God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1848

Lingxu City, emperor palace.

With the disappearance of the Yan Emperor, the influence of the yuan family in the South has greatly decreased. Even the rosefinch family under their command has some uneasiness. In addition, without the deterrence of the Yan Emperor, the yuan family has no confidence to speak in the face of the rosefinch family whose ancestors still exist.

Some things can only be watched by the rosefinch family, and the people in the imperial palace can only be regarded as not seeing them.

Of course, after Emperor Yan disappeared, there were still many experts under his command. The famous Sancai immortal was still healing in isolation. There was the deterrence of many experts, and the old rosefinch didn\'t dare to make too big moves.

Each other, maintain a relatively balanced tacit understanding, but everyone is watching. If the old rosefinch\'s injury recovers, the balance will naturally be broken.

In the Imperial Palace, an ancestor of the yuan family held a jade slip and whispered, "we have found the fairy palace of the Jade Emperor within the influence of the Yan Emperor. Since it is within our influence, it should be in my hands. Now the forest world and the Yuhe gate have joined hands to block the news. What do you think, Jiang Yuan?"

Jiang Yuan sat below, cross legged on the futon, slightly closed his eyes and didn\'t stand out. But after all, he was a figure who inherited the Heart Sutra of Emperor Yan. He once said that he had created a skill beyond the true fire of the sun. He was so arrogant that after he was promoted to Jinxian in the Dragon Court, he was immediately valued by all the members of the yuan family and cultivated as the top beam and pillar in the future.

Inheriting the existence of Yan Emperor\'s Heart Sutra, even in the emperor\'s palace, there are few such characters in every force. They are cultivated as the core. Moreover, Jiang Yuan\'s talent is rare in history.

Jiang Yuan below looked very calm and said faintly: "The Jade Emperor\'s is a famous figure in ancient times. The Jade Emperor seal is his magic weapon to become famous. In addition to the Jade Emperor seal, the Jade Emperor fairy house is also a famous magic weapon. Moreover, the jade emperor has been in the fairy world for many years, and there must be a few other treasures collected. Since such a relic was born, it must attract the attention of various forces. Since we can get the news, then The rosefinch family must have received the news. "

The ancestor of the yuan family said, "if the rosefinch family goes out, our fight with them will be put on the table. Unless there are big forces who take the opportunity to infiltrate people, the Feng family must also get the news."

In front of Jiang Yuan, a middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "the rosefinch family is really an unfamiliar white eyed wolf. When Emperor Yan was there, he was respectful, but he didn\'t think that after Emperor Yan left, he dared to rebel secretly."

This man is an expert of the yuan family. His words are very weighty, which is equivalent to saying the voice of everyone in the yuan family.

Another man said: "the rosefinch family is rebellious. We can also press it. The most hateful thing is that they collude with the demon world. This crime is beyond punishment."

After that, there was a silence in the hall. Everyone could see such a problem, but there was nothing to do.

After a while, there was a humanitarian: "Lao Zu, did Zhu Rong\'s injury stabilize?"

Zhu Rong is a great general under the command of Emperor Yan and has practiced the Heart Sutra of Emperor Yan. He is the first expert under the command of Emperor Yan. If he is at the peak, he can not say that his ability can crush the rosefinch family, but at least he can make the rosefinch dare not tear his face.

The ancestor of the yuan family shook his head: "the injury is too serious and has been deteriorating. If he hadn\'t taken the pill left by Emperor Yan, he might have fallen."

Speaking of Emperor Yan, a trace of helplessness flashed in everyone\'s eyes.

Emperor Yan tasted all the herbs in the three realms, recorded all the medicinal properties of spiritual herbs, and created the alchemy of the whole three realms. There were countless living people, but he didn\'t save himself in the end. Now he doesn\'t know whether he is dead or alive. If he wasn\'t seriously injured, he shouldn\'t have no news. It may have fallen.

Among the five emperors, the most respected are the Yellow Emperor, the Yan Emperor and the Qing emperor. The Yellow Emperor led the human race to open up the territory for survival. The Yan Emperor created countless alchemy for living people, and the Qing emperor created all kinds of large arrays, allowing the weak human race to break out more powerful forces with the large array.

However, this time, the three heavenly emperors also suffered the most.

There are many experts under the command of Emperor Yan. In addition to Zhu Rong, there are also Sancai immortals, including outstanding descendants of the yuan family and the great general of Emperor Yan, an ancient follower. Unfortunately, with this evil god war, death and injury, lingxu city will no longer regain its original prestige.

Someone in the yuan family said, "even if other forces know the news, the road will not be so smooth. After all, this is the territory we have operated with rosefinch for countless years, and the light transmission array may be limited."

The ancestor of the yuan family said, "just after the news came, the transmission array in the forest world has been closed. Moreover, several areas controlled by the rosefinch have also closed their contact with the outside world. If other forces want to enter that area, they may be late. Finally, we have to compete with the rosefinch family." while talking, the ancestor of the yuan family flashed a cold light in his eyes and said in a deep voice, "The Jade Emperor seal is too big to let the rosefinch family get it, even if there is a positive conflict."

He is the son of Emperor Yan, one of the only surviving descendants of Emperor Yan, and the only one who has not been injured. After following Emperor Yan for many years, he naturally has killing intention and pride in his heart.

Jiang Yuan said, "we may have forgotten another force. If they know the Jade Emperor fairy house, they may be on the way. Moreover, they have the power to contain the rosefinch family."

Everyone frowned, humane: "Are you talking about Taihua mountain? After the red sperm was injured, Taihua mountain has been closed, and immortal Taiyi may have died because he was too seriously injured. The other Shenshan disciples are strong, but with the face of Zhuque\'s ancestor, I\'m afraid no one dares to compete with them. After all, the Shenshan lost too much this time. The power of truth is still not as strong as the Zhuque family."

Jiang Yuan said faintly, "the force I\'m talking about is neither Taihua mountain nor Qianyuan mountain. It\'s nameless fairy mountain."

Someone said in a deep voice: "unknown fairy mountain? Yue Tianyu? He is just a shaft under the protection of the emperor of heaven. How dare he compete with the rosefinch?"

Jiang Yuan smiled: "All the people who belittled Yue Tianyu were crushed. Who could have predicted that he would win the favor of the emperor of heaven, who could have predicted that he would give the nameless fairy mountain, but who could have predicted that he would hold the nameless fairy mountain, and who could have predicted that he would be the first in the trial in the Dragon Court, and rightly won the mountain and river country map. Before his death, the demon emperor did not pass the mountain and river country map to anyone in the demon world, but to everyone in the demon world He, his old man\'s art of calculating the secret of heaven is only second to the green emperor. "

A series of rhetorical questions made everyone speechless.

"Yes, these are miracles. I despised him before, but I was still shocked by him again and again. He is the pride of the times."

Lao Zu stared at Jiang Yuan and said, "how about sending you to seize the Jade Emperor\'s Fairy house this time?"

(little friends, read along with the little tree. The new book is called: the ancient crazy emperor.)