God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1876

Lin Yan is a genius, so he knows how to use his brain. In order to kill more people of the evil sect, he never does anything reluctantly, because he knows that there is only one life. If he shows his courage, he will only make the evil sect happy and make master die in peace.

So every time he would choose the people he could kill. This road was observed by him for ten days. Because it was the rear of the evil sect, many people\'s awareness of prevention was not strong, and Lin Yan gradually found out the rules of some people.

In half a day, a group of ten people with only human immortals will pass here. Lin Yan is an immortal and has enough strength to kill the team. As for how to get away, he has figured out a complete countermeasure.

Lin Yan didn\'t rise for a long time. He was able to promote the earth fairy by virtue of his perception and talent between life and death. Neither of them is indispensable. Just because there is no power behind him, he doesn\'t have high-level skills and spells, so that his strength is not prominent among the earth immortals.

Not enough to kill fairy, that\'s enough.

Time passed silently. Half a day passed slowly. Many teams of black robed people flew over the top of the head. Lin Yan was as motionless as a stone.

Lin Yan in the dark is very patient, let alone half a day. Even if he hasn\'t moved for three years, he has experienced it. He won\'t do it if he doesn\'t set a good goal.

Lin Yan\'s pupil contracted slightly, the familiar team appeared again, and the next team would appear half an hour later. He had enough time.

When he found the target, Lin Yan would never hesitate. His body shot into the sky like lightning. Then the fairy sword behind him shot. The fire on the sword soared, and the strong sword spirit shrouded everyone.

No accident, just one move, you can kill them all, and then leave calmly.

As Lin Yan expected, under the shadow of the sword, the top retreated quickly. This is the instinct of the weak to face the strong. Even if they are fanatical like evil believers, they also know to fight back under the condition of preserving themselves.

Unfortunately, at his own speed, not a small person, immortal and evil believers can escape. For this, Lin Yan is full of self-confidence.

Suddenly, Lin Yan\'s pupils contracted, and he found a trace of something wrong. Ten evil believers retreated nine people, and one of them did not retreat but moved forward in the light of his sword.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Lin Yan\'s decision is very decisive. He immediately gives up his shot, suddenly stops his body, and then flies to the rear.

Behind him, the advancing man in black suddenly laughed: "I\'ve been looking for you for a long time. This time, let me catch you and see how you escape."

For a long time, Lin Yan appeared and disappeared. The people of the evil sect knew that someone was secretly killing their evil believers, but it was difficult to catch Lin Yan\'s shadow. But this time, Lin Yan missed. It\'s not that Lin Yan was not careful, but there were too many means of the evil sect. He could not expect a small scattered repair.

The powerful mana spread on the black robed man. It was far more powerful than Lin Yan\'s early stage of the earth fairy. I\'m afraid it was the peak of the earth fairy. Lin Yan had no power to fight back in front of him.

"Hahaha, where to go." the powerful spell was formed on Lin Yan\'s back, and the powerful sound of breaking the air came from Lin Yan\'s back.

Lin Yan used his magic to fly at full speed. The feeling of danger made him look back. The next moment, Lin Yan knew he was late.

There was a fairy rope flying behind him. This magic weapon can be used to deal with people with lower accomplishments.

Lin Yan turned around and wielded his fairy sword to chop the bundle of fairy ropes while flying upside down. A red light roared on the bundle of fairy ropes, but it didn\'t slow down the speed of the bundle of fairy ropes. From the perspective of prestige, I\'m afraid it\'s a treasure of earth fairy level, and the fairy sword in his hand is only human fairy level.

Lin Yan was shocked. Facing such a treasure, he had no possibility to resist. This time, he really wanted to send his life here.

Bundle of fairy rope flew in, and Lin Yan was trapped by bundle of fairy rope unexpectedly.

Lin Yan was fixed in the air and could only watch the man in black come.

The man in black came from a distance, lifted his black robe over his head, and revealed an old face.

The old man looked at Lin Yan and said with a smile, "what a proud son with outstanding talent. If I sacrifice you, I can get a great reward from the evil god. Maybe I can take the opportunity to step into the immortal, good!"

The old man is laughing, but his eyes are very cold, which is a kind of indifference that regards life as nothing.

Lin Yan smiled miserably, as if he saw the scene of his body being divided. His death is not terrible, but he can\'t kill more evil believers to avenge his master\'s fellow disciples.

After the black robed man finished, he held the rope in his right hand, looked at him and said with a smile, "your skills remind me of a sect called cangyan sect, and the sect leader is Lin Tianqi. Don\'t you know?"

Lin Yan\'s pupil contracted slightly, and he said in a cold voice, "what if you know, what if you don\'t know?"

"Hahaha!" the black robed man smiled, "nothing. It\'s just that when he cut off Lin Tianqi\'s limbs with his own hands, his skills are somewhat similar to yours, so he just asked."

Lin Yan\'s body, which had been trying to calm down, suddenly trembled, and his eyes were red. He stared at the man in black like a crazy beast, and said sternly, "if I still have a chance to live, I will break you into pieces."

"Hahaha, it seems that I guessed right. You are the remnant of cangyan sect. Tut Tut,"

In the distance, a golden light suddenly lit up, and a strong danger invaded everyone\'s nerves. Both Lin Yan and the black robed man involuntarily turned their eyes to the direction of danger.

It was a golden sword Qi. Lin Yan could not describe how terrible the sword Qi was, but he believed that even if he caught his black robed man, he had no power to fight back in front of the sword Qi.

The sword Qi crossed the sky and was very accurately drawn into the black robed man\'s body. A thick and unbelievable expression appeared on the black robed man\'s face. Then the expression was fixed, and the body was slowly divided and scared.

In the distance of the sky, five people came, including three men and two women, all dressed in black.

The remaining nine people in black immediately fled, but they were shrouded in the sword light of a young man in black who had just shot, and all of them were killed with one sword.

Those people flew by Lin Yan\'s side. The young man who just shot stopped at Lin Yan\'s side, took away the bundle of fairy rope trapped on Lin Yan and said, "this is my booty, don\'t you mind."

A seemingly leading woman in the distance shouted, "Liu mu, don\'t talk. The boss takes people deep into the battlefield. We don\'t hold him back."

The young man who just shot seemed to be afraid of the woman and said with a smile, "OK, I\'ll come right away. Eh! Wait a minute. I found a good seedling."