God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1849

For the questions raised by the ancestors of the yuan family, Jiang Yuan nodded silently: "if I go, I will only give Qingtian sword sect a greater chance."

The old ancestor said, "you have contacted Yue Tianyu. How is he?"

Jiang Yuan said, "this man is very loyal, and I find that he still respects Emperor Yan. He has a bottom line and has his own reputation in his heart. If you ask me about him, it\'s a good thing."

The ancestor of the yuan family said, "if you can be an alliance, you can\'t suppress it. In the future, the people of lingxu city are not allowed to participate in the action of suppressing the nameless fairy mountain. The violator is a felony."

There is humanity: "the previous crackdown?"

Jiang Yuan said, "it was the test of Emperor Yan. Yue Tianyu must know it. He won\'t have resentment."

The ancestor of the Jiang family said, "Jiang Yuan, you will be the one to communicate with the Qingtian sword sect in the future. As for Jiang Ling, he will be banned for ten thousand years."

Jiang Ling was too close to the rosefinch family. In addition, he severely sinned against Yue Tianyu. In the face of practical interests, the small foot ban was not only not heavy, but also a light punishment.


In the boundless blue sky, Tang Jinyu followed a rosefinch master to stand between the white clouds and quietly looked at the fairy house emerging in the clouds. Beside Tang Jinyu, there were several rosefinch masters.

The trial in the Dragon Court has completely transformed Tang Jinyu into a strong person. Although there is only one of the rosefinch double walls, Tang Jinyu has fully inherited the original hope of the two people and become the most dazzling person of the young generation. Even if Tang Yanbin is reborn, he can not be compared with Tang Jinyu.

After returning, Tang Jinyu consolidated some accomplishments in the secret place of time. At the moment, her strength has reached the second level of Jinxian, far exceeding the strength of the Dragon Court.

Tang Jinyu pinned her hands behind her and looked ahead with the experts around her. Her face was full of confidence.

Occupying the favorable time and place, the rosefinch family arrived here as soon as the yuan family expected.

The immortal mansion covers a huge area. The carved beams and painted buildings in the immortal mansion are very beautiful without losing the atmosphere.

Of course, the importance of the immortal mansion does not lie in its appearance. If the immortal is willing, ordinary human immortal tools can be made more magnificent.

What attracts people\'s attention is the unique pressure emanating from this fairy house. This is the unique momentum of gold fairy ware, and the strength of this momentum is far more than ordinary gold fairy ware.

With two magic weapons, the Jade Emperor venerable traverses the fairy world. One is the Jade Emperor seal, but the Jade Emperor fairy palace.

The Jade Emperor seal that everyone yearns for may be hidden in the Jade Emperor fairy palace. Obtaining the Jade Emperor fairy palace is equivalent to obtaining everything left by the Jade Emperor.

The forces of the forest boundary and yuhemen still block the periphery of the forest, so that the vision here can not be known by the outside world.

Tang Jinyu said to the rosefinch master around him, "Uncle clan, come on."

The clan uncle beside him is the leader of this time. He is a master of Jinxian level 4, called Tang Huang. As a rosefinch, the master of Jinxian level 4 can be comparable to the ordinary Jinxian level 5 or even level 6. With him leading the team, he can be sure of nothing.

Tang Huang said, "the array and prohibition are weakening. Look at this, it will be fine soon."

Tang Jinyu was puzzled and said, "in order to avoid long dreams at night, why don\'t we try our best?"

Tang Huang said with a smile, "the Jade Emperor is a cruel man. It\'s not so easy to get what he left. If he breaks it by force, it\'s easy to be hurt by the means he left. Even me is in danger of being hurt. If I\'m hurt, how can I compete for the Jade Emperor fairy house?"

A fierce look flashed in Tang Jinyu\'s eyes: "does anyone dare to rob us?"

As soon as his voice fell, two young people in black came to the horizon in the distance. Their faces were very young. One had a sunny smile on his face, while the other had a calm face, but a fierce look flashed from time to time.

Tang Jinyu looked at them, and a strong sense of killing immediately appeared in her eyes. She said in a fierce voice, "it\'s from Qingtian sword sect. Vertical son is looking for death."

"Who is it?" when the disciples of Yuhe gate around the immortal mansion found the stranger, they immediately rushed out more than 30 people to cross examine.

Walking ahead, the young man with a sunny smile said with a smile: "I\'m Yunyi. My guild leader calculated that I have a fate with the Jade Emperor, so he asked me to collect it and refine it into an external incarnation. Please make it convenient."

"Hiss!" the people of Yuhe gate took a breath. Now Qingtian sword sect has a great reputation. Yunyi is famous in the northern battlefield. Yuhe gate is a big sect. Naturally, I have heard of Yunyi\'s reputation.

Behind Yunyi, a man spit out a few words and said, "Qingtian sword sect, Xiao Qiang."

Xiao Qiang\'s reputation changed the faces of the people in Yuhe gate. Yunyi was famous for his strength, but Xiao Qiang was famous for killing people. There were too many evil sect masters who died in his hands. Many evil sect demons who were famous in the north were killed by Xiao Qiang with a sword. This is the reputation achieved by countless white bones.

The way of destruction is to leave no room.

Several people are just ordinary disciples, and the strongest is Tianxian level 1. How can we stop these two people?

The leading immortal master resisted the fear of numbness on his scalp and bowed his hands and said, "two elders, this is the people of Yuhe gate who are refining magic weapons. There is no Jade Emperor seal. I hope you two will leave."

Yunyi said with a smile, "this fairy palace is obviously an ownerless thing, but you say it belongs to Yuhe gate. I\'m really easy to cheat." although he smiled and talked, Yunyi\'s murderous spirit began to show, making the disciples of Yuhe gate retreat subconsciously.

The immortal master held back his fear and said, "even if there is a fairy palace, this is also the territory of my Yuhe gate. Please look at my Yuhe gate for convenience."

Behind Yunyi, Xiao Qiang\'s evil spirit immediately filled the air and shouted in a low voice, "retreat or die."

Yunyi smiled and said, "it\'s not difficult for me to report to the top of your sect. You can\'t stop me from coming."

While talking, Yunyi walked towards the front, and Xiao Qiang followed him silently. A deep look swept through his eyes, which made almost all the disciples of Yuhe gate risk the souls of the dead.

Across a fairy mansion, Yunyi looked at the rosefinch family in the distance and said with a smile: "the leader is right. The biggest obstacle in our business is indeed the rosefinch family, Tang Jinyu. I\'m safe."

Tang Jinyu sneered: "if Yue Tianyu is here, we can pay more attention. If you are just two small minions, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to leave yourself."

The light from the Jade Emperor immortal\'s house slowly converged, and the array around suddenly sounded a "crackling" sound, which was broken layer by layer.

After the devastation of the long river of history, the originally arranged power finally came to an end and collapsed at this moment.