God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1850

When the light completely converged, the array around the fairy house was broken layer by layer, and the clouds shrouded around the fairy house were finally broken. The fairy house showed his clearest side.

Xianfu quietly emerged in the void. The brilliant buildings reflect the vicissitudes of history and exude the mystery since ancient times.

At this moment, the situation between heaven and earth suddenly changed color, and the whole heaven and earth seemed to fall into the end of the world.

In the void, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed the Jade Emperor fairy house. His big hand was huge, like the hand of God, trying to hold the Jade Emperor fairy house in his hand.

Yunyi squints to the distance. Several people of the rosefinch family look at the big hand and sneer, but they still keep the posture of pinning their hands behind them.

Yun Yi snorted coldly. It seems that the master of this big hand is a member of the rosefinch family. Otherwise, these silly birds would never be so calm.

As soon as Yunyi grasped the void, a golden light quickly appeared in the palm of his hand, and then transformed into a golden immortal sword, which was held by Yunyi in his hand. The next moment, the broken dome sword was split towards the big hand.

The half moon shaped golden sword Qi grew rapidly, as if it had passed through layers of space. The next moment it had split in front of the big hand.

In the void, someone gave a cold hum with dissatisfaction. His open hand suddenly condensed into a fist and blew out towards the half moon golden sword Qi.

The golden sword Qi sank into his fist. The big hand couldn\'t bear the golden sword Qi. The next moment it turned into overflowing power and broke in the void.

"Bold!" someone snorted coldly in the void. Then a fiery red fairy sword appeared in the void and hanged Yunyi\'s body like red lightning. Behind the fairy sword, an angry old man with a national face appeared silently.

The old man is very dignified. He has a full sense of being a superior. At first glance, he is a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

It can be seen that Yunyi\'s sword made the old man suffer some losses in the confrontation just now.

The red immortal sword flew up and brought up the flames of the sky. Like a sea of fire, the fairy sword in front of the fire seemed to unite the essence of the whole sea of fire, and the power of terror and heat was pressing towards the clouds.

Yunyi smiled gently, still with a sunny smile. The golden sword in his hand brought bursts of golden light, and the broken dome sword made bursts of excited sword sound.

Today\'s broken dome sword is completely Yunyi\'s thing. Manipulating the broken dome sword makes him handy and can give full play to the power of the sword.

The golden light condensed into a huge lightsaber. Facing the sea of fire, the golden sword fiercely cleaved to the front.

The sword light cuts through the sea of fire, making the old man behind the sea of fire suddenly change color. With a grasp of the emptiness of his right hand, the red fairy sword swings upward, and layers of flame force wants to burn the golden lightsaber.

Fire can conquer gold. Moreover, the flame used by the old man is not an ordinary fire.

Yunyi was unmoved and kneaded a sword formula in his right hand. The invincible sword Qi became more and more fierce. After splitting all the flames and dispersing the sea of fire, the golden light suddenly exploded, and then turned into a golden air mass and bombarded the old man\'s chest.

The old man\'s body was blown away, smashing the forest below into a huge pit, and his originally angry face became more angry.

The old man roared in the pit, "boy, do you know who I am? How dare you be so rude to me."

Yun Yi said with a smile, "I naturally know the old man. Lin Aofeng, the leader of the forest world, has heard a lot about you."

"Good, good, good!" Lin Aofeng shot his body into the sky again. Facing Yun Yilian, he said three good words. He was the leader of the world. The other party was not called by his official position, let alone by his predecessors. It was an old man. The contempt was self-evident. Lin Aofeng roared: "in my territory, I dare to be so rude. Kill people and seize treasure, and everyone will be killed."

Yunyi sneered, "this is a ownerless thing. How could it ever be your old man\'s treasure."

Lin Aofeng roared: "any treasure unearthed in our forest belongs to our forest. Cough, those who know the truth, get away quickly. I may be able to give you some compensation."

When Lin Aofeng spoke, he didn\'t have the cold momentum before. Under the sword just now, he was seriously injured.

Jinxian level masters are hard to get hurt, but if they are hurt, they are hard to recover. He has learned the strength of the other party in the fight just now.

The Jade Emperor\'s immortal mansion floats around quietly, emitting a unique momentum as if it were nothing to do with itself.

The masters of the rosefinch family are still motionless, as if they were also the audience.

Yunyi said with a smile, "give me compensation? Tell me."

Lin Aofeng said, "in our forest, as long as we find the sect of treasure, we have rewards in our forest, including 500 immortal stones and a brocade flag."

Lin Aofeng said these words openly. Of course, it seems that even he feels that such a reward is very reasonable.

Although the master of the rosefinch family stood on the side of the forest world, his face twitched slightly after hearing Lin Aofeng\'s words.

Yunyi was surprised and said, "no matter what treasure, it\'s the price?"

Lin Aofeng looked up and said proudly, "it was originally the thing in the forest world. It\'s a great favor to give a reward."

Yunyi shook his head and said with a smile, "shameless is not enough to describe you." after that, Yunyi ignored Lin Aofeng and grabbed it in vain. The whole Jade Emperor fairy house was filled with thick golden light.

In the distance, the people of the rosefinch family moved in an instant. Tang Huang blew it out in one breath. The golden light suddenly ignited a raging flame and burned the golden light. Then, the fire suddenly condensed into a big hand and wrapped the Jade Emperor fairy house.

Xiao Qiang silently drew out the immortal killing sword and chopped it in the direction of the sea of fire. In an instant, the power of destruction surged between heaven and earth, and the fire all over the sky went out quickly.

Tang Huang was angry and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He stabbed Xiao Qiang like a sword through the void: "in the early stage of Jinxian, you dare to stop me."

As a rosefinch family, they are proud of the three realms. The body of a divine beast can challenge beyond the level. Every rosefinch who is promoted to Jinxian is the pride of the rosefinch family. When they are still weak, they praise and challenge all the way, leaving a great reputation in the fairy world.

In the eyes of the divine beast, the human race is the weakest existence and the weakest constitution of all creatures.

The Terrans in front of him dared to challenge himself beyond his level, so that Tang Huang, who had developed self-confidence for a long time, was as angry as if he had been desecrated.

Xiao Qiang raised his head slightly and snorted coldly, "the rosefinch family has repeatedly prevented us from Qingtian sword sect. Today I kill you for some interest." Xiao Qiang gently pointed his finger, and the immortal killing sword shot at Tang Huang like lightning. Behind the immortal killing sword, Xiao Qiang rushed with a strong killing intention.