God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1851

Along with Xiao Qiang, there was a sense of destruction that filled the whole world.

The breath of destruction is shapeless. There is no bright light of the five elements Road, even invisible and untouchable. Such a road is rare in the whole history of the three circles.

However, with the coming of the breath of destruction, everyone feels an extremely terrible breath enveloping around him, which makes people\'s heart produce a strong fear, which is the power to destroy everything.

Xiao Qiang didn\'t fight like Yun Yi, but only tentatively. He did his best. Feeling the way of destruction, his killing heart is obviously heavier than Yunyi.

Tang Huang snorted coldly. Although the breath of destruction was invisible, it was still captured by his divine consciousness. Otherwise, the way of destruction would not be invincible.

A flame sprang up in his fist, and then a hard blow blew forward.

A flame swept across the sky like a meteorite, and all the destructive power was burned wherever it passed.

The flame broke the sky and hit Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang felt the suffocating heat wave coming from afar.

Xiao Qiang\'s face remained unchanged, and Zhu Xianjian moved forward bravely. Then one sword rushed towards the huge fire group. The fire group was like a small sun. Xiao Qiang\'s one sword was no different from ants in front of the fire group.

The immortal killing sword exudes the breath of destroying everything. Its momentum is not reduced. The light of the sword makes the sky collapse.

When the long sword was stabbed away, the flame in the stabbed went out silently. With Xiao Qiang\'s advance, the flame pouring into his body sank quickly, like a big cake, and was bitten off a gap. Then the gap became larger, and the circular flame became semi-circular, and then became Yuemei, and then dissipated silently.

Xiao Qiang kept moving forward without slowing down.

Tang Huang\'s face changed slightly. Unexpectedly, the other party broke his mana so easily.

Looking at the flying figure, Tang Huang snorted coldly, "it\'s just relying on the benefit of the fairy sword." from beginning to end, he won\'t admit the strength of the other party.

A feather appeared in Tang Huang\'s hand. It was the same feather that Tang Jinyu brought into the dragon\'s gate. The rosefinch family once used this magic weapon to stop the pursuit of Qingtian sword sect and escape. This is a top-grade golden fairy weapon.

Although he still despised Xiao Qiang\'s strength, Tang Huang felt a threat of death under the threat of killing immortal sword, and had to sacrifice such a treasure.

The power of destruction and the rosefinch flame hit together in an instant between heaven and earth.

Tang Jinyu shouted, "accept the Jade Emperor\'s Fairy house."

Tang Jinyu and others below also started in an instant and used their magic power to cover the Jade Emperor\'s Fairy house.

Yunyi also moved at the same time. The fairy sword behind him cut out a semicircular sword Qi again. The sword Qi broke through the void and cut off all the mana.

Lin Aofeng roared, "little Qingtian sword sect dare to be so rampant. You can\'t go today. You can\'t challenge the forces in our forest world. It\'s time for you to come out."

With Lin Aofeng\'s loud drink, Wandao\'s figure suddenly rose in the surrounding mountains. A leader level figure can never be a bare pole commander. At this moment, the sword light is crisscross between heaven and earth, interwoven into a huge sword net.

Immediately, a voice sounded between heaven and earth: "Yuhe gate, Li Yuhe is here, who dares to be presumptuous."

Yunyi hears the speech and looks at it. There is a middle-aged Taoist with immortality in heaven and earth. The Taoist is wearing black clothes and shoes. His clothes are floating, as if he is going to take advantage of the wind. He has the transcendent temperament of an expert.

The Yuhe sect is among the top 50 in the next level sect, and its influence is no smaller than that of Wushi sect.

Li Yuhe, the leader of the Yuhe sect, came with a strong sense of oppression as soon as he appeared, and the unique smell of Jinxian level masters spread out.

In addition to him, there are four masters with golden immortal breath standing around him, looking down on Yunyi.

In addition to the influence of yuhemen, there are three other golden immortal masters, who seem to be Lin Aofeng\'s men.

In addition, there are many immortal masters, with more than 100. The rest are the same earth immortals. It\'s good for two forces of this level to have so many immortals. After all, ordinary house masters are just earth immortals. The status of heaven immortals in the fairy world has been very high.

Lin Ao snorted coldly and continued to show his hand towards the Jade Emperor\'s Fairy house.

Yun Yi snorted coldly, "do you rely on many people?"

Lin Aofeng said with a smile, "our forces are comparable to your little Qing Tianjian faction." while talking, his big hand has grabbed the Jade Emperor fairy house.

The broken dome sword flashed a long rainbow through the sky and shot at the red big hand.

"Cloud is easy to die." people of the rosefinch family took the lead. Tang Jinyu hanged Yunyi with a fairy sword offering gold artifacts in the direction of Yunyi in an attempt to hold Yunyi. As long as he delays for a moment, Lin Aofeng will have enough time to obtain the Jade Emperor fairy house. If the Jade Emperor fairy house falls into Lin Aofeng\'s hands, it is equivalent to falling into the hands of the rosefinch family.

Yun Yi changes color slightly. Although he has strong combat power, he may not be able to break through layers of obstacles.

Lin Aofeng sneered: "ha ha, I see how you hop. When I accept the Jade Emperor fairy house, you will die."

The killing intention surged in Yunyi\'s eyes, and Leng hummed, "if you dare to block my chance, it\'s like a great enemy of life and death, then die." the light of the broken dome sword was unprecedented. One sword split it and turned into a sword light in the sky.

Li Yuhe said coldly, "we also made a move to sacrifice the rosefinch array."

Lin Ao shouted coldly, "all the people in the forest world help the rosefinch array."

The rosefinch array is a first-class array. With the materials provided by the rosefinch family, the power of the rosefinch array has become unprecedented.

This is one of the means of the rosefinch family. They use the power of the forest boundary and yuhemen to display their proud array.

The beast array is also famous in the three realms.

A flaming rosefinch condenses between heaven and earth, which is transformed by pure power and emits the terrible smell of burning everything. As he spreads his wings and flies, the space seems to be burned down one by one, leaving pieces of red everywhere he passes.

The broken dome sword shot at the top of Yunyi\'s head, and golden lights stabbed out on the broken dome sword. Yunyi performed the sword formula and shouted, "sword skill, golden emperor\'s broken sky sword!"

Jinxian swordsmanship broke out completely at this moment, which made many people change their colors.

The light emitted by the broken dome sword condenses into lightsabers and shoots forward. The lightsabers are all over the void and wreak havoc on the world. The sword light passes through layers of void like dense bullets and destroys everything in front.

The burning space, with the rosefinch fire shadow burning out all the breath, became riddled with holes in an instant under the shooting of the golden beam. The big hand transformed by Lin Aofeng also did not escape the shooting range of the golden beam and slowly crushed under the beam.

In the distance, Tang Jinyu sneered: "it\'s a terrible sword, but how much power do you have after you use it."