God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1877

"Good seedling?" the people were attracted by Liu Mu\'s words, paused a little, and finally cast their eyes on Lin Yan.

The woman headed by the woman flew in and stopped in front of Lin Yan.

Lin Yan was shocked by the strength of this group. The young man named Liu Mu was so powerful that he obeyed the beautiful girl in front of him. According to them, these people even had a boss.

Liu Mu said to Lin Yan, "this is the eldest sister of our group. Call sister Yan."

After the woman called sister Yan by Liu Mu looked at Lin Yan, she asked expressionless, "my name is Nangong Yan. They all call me sister Yan. What\'s your name?"

"Lin Yan!" said Lin Yan.

Nangong Yan said, "scattered repair?"

"Yes, all the disciples were killed by the evil clan." the other party was his life-saving benefactor, so Lin Yan had no resistance to the question.

"How many years have you been flying?" Nangong Yan continued.

"1200 years." Lin Yan said.

Liu Mu said: "sister Yan, genius, at his age, I\'m just in the middle of human immortality!"

Nangong Yan said, "your talent is good. You are qualified to join our team. Would you like to?"

Lin Yan did not agree at first time and asked, "what does your team do? What do I need to do after I join?"

Nangong Yan finally smiled, then looked up slightly, pointed to the body of the evil clan and said, "nothing, just kill the evil clan. Until she was killed by the evil clan, that\'s all."

Lin Yan frowned: "I can kill myself."

Liu Mu said with a smile, "geniuses are very proud. Sister Yan, does he look down on us?"

Nangong Yan frowned slightly and said, "because you have a good talent, we can cultivate you. You can kill the evil sect yourself. There are only some basic booty. Together with us, you can get more rewards and improve your strength faster."

Lin Yan seemed to be finally persuaded and said in a soft voice: "the strength is stronger and can kill more evil families."

Nangong Yan said, "yes, you can decide to join or refuse now. I don\'t have much time."

Lin Yan said, "OK, I\'ll join."

Liu Mu patted Lin Yan on the shoulder and said, "ha ha, OK, boy, I found you. You can follow me in the future. Go, I\'ll fly with you and stand on my sword."

Originally, Liu Mu didn\'t have a sword, but now he flew with Lin Yan, so that Lin Yan could keep up with them.

"Thank you for saving his life." Lin Yan finally mentioned this topic. He is a generation who values love and righteousness. How can such a great kindness be forgotten? Just now the other party suddenly stretched out an olive branch, which made him a little uncertain and dared not show his emotions too much.

Nangong Yan said, "well, our team is called Feiyan team. With you, there are six people now. Our goal is to become the strongest team under the boss."

When talking about the word "boss", Nangong Yan\'s mouth showed strong respect.

Lin Yan secretly asked Liu mu, "who is our boss?"

Liu Mu said with a smile, "Yunyi, have you heard of it?"

Lin Yan\'s pupil suddenly widened and said in shock, "it\'s easy for a sword to break the sky and clouds."

Liu Mu laughed and said, "it seems that you still have some knowledge. It\'s him. Our boss is a member of the Wushen alliance. You will also be a member of the Wushen alliance in the future. Come on, this is the Wushen token. Take it."

"It\'s Yunyi. Can you fight with Yunyi?" Lin Yan was still immersed in the shock of Yunyi.

Liu Mu handed Lin Yan a small black token and then said, "as long as you kill the evil clan, you will record military skills on it. Military skills can be exchanged for anything."

"Anything?" Lin Yan was shocked. "Can you exchange it for the immortal level skill?"

"Ha ha!" Liu Mu patted Lin Yan on the shoulder, "You underestimate military skills, too. Our boss said that if you accumulate enough military skills, you can even exchange for Jinxian level skills. Of course, you have to kill many evil families. Sister Yan\'s Tianxian level skills are obtained from military skills. If I accumulate general military skills, I can also exchange for Tianxian level jinzhidao skills. Besides, let alone skills, pills, spells and treasures Change. There are even more kinds of military skills than those on the stone tablet in the northern battlefield. By the way, silly boy, you should have been to the northern battlefield. Anyway, if you kill evil gods, why don\'t you stay there to accumulate military skills. "

Lin Yan said, "I can\'t bear to see it."

"Hahaha, this is the good man of our flying swallow team." Liu Mu said with a smile.

Lin Yan said, "are there many teams under Yunyi?"

Ahead, Nangong Yan turned back and said unhappily, "call the boss. Don\'t call his name directly. He has saved my life."

"Yes!" said Lin Yan.

Li Mudao said, "three of the five of us were saved by the boss, and the other two were saved by the three of us, so the boss saved them indirectly, including you. Without the boss, you won\'t be saved by us this time when you fall and attack the evil clan, so all this is the boss\'s work. As for the team you said, of course, there are a lot of people. The boss saved a lot of people."

Lin Yan remembered that the Feiyan team was going to become the first team just now. He couldn\'t help but wonder: "what\'s the ranking of our Feiyan team now?"

Liu Mu smiled awkwardly at this question, and then saw Nangong Yan continue to steal unhappy eyes.

Liu Mu lowered his voice and said, "now we\'ve just started. Of course, we\'re at the bottom of the list, but sister Yan said to strive to squeeze into the top 10 in 10000 years, so our team recruits talents. If you don\'t have outstanding talents, you can\'t enter our team at all."

Lin Yan was completely shocked: "you are all immortals. You can\'t even rank in the top ten?"

Liu Mu Shan said, "what are the immortals? 100 million immortals are not the opponent of the boss. Moreover, the immortals are divided into different realms. There are golden immortals above the immortals. Who told you that the immortals are going to be the strongest."

"Jinxian?" Lin Yan stared and was completely shocked by these two words. "Is there Jinxian under the boss?"

"Of course, it\'s not only Tianxian that the boss saves people. It\'s not surprising to save Jinxian with the strength of the boss." Liu Mu stretched out his right hand and clenched his fist. "Anyway, no matter Tianxian or Jinxian, our flying swallow team will surpass them."

In front, Nangong Yan smiled, turned back and said, "yes, as a member of Feiyan team, you must have this self-confidence."

The five people headed towards the depths of the evil sect. Along the way, Lin Yan finally saw the members of other teams. These people fought with the evil sect for a time. Lin Yan was frightened by their powerful power.

The huge battlefield extends to the distance, and experts can be seen everywhere slaughtering the evil clan. This time, the quality of the experts is excellent, and they are completely killing under the pressure of the evil clan.

Liu Mu said: "in the current battlefield, you should be careful. Try to kill some people with low strength as early as possible. You can only rely on yourself to accumulate military skills. Although I will pay attention to you, there are also times of inattention. You should be careful yourself."

Lin Yan nodded silently, then pressed down silently and looked for an opponent he could kill.