao Kui.

Zhao Kui looked at the door of the grocery store and then said strangely, "Hey, where are people."

Zhao Kui\'s ear, suddenly came a sad cry: "Zhao Kui!"

Zhao Kui subconsciously turned back and saw Liu Yueqing, who had swollen half of his face, subconsciously said, "shit, how did you become such a ghost."

After that, he realized that he had said something wrong and immediately added, "who did it? I\'ll avenge you."

Liu Yueqing won\'t quarrel with Zhao Kui at the moment. In her eyes, Zhao Kui is her current Savior and the one who helps him take revenge. She has never suffered such a big loss. She not only wants revenge, but also double returns.

Liu Yueqing clenched her teeth and said, "who else can there be? It\'s the bitch in front of her. You cripple them. I\'ll accompany you all night. Especially this bitch, I want you to find someone to rape and kill him." at last, her finger pointed to song huang\'er from a distance.

Hearing that Liu Yueqing was willing to accompany him all night, Zhao Kui\'s eyes lit up and said, "really?"

He has pursued this proud daughter hard, but the other party has been using him on weekdays. Even so, Zhao Kui still has a hot face to stick a cold ass. it\'s not that Zhao Kui is really infatuated with this woman. It\'s really that the identity of Liu\'s son-in-law is too attractive. In addition, the beauty of this woman is also excellent. Zhao Kui is naturally willing to be an ox and a horse and pursues her around her.

If Liu Yueqing is willing to accompany her for one night, she can not only hold the beauty back, but also publicize it. Then the shameful Liu family can only marry Liu Yueqing to herself.

Although Zhao Kui has a strong security company in his family, he has no one in the political and business circles. If he can become the son-in-law of the Liu family, his identity and status will be much better than the current scenery.

Zhao Kui can\'t miss such an opportunity anyway.

As for maiming Song Fei and others and raping and killing song huang\'er, it\'s not a problem for him. Those who achieve great things don\'t stick to small details.

Liu Yueqing said, "I can cheat you. Help me realize my wish. I\'m your man."

Zhao Kui laughed loudly, "OK!"

"Zhao, Zhao Shao," Ah Xiang shouted while lying on the ground, "I\'ve told our family leaders whether to wait for them."

Zhao Kui sneered. When they came to solve the problem, there was no chance of their own performance. He immediately shouted, "I\'ll get justice from Qing\'er first. Then, brothers, pull up the rolling shutter door. I want to do something big." then he pointed to song huanger and other humanitarians, "you, go into the store for the old man."