God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1949

"Da Da!" a powerful knock on the door knocked on the iron rolling shutter door, not fast, but very rhythmic.

Song Fei said to song Dazhuang, who was closest to the rolling shutter door, "Dazhuang, open the door."

The rolling shutter door opened. Outside stood a group of people, and they were all acquaintances of Liu Yueqing.

Standing in the front is Liu Tianlong, the eldest son of the Liu family, the director of a department and a famous figure in J province.

At the moment, his face was overcast, and there was no expression on his face.

Behind him, there are many people from the Liu family. What makes Liu Yueqing uncomfortable most is that several cousins who are not very friendly with him also came and let them see their own jokes.

However, Liu Yueqing at the moment is like seeing great hope. He believes that as long as his father comes forward, the current situation will be solved very well.

"Dad!" Liu Yueqing got up from the ground, rolled and climbed to Liu Feilong\'s side and cried, "Dad, you\'re finally here. Look what they bullied me like, woo woo!"

From the phone, Liu Feilong had learned what had happened. He knew that his daughter had been beaten, but he didn\'t expect to be beaten like this. He was slightly surprised and secretly said that the other party was really not a simple person.

"Dad, you\'re talking. Dad, this boy is making trouble for us. He doesn\'t want grandpa to get well at all." Liu Yueqing continued to cry.

In the whole grocery store, only Liu Yueqing\'s voice echoed. Everyone kept quiet and looked at the scene. Several young men and women behind Liu Feilong even turned their corners of their mouths slightly, showing a sarcastic expression.

Liu Yueqing was facing them. These expressions were all in her eyes, which made her hate teeth itch, but at present, she can only see them laugh at herself.

Liu Feilong moved, raised his right hand high, and then fell.

"Pa!" with a slap, Liu Feilong slapped Liu Yueqing\'s face and stunned her again. From childhood to childhood, her father had never hit her like this. It was a shame for her.

Liu Feilong pointed to Liu Yueqing and said, "before you went out, I told you how many times to ask you for medicine. Your mother took your hand and specifically explained to you to have a better attitude. Do you know what to ask? Look at what you\'ve done now. Success is not enough to defeat. If your grandfather has something wrong because of you, I\'ll ask you."

The people behind him looked at Liu Feilong beating his daughter. They secretly said that he is the most accomplished person in the Liu family except the old man. It seems that he is beating his daughter, but in fact he is telling others to shut up, indicating that he has taught women a lesson, so that others can no longer talk about their daughter, let alone use this thing as an excuse to attack him.

Liu Yueqing cried wrongfully. Liu Tianlong seemed not to be relieved, and then severely slapped her. Then he came up to Song Fei and smiled at Song Fei: "Song Fei, little friend, don\'t you know how to relieve his anger?"

Song Fei shook his head and said with a smile, "it\'s just a small punishment and a small ring. It\'s not a solution. I hate such people all my life."

Liu Feilong said, "could it be that Xiaoyou has encountered similar things before?"

Song Fei smiled. There were more than one or two such people, from Murong Xue on the Apocalypse plane to Yan Wenwen in the fairy world. Each of them almost killed him and destroyed Qingtian sword sect.

Relying on the power behind it, I feel that Lao Tzu is the first in the world and will kill if I don\'t accept it. It\'s really one of the most hated people in Song Fei\'s life.

Liu Yueqing\'s energy is far less than that of them, but it is also a fatal existence for ordinary people living in a world with him. If it were ordinary people, Song Fei is now disabled and immortal. Song huanger was almost raped and killed. Naturally, it\'s not a few slaps that can solve such a thing.

Liu Feilong smiled and said, "I don\'t know how the people Xiaoyou met before finally let Xiaoyou down."

Song Fei leaned comfortably on the master\'s chair. He didn\'t care about Liu Feilong\'s identity at all. He didn\'t even feel the slightest discomfort when the other party was still standing and sitting by himself. He didn\'t mean to let him sit down. He said faintly: "I killed them myself in the end. When people die and their debts disappear, I\'m relieved."

Liu Feilong\'s pupil shrunk slightly and said in a deep voice, "Xiaoyou is joking. Now it\'s a legal society. I don\'t believe Xiaoyou will kill himself."

"Ha ha!" Song Fei said with a smile, "because for the sake of the legal society, your daughter is still alive. Take her away. The shop can\'t accommodate distinguished guests."

Liu Feilong couldn\'t see through Song Fei\'s real thoughts. After pondering the meeting, he said, "our origin must be clear to Xiaoyou. I don\'t know how to get a pill from Xiaoyou."

Song Fei narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "the price has been told to your daughter. If it\'s all right, you can go."

Liu Feilong\'s eyes turned to Liu Yueqing. Liu Yueqing snapped, "Dad, he wants to blackmail. He wants us $100 billion."

Hearing this, song Feilong, including the people behind him, took a breath.

Liu Feilong looked at Liu Yueqing with hatred. He believed that the other party must have his daughter\'s "credit" for offering this price with his daughter.

Liu Feilong said, "little friend, I don\'t know if there are other ways."

Song Fei shook his head.

Liu Feilong nodded and said, "excuse me. I\'ll visit you again next time. Don\'t worry. I\'ll discipline the unfilial daughter when I go back this time."

Song Fei nodded and said, "huang\'er, help me see off."

They are still standing at the door of the store. In fact, they don\'t need to be so polite to see off the guests at all. As the owner of Song Fei, he is still comfortably lying in the master\'s chair. Where is the attitude of seeing off the guests.

Song huang\'er also took a few steps with the film, and then watched several people drive away.

From beginning to end, Liu Feilong didn\'t look at Zhao Kui, as if he didn\'t know him at all.

As for Zhao Kui and others, after song huanger stared, they helped each other out of the store door, and then drove away.

Looking at the few people who had gone away, song huanger and others were not afraid, but were very excited. This time, they finally tested their level with a real battle, which made them very happy one by one. Even Ma Xiaoyun was full of confidence and excited.

Ziyan went to Ma Xiaoyun and said with a smile, "Xiao Yun, let\'s go shopping next time."

For Ziyan, Ma Xiaoyun was still very awed and grateful. He didn\'t hesitate to send troops to save her last time, which kept her in mind.

Ma Xiaoyun nodded and agreed very readily.

Ziyan calculated that after a few days, it will be ten days. He won\'t have to be around Song Fei. Then he will ask Ma Xiaoyun again.

Song Zekai came to Song Fei and said excitedly, "master, am I very powerful now? Do you have some skills?"