God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1875

Heaven, earth and man, the celestial world and the earth world seem to be boundless, but to say the wide area, we have to count the major aspects of the human world.

A single mortal plane can not be compared with the vast celestial and earthly worlds, but the countless worlds in the human world together constitute a world far beyond the celestial and earthly worlds.

It can be imagined that all the experts in the fairy world have risen from the earth, and there are 100 million experts who can rise. It can be seen that there are so many creatures on earth.

The butcher\'s knife of the evil sect is to hold high these vast mortal planes. Although the mortal creatures are weak, the effect of sacrificing evil gods is far less than that of heaven and earth, but the number of terror makes up for everything.

With the fall of the mortal plane one by one, the creatures were brutally slaughtered.

Tianheng plane, this is an incomparably huge plane, a hundred times wider than the Apocalypse plane where Song Fei was before. This is one of the latest planes attacked by the evil sect, and it is also a huge battlefield.

Countless immortals came to this place to kill evil believers. Some evil believers were killed, and some immortals died in this place.

A boundless mountain range, the mountain is bare and dark, and even countless originally towering mountains are turned into rubble at the moment. The battle of immortal level has caused great disaster to this area. The originally green mountains and forests have become lifeless wilderness at the moment.

In the center of the mountain, a mountain peak originally composed of rocks was cut into an altar. In front of the altar stood a huge three eyed evil god statue. The evil power was distributed on the statue, which made the immortals dare not get too close.

A black robed man flew from a distance and then threw out a black tower, in which countless creatures fell like raindrops and piled up on the huge altar.

There are ordinary mortals, monks who have achieved success in cultivation, and demon families who have become elite.

"Mom, I\'m afraid!" the five-year-old girl curled up in her mother\'s arms.

"Child, don\'t be afraid, mother is always with you!" the young mother\'s face was covered with mud. Tears washed away the mud on her face and slid out two clear tears. Her eyes kept looking for her husband\'s figure, but in the body pressed by people in the distance, she showed her familiar face, which was her dead husband.

The mother trembled sadly. The child felt the difference of her mother and cried, "Mom, what\'s the matter with you."

The mother blocked the girl\'s eyes with her hand, tried her best to restrain her emotions, and said, "nothing, don\'t be afraid, don\'t be afraid..." she said don\'t be afraid, but her body was shaking violently. A little woman couldn\'t bear such a fear.

This is just a corner of the crowd. Countless tragedies are staged here. Some children who have lost their parents cry and ignore them. Some elderly mothers are pressed and shout the names of their wives and children. Others are numbly pressed on others, their eyes do not move, and the whole person seems to have lost vitality.

The black robed man looked at the piles of creatures indifferent and methodically communicated with the evil gods.

In front of the altar, someone waved a scepter to communicate with evil gods, and then countless people in black robes played magic. All the creatures were cut off their limbs and hollowed out their eyes. The mother found that her hands suddenly had no feeling. She watched her daughter break away from her arms, crying in horror and shouting to her mother.

The mother\'s body fell forward and wanted to protect the girl with her body. She watched the girl\'s limbs fall off the body and fall from the crowd. The girl\'s cry became more sad, as if she was tearing the mother\'s heart a little bit. The mother rubbed forward with her body without limbs. The girl\'s body rolled in the crowd and fell below.

Another mana flashed, the mother\'s eyes disappeared, leaving an empty blood hole, unable to see the girl\'s position. The girl\'s voice in her ear became farther and farther away, and then was drowned by other howls.

"My daughter." the mother wailed bitterly, and then was shrouded in a miserable white light. The mother\'s body slowly disappeared with her limbs. The severe pain made these sacrificial creatures wail unceasingly.

The real human tragedy is ten thousand times more terrible than hell. Such tragedies happen to millions of creatures every second.

The sky was gray, as if in silence for the tragic fate of countless creatures.

The pale light enveloped the sacrifice. Whenever the sacrifice was reduced, another man in black would fly to continue to add living creatures to the altar. The sacrifice was carried out all the time, and the cries of the living creatures spread all around, making people cry.

Only those who have seen this scene with their own eyes will realize the dehumanizing evil of the evil sect. As long as they have a little conscience, they will raise their weapons and kill all the evil believers.

In the past, Song Fei, even if he didn\'t know the significance of the existence of evil gods, after seeing this tragic image, also vowed to be at odds with evil believers.

It\'s not how noble Song Fei is, but that he thinks he is a person. The least thing to be a person with conscience is to try his best to reduce this human tragedy.

This is just one of them. Many of them were conquered by evil believers. All the creatures became sacrificial slaves. Evil believers raised the creatures like livestock and harvested their lives regularly.

In the depression far away from the giant stone altar, there are pieces of rubble. A young man hides motionless in the darkness of the rubble and looks at the sky with dark eyes.

The young man is dressed in black as if he were integrated with the darkness. If he doesn\'t search carefully, even God\'s consciousness can\'t sweep away his existence.

His name is Lin Yan and he comes from the fairyland. His hometown is a plane conquered by evil gods. Because of his outstanding talent, he flew to the fairyland earlier than the master who raised him since childhood. However, countless years later, the news of the fall of the plane came, and all his sects were captured by evil believers for sacrifice.

Lin Yan was an orphan raised by his master and taught the method of cultivation. His outstanding talent made him stand out in that world very early and was praised as the first genius in thousands of years. Instead of being proud of it, Lin Yan devoted himself to cultivation. With good talent and perseverance, he made rapid progress and soon became the first person of the young generation.

Gathering all the lights in one, he soared to the fairyland in a shorter time than everyone imagined. However, in his heart, everything he did was not because of how outstanding he was, but all by his master. Without master, there would be nothing about him, including his life.

The enemies of killing teachers are inseparable. As long as there are evil families, there is Lin Yan. He is not strong, but he is very patient and knows how to choose the people he can kill.